

Joe makes things with cardboard  when she was a child. Later, Joe grows up and she divorces. She has two young children. She works as an airline ticket clerk. She lives with her mother and theirs two children in a small house. Terry, her mother, spends all the time watching soap operas. Her father, Rudy who is separated from her mother, wants to live in her house because his patner, Sharon, had throwed him out.

Moreover, she will share the basement of the house with Hoy's ex-husband, Toni, who is an amateur singer.

Her father has a garage business co-run by her half-sister. Rudy is finding a new partner by a dating agency. Finally, he meets a rich Italian widow called Trudy.

The grandmother of Joy, Mimi, who also lives in the house, believes that Joy will be a success in life.

Later, Trudy invites all Joy's family onto her private yacht for a party. The guests spill red wine on the deck. While Joy wrings out the mop that she has used to clean up the mess, Joy cuts her hands.

She came up with an idea about an innovate mop. She is an entrepreneur.
She works on her mop idea with her daughter and she asks Trudy to invest in that idea. She wants to earn a living with her dream.
A patent search reveals that another businessman has had a similar idea to Joy's idea, so she will have to pay royalties.

Joe tries to sell her mop to local shops but to no avail . She is on the verge of losing the opportunity to became a businesswoman making something that improve the life of the people. So that hit her hard.

Finally, her ex-husband think about an alternative as he have a contact in the home shopping channel QVC. Maybe some people would think he was under a spell or he was crazy. But this contact tries to get Joy a chance to show her mop to the channel's executives and in the end, she sells some mops in this channel. Is the beginning of her success.

It's amazing what can happen if you believe in your dreams and act upon them.

She put her product on the market and the women loved it. She tried to make the woman community a little bit better. That's when the journey began.

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