E05. Woman Trinity Church (Idea About New Atheistic Religion, the PAW Cult) -- Copy Me Please -- in English

Ivancho Jotata

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This is my latest idea about one, preferably atheistic, Church, that can be called WoTri (i.e. of Woman Trinity) Church, or PAW Cult, because there are worshiped three deities, Putna, Afro, and Wimei, and in triangular churches, in three different altars, but in one church.



===>*_WOMAN TRINITY CHURCH (Idea About New Atheistic Religion, the PAW Cult)_*

==>*_By Ivancho Jotata, known also as Ochnavi Atatoj, Ivan Bugarow, Jotabash Giaurgi, Nostradamus Buladamus, and other cloning names_*


-->*_-_Abstract_-_*: This is my latest idea about one, preferably atheistic, Church, that can be called WoTri (i.e. of Woman Trinity) Church, or PAW Cult, because there are worshiped three deities, Putna, Afro, and Wimei, and in triangular churches, in three different altars, but in one church. I find all this pretty original and having in mind my advanced age I publish the idea without invention of religious fables, but only as deep theosophical thoughts and ideas about the phenomenon of feminine human being.


-->[ The -_idea for illustration_- is in placing of one picture in a frame under the title and the author, which has to be square and probably 450 x 450 pixels (because I use usually 525 x 725 for the cover and then multiply by 3, when necessary). The picture can be an ink sketch or painted in colours and shows one building of this triangular Woman Trinity Church, surrounded by some trees and parking lot, where the look is from above, and are seen the three cupolas near the angles of the triangle and the three babies in the center looking at the angles (this is described in the paper), and around them are written as with paving stones the corresponding names: Putna, Afro, and Wimei. This is all, and the same picture is used for the variants in all languages. ]




-->0. Introduction

-->1. Temples

-->2. Putna

-->3. Afro

-->4. Wimei

-->5. Conclusion


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==>*_0. Introduction_*


-->This has to be not big material, and the idea is very young for me, but it seems so philosophically profound in my opinion that I just can't wait more before its publication. And why should I invent religious fables now? For one thing I have invented a pair of religions under my traditional pseudonym (have even begun my activity as writer with one atheistic religion), but for another thing I don't intend to become now preacher, I have many other things to do in my remaining years. So that this religion can be taken simply as interesting idea for a temple, for a place where can be listened different music (because this is basically my idea for practicing of this religion) and for finding of time to meditate and give thoughts at the phenomenon of woman being, which deserves this. This is why I say that this is atheistic religion, i.e. believing without naive picturing of some divine being, and also theosophy, what in my basically etymological view to the matters means simply theo + sophia, i.e. god + wisdom. But, on the other hand, this is what we need nowadays, some such believing that is based not on fables, but on thinking about the /_spirit_/ of everything -- because god may exist or not, but everything has its spirit, its basic laws of functioning, its organizational principles.

-->So, and let me first focus your attention at the fact that this is Trinity, like with the Sanskrit gods, i.e. this is something /_more_/ than a dialectics, which has two "lactics", what is elastic thing, 'lastik' in Bulgarian! And do not remind me, please, that there is Trinity in Christian religion, too, because there, as everywhere by the Christianity, exist only some /_imitation_/ of ideas from the East, the Christian God is one "person" who has 3 faces, these are not 3 different gods, how it is in the Buddhism. Even the very Buddha is not a god but enlightened person -- like myself, I'll tell you --, more or less so like the prophet Mohammed is not a god but just wise person who tries to direct the attention of the masses to the invisible /_Spirit_/ of the Universe. If by this you will come to the conclusion that I am not big defender of Christianity, then you are right, I am convinced that the Christianity has arisen on the East and was /_spoiled_/ by the West, like also the Ancient Greek civilization has played /_not_/ exactly positive role for Europe and the West, it has rather /_stopped_/ the influx of the East (of Persians and Arabs) to the West (passing something, naturally, but not much), and then, as unavoidable consequence, that the whole Western civilization is not so wise as it presents itself (and this is why it decays in the present days, about what I have spoken elsewhere). I tell you this in the beginning not because it is so directly related with my new PAW cult, but not to hide from you my beliefs, so that, if some of you don't like this, to be able to leave the material to be and exit from it.

-->So now to the Woman Trinity. I state simply that in /_every_/ woman live 3 beings, deities, who will be later explained more detailed, and when the one of them will take the ruling is not so easy to say; they depend somehow on the age of the woman but not only. And this mixture of 3 souls is what makes the woman so unpredictable or changeable (/_mobile_/, how it is put in the known phrase: /_la donna e mobile_/), where there is nothing of the kind with the man, he may be silly or clever, but he is always more or less the same -- a player, who wants to experiment, to try this and that (what could be later passed in the posterity). While the woman may be seducer, may be preserver (of the genes), or may be even philosopher in her own, mostly intuitive, but more practical than the man, way; she may not look better than the man -- these are fables invented by the /_men_/, that she is the more beautiful being, she /_may_/ be this for about 10, maximum 20, years, while the man is such his whole life --, but she is the most /_necessary_/ being, and due to this can and /_has_/ to be deified (what I, if fact, am also doing).

-->OK, let me now proceed with the WoTri temples, because they are not like by other religions -- nothing by me is traditional (and this is the chief reason why Bulgarian authorities pay absolutely no attention to me, by the way).


==>*_1. Temples_*


-->The temples of this new religion are triangular, this is why I insist on the syllable 'tri' in the name. Why should they be such, when there are built no triangular buildings, is right to ask the reader. And I will answer with a contra-question: and why not? You see, these are not buildings to live in them, triangular rooms will not be pretty comfortable to have if they are small, but if this is a temple, which is supposed to be a big building, then there is nothing unsuitable in this. The only moment on which is worth to stress here is the /_very_/ angle -- here of 60 degrees -- but there, quite naturally, can be made some rounding, on about half to one meter distance, so that it will be a kind of alcove, how it often is done in the churches. The 3 altars will be exactly at the angles, taking about 1/3 of the side of the triangle, where in the middle of the side will be the entrance, i.e. 3 such entrances. I have thought about, but can't see any solid reason for making one of the angles smaller, or bigger; the three deities may not be all equally well desired, this is so, and also may not take equal amount of years in the life of the woman, but this does not mean that one of the goddesses is more important than the other, so that to make the angles-altars with different dimensions would have been improper.

-->But there is one important moment with all temples, this is their roof, that has to be seen from wide away. Here I have some doubts, but there are also exactly fixed things. I doubt about the height and the central part of them, but I have no doubts about the parts around the vertices, there the roof has to be in form of the most important characteristic of the woman! Did you get me? But surely I mean the breasts, full, well rounded, what means semispherical, and with nice teats in the middle -- what, in fact, is not much different from all church roofs, there are nearly always some cupolas on them with similar form. The churches have cupolas and are quite often circular or have many rounded, spherical elements, because the circle is the "king's" figure (there all points are on equal distance from the center, where the King is supposed to preside). But the breasts are really the core (decent) feminine element, and it is present even in the image of the … /_number three_/ -- according to me --, because it just can mean nothing else! And the breasts symbolize the number three for the simple reason that they hint not about a pair, but about a triple, they are necessary for the child (or were from times immemorial). So that you see, that the triangle here becomes directly related with the circle, with this proposition I as if make, hmm, a /_triangulature_/ (usually called triangulation, what isn't exactly the same) /_of the circle_/. In short, my proposition is to build not really high WoTri temples, about 2-3 storeys is enough, where over the parts near to the vertices have to be raised breast-formed cupolas, gold or gilded, then near to the center can be placed another 3 similar cupolas (but better a bit lower, they are not over the altars), and in the very center has to be some raised triangular (or circular) platform where are sculptured 3 … babies, who look at the vertices, with their backs one to the others, also gilded, and over their heads, maybe, some crown or aureole, or rotating 3 yellow lights, how the architect designs the building.

-->To the question why the deities are so named I will come in the concrete subsections, but now I will explain how the very temple has to be positioned -- because you know that there usually exist rules about this. I have come to the conclusion that, in harmony with the names, the altar of Wimei has to be positioned exactly on the West, naturally; you will see later that the decline of the Sun coincides generally with the decline of woman's life. And now, in order to describe better how the other altars will be positioned, you have to have before your mind eyes an usual clock-face with 12 hours, which is oriented with 0 /12 o'clock to the East, hence the West is at 6 o'clock. In this case the altar of Putna will be at 10 o'clock, and that of Afro at 2 o'clock. Then the entrance for the altar is supposed to be placed so that entering to turn always to the right, i.e.: against 12 o'clock will be the entrance for Putna, against 4 -- that for Afro, and against 8 -- for Wimei. But this entering is conditionally, because in the middle the space will not be divided, there is no necessity for this, and it is not done so in the churches; in the middle have to be some /_triangular_/ (this is somehow logical) small chairs without backs, and enough place around the altars and entrances, so that the chairs will form one internal triangle parallel with the building.

-->More than this, the services at the altars have to be divided during the day, and I have come to the natural solution to divide the day and night in 4 part, 0 – 6 – 12 – 18 – 24, and just to exclude the part in the night between 0 /24 and 6 o'clock. Then the altar of Putna will be object of honour from 6 to 12 o'clock (and the altar is positioned at 10), that of Afro will be active from 12 to 6 p.m. (and the altar is at 2 p.m.), and Wimei will be praised from 6 to 12 p.m. (and the altar is exactly at 6 o'clock). This is pretty suitable, it remains only to say with what kind of music, and also in what … colours. The music for Putna will be pop and jazz, enlivening morning music, very suitable; that for Afro will be folk, what is also not bad for the afternoon and the working part of the day, it is also live and mobilizing but as if more for the whole population; and for Wimei remains the classical music as the most suitable evening music. But as an afterthought to me came the idea -- although this depends on the authorities of the temple, of course -- to alternate 1 hour music with 1 hour silence (with possible videos) for meditation, and then it can be accepted the music to be, say, from 30 minutes of an even hour to the same of the next hour, I think this is the best choice.

-->Ah, and the colours, although this is not pretty clear in the moment why has to be exactly so, you will see the reasons later, have to be … red, green, blue! An altar in red colours, in the morning, is easy to imagine, such in green ones in the afternoon is also understandable (though there /_might_/ have been other choice, but folk music is somehow related with green fields), and for the evening and night the blue colour is simply the best. Also don't forget that in this way are given /_all_/ the colours, this is a palette, a plane (2-D object), so that one can interpret, if one wants, each colour as mixture of these colours, hence, the character of each women can be related with some colour, this can be not bad insinuation (or self-delusion, how you take it)!


==>*_2. Putna_*


-->Ah, well, the name Putna I designed simply from the known Latin /_puttana_/, or French /_putain_/, or Bulgarian 'putka', etc. (in Sardinian dialect it was called /_buttana_/, and in German exists the word /_Putte_/ as Amour-child), what -- because you don't know this, it is entirely my guess -- leads us to Sanskrit … demoness Putana (read 'puhtanah') who was killed by god Krishna, for amoral behaviour (what I invent a bit, but this is very probable, and it makes, as you like to say, the long story short). In every woman lives the seducer Puttana, this is known, but the point is that it has to be also so, so has made her the very God, this is unavoidable (the whole subtlety is in the proportion with the other deities in her). Because it is natural (yet not strictly necessary) that the woman governed by Putna is young, and not given till the moment birth to children, her breasts have to be pictured -- this is the main symbol at the altar -- as a bit raised up, like a snub nose, not yet rounded. And you see that the red tonality is quite suitable for this altar, as also pop music, jazz, something furious.

-->Now, I don't suppose that here have to be pictured porno scenes, this a church, after all, but there can be various abstract pictures, veils, flowers (red as a rule), fruits, everything the artist finds suitable. It is good, though, if on the very entrance (on 12 o'clock, as I explained) are some curtains where these raised and elegant breasts are pictured. Well, I don't know what else to explain here, maybe there can be some fragrant aromas meant as sexy, maybe the triangular chairs near to the altar have to be red, but all these are details. The hours of activity of the altar are, as said, from 6 to 12 o'clock. Ah, in this church is not supposed to burn candles, but can be some box for donations, as well also with equipment for paying with bank cards. But such temples have to become places for meeting of people, even for appointments, for some meditation, as I hinted. Because this is the purpose of it to find some time to put oneself in the middle of Creation, to think about the others, what you have done yesterday or the other day about the others. Everybody can come here and sit and think for some minutes, and be rewarded with some music, yet not loud. And the point that this is not some terrible and punishing deity has to contribute for the quiet character of these meditations, be they done by women or men or children.


==>*_3. Afro_*


-->The Afro goddess has to be associated with the giving of birth and procreation, if not for other reasons then because in Africa is hot and in old geological times (in glacial period) there have arisen some primeval men. I personally have related this name with German /_Affe_/, what means … monkey, what is quite probable because we look similar with them, this is a fact. But here, obviously, is Greek Goddess Aphrodite, who may have some seducing function in their mythology but for us Afro is the spirit only of procreation, giving of birth. Her breasts, by this circumstances, have to be full and round, and have to be pictured on the entrance (at 4 p.m.). In this situation is also clear why here has to be listened folk music, because a nation is already a big procreation. The afternoon hours are also appropriate for folk music; the only thing that seems not very suitable is the green colour, but everything is a matter of habits, and this RGB gamut is a necessity. But you can always see in your mind eyes some green fields, where everything procreates. (Yet I have come to some additional associations also with the … ending vowel of the names, where 'a' is the most opened and exhilarating vowel, it is suitable for Putna; then 'o' is more civilized and this is an orifice, this may as well represent the womb; and the next Wimei ends on 'i' what is a … weeping vowel, and you'll see, that this also fits.)


==>*_4. Wimei_*


-->Here one can insist to write Wime/_y_/ in English, but allow me to disagree with you because I propose world-wide Church, and the English "y" has pretty "extravagant" use, this is not so in the other Western languages. So Wimei is an evening goddess, also in the sense of evening of woman's age. Yet, as I said, the age is not obligatory parameter, the point is /_philosophical_/, the idea is that in each woman lives some /_wise_/ being, wiser in some aspects than the man, because her wisdom is more natural, it is that of the very God, it is something required by the very life! While the man is a player or hunter, he experiments, he wants to find something new, the women tries to do her duty, to preserve the live and to do this, what the nature has set as necessary, she tries not to change but to /_adapt_/ to the life. These are different aspects, but they happened to be required and they have motivated the necessity of both sexes (be they, and also everything, created by some god, or as consequence of some attributes of the matter). Put in another way, the women are /_hindered_/ by the sex, and this on purpose, to become cleverer than the men, but before and after the age of sex they are and become also pretty clever, they have intuition, which in many cases is more important than the ability to reason (how the animals obey some instincts).

-->But the wisdom of woman is a bit, or even more than a bit, mournful, it requires of her to reject her main duty, it presupposes that her breasts become sagging or drooping (or that she has even not well formed breasts), and because of this at the altar (at 6 o'clock) and at the entrance (at 8 p.m.) has to be pictured such flabby ones. And you see that the blue colour is very suitable here, the hour, the serious, classical music, too, and even the very name is as if weeping, and here the root is also old, present on the East and on the West, but people don't recognize it. I mean, the following words: your woman, also wife, German /_weich_/ ('vaih') as soft, Latin /_femina_/, Slavonic 'vime' (say, Polish /_wymie_/) as … udder, Latin /_vacuum_/, Spanish and Italian /_vacca_/ as a cow, and even some /_wahinee_/ from … Haiti island meaning again wife. So that this name is simply brilliant, and positioned on the Sun down, on the West.


==>*_5. Conclusion_*


-->OK, I have done my duty, have made another social proposition, of one more (for me, but here just of one) atheist religion, dedicated entirely and only to the women, to the three different spirits that are present in them and make them to function in pretty unpredictable manner. I have described also the temples of this WoTri religion, the worshiping (where I don't think necessary to use quotes for the last word, meditation or just quiet sitting and thinking or listening to the music is already a kind of religion), have introduced one revolutionary form of temples, have related the triangle with the circle, have told you some interesting relations between different words in many languages, and have even preached a bit of morality. I don't see why such temples should not begin to arise here and there; my only shortcoming is that I can't invent /_im_/probable stories, I invent only quite probable ones! That's it. As you like it.


-->May, 2018


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