E02. Hello-Mellow++ (Presentation Of Jotata) -- Copy Me Please -- in English
Ivancho Jotata
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Well, I am nobody! I mean that this name in Bulgarian is used for one of the people, whoever, John Doe maybe, yet this time I am an ancestral intellectual, with 2.5 tertiary educations in the exact sciences, received in 3 different countries, having worked in several scientific Institutes, including Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia University “Kliment Ohridski, and others, but all this in totalitarian times, till 1990. With the coming of Bulgarian democracy I have remained permanently unemployed, and so for more than 25 years, until I at last went to pension. And then and there exactly lies the core reason for my emerging as writer under this pseudonym, because there are a heap of things to say to my people but our authorities, and ALL of them, mark this, the Parliament, Presidency, leading parties, leading newspapers and TVs, and even some churches (because of the social problems that I raise) did not bother even to answer me and preferred simply to silence me.
Yeah, but not me. Because I have behind me about 25 or so years as popularizer and thinker, have written about 20 books and booklets, and this in three languages, on various demo-critical (as I say) topics, with a bunch (maybe a hundred) of proposition in various fields, with significant (I would say) contribution to the field of linguistics, with several thousand poetic lines also in 3 languages, and with a heap of time to fill. Just that I don’t want to reveal my usual pseudonym, and because of this don’t intend to publish many things under this name, yet a pair of materials more are not excluded. And surely that the more my own people silence me, the more actively I will try to spread my works in the world.
Ah, enough for the moment, right? If somebody of you wants more, then let him /her search for me in the Internet. I express some ideas that are better developed under my usual pseudonym so that it is not impossible to find somebody from Bulgaria, with so much tertiary diplomas, spitting (justifiedly) at democracy and with fresh (I would say) linguistic ideas and propositions. But this if you are, occasionally, from the thinking part (say, 5-6 %) of the people, else, if you want just to be lulled with some fables, then better run away from me, OK?
This is in a special universal format very suitable for copying but not good for reading on the site; so that if you want just to read then search ...
This is in a special universal format very suitable for copying but not good for reading on the site; so that if you want just to read then search ...
This is in a special universal format very suitable for copying but not good for reading on the site; so that if you want just to read then search ...
This is in a special universal format very suitable for copying but not good for reading on the site; so that if you want just to read then search ...
This is in a special universal format very suitable for copying but not good for reading on the site; so that if you want just to read then search ...
This is political pamphlet destined for Bulgarians but written in English, yet the only national moments here are the names. This is also demolishi...
This is book of poetry, only with acrostics and the same vertical text BULGARIA, yet in 4 lang-es. Eng, Ger, Rus, Bul! Plus this, because of the 1s...
Bulgarian. Here are described petty quarrels about trifles in a little neighbourhood (entrance of big building) in Bulgaria, which are indicative a...
In Russian.Here are described petty quarrels about trifles in a little neighbourhood (entrance of big building) in Bulgaria, which are indicative a...
In German. Here are described petty quarrels about trifles in a little neighbourhood (entrance of big building) in Bulgaria, which are indicative a...
English. Here are described petty quarrels about trifles in a little neighbourhood (entrance of big building) in Bulgaria, which are indicative abo...
In Bulgarian.Here are described petty quarrels about trifles in little neighbourhood (entrance of big building) in Bulgaria, which are indicative a...
In Russian.Here are described petty quarrels about trifles in a little neighbourhood (entrance of big building) in Bulgaria, which are indicative a...
In German. Here are described petty quarrels about trifles in a little neighbourhood (entrance of big building) in Bulgaria, which are indicative a...
In English.Here are described petty quarrels about trifles in a little neighbourhood (entrance of big building) in Bulgaria, which are indicative a...
Here is made comparison of more than a dozen contemporary languages, incl. Roman, Teutonic, and Slavonic, in which I have translated my paper about...
In Bulgarian. Тук аз давам в хумористична форма разяснения за това, защо аз не харесвам демокрацията, какво ù липсва за да бъде тя достатъчно добра...
In Serbian. Овде дајем у духовитој форми објашњење зашто ја не волим демократију, шта јој недостаје да би била довољно добра за интелигентне људе. ...
In Slovak. Tu vtipnou formou ja podávam vysvetlenie, prečo nemám rada demokraciu, čo jej chýba, aby bola dosť dobrá pre inteligentných ľudí.
In Czech. Zde vtipně podám vysvětlení, proč nemám rád demokracii, co jí chybí, aby byla dost dobrá pro inteligentní lidi. Protože to vypadá dobře z...
In Polish. Tutaj w żartobliwej formie ja wyjaśniam, dlaczego ja nie lubię demokracji, czego jej brakuje, aby była wystarczająco dobra dla inteligen...
In Ukrainian. Тут я даю в гумористичній формі роз'яснення про те, чому мені не подобається демократія, чого їй не вистачає, щоб бути досить хорошою...
In Esperanto. Mi donas ĉi tie humure klarigojn, kial mi ne ŝatas la demokration, kio mankas al ĝi por esti sufiĉe bona por inteligentaj homoj.
In Swedish. Här ger jag förklaringar på ett humoristiskt sätt, varför jag inte gillar demokratin, vad den saknar för att vara tillräckligt bra för ...
In Dutch. Ik geef hier in humoristische vorm uitleg, waarom ik de democratie niet mag, wat het mist ... Omdat het er van een afstand goed uitziet, ...
In Romanian. Aici eu dau explicații în formă umoristica, de ce nu-mi place democrația, ceea ce îi lipsește pentru a fi suficient de bun pentru oame...
Aqui eu dou explicações de forma humorística porque eu não gosto de democracia, o que falta para ser bom para pessoas inteligentes. Porque ela pare...
Yo doy aquí explicaciones en forma humorística por qué no me gusta la democracia, qué le falta para ser lo suficientemente buena para las personas ...
Je donne ici sous forme humoristique des explications pourquoi je n'aime pas la démocratie, ce qu'elle manque pour être assez bon pour les gens int...
In Russian. Здесь я даю в юмористической форме разъяснения о том, почему мне не нравится демократия, чего ей не хватает, чтобы быть достаточно хоро...