E16.The Neighbourhood Assembly Takes Decisions (About Bulgarian Barbarity at Lowest Level) -- Part One -- Copy Me Please -- in English

Ivancho Jotata

And people, give me addresses of some other cites for free publications all over the world, please! Call me on iva.jota@yahoo.com or washabasha@mail.ru and tell my name to your friends.

Here are described some petty quarrels about trifles in a little neighbourhood (an entrance of big apartment building) in Bulgaria, i.e. about collecting of common money from everybody, which are indicative about both, our democratic poverty, and our barbarity. However, because it turned out at the end that the piece came to be pretty big (about 30 pages), I have decided to split it in two parts; yet it is interesting and funny enough, I vouch for this.



===>*_THE NEIGHBOURHOOD ASSEMBLY TAKES DECISIONS (About Bulgarian Barbarity at lowest level) -- Part Two_*


==>*_Jotata – Atatoj,  2022_*


-->[ -_Abstract_-: Here are described some petty quarrels about trifles in a little neighbourhood (an entrance of big apartment building) in Bulgaria, i.e. about collecting of common money from everybody, which are indicative about both, our democratic poverty, and our barbarity. The point is that such is the behaviour of common people, not of highly placed political figures, so that our poor democratic achievements are results not only of objective circumstances but also, and predominantly, of our /_inborn barbarity_/ in a country of unbelievers! The material is in form of really written letters to the neighbours, which /_all_/ have remained without proper actions on the part of the masses. However, because it turned out at the end that the piece came to be pretty big (about 30 pages), I have decided to split it in two parts; yet it is interesting and funny enough, I vouch for this. ]


-->[ Idea for -_illustration_-: Ah, this is a task that I don't like much but try to do in case of necessity some time (after my demise, probably). So usually I require putting of a picture (square and probably 450 x 450 pixels) under the title and the author, and in this case on it has to be shown the following: in the left part of it are depicted 3 snakes (let them be cobras) staying on their tails with stuck out forked tongues, under which, in an oval and with arrows pointing to them, is written "barbarous neighbours", and in the right part stays humbly one chicken or duckling (pictured for more fun with spectacles), with partially plucked feathers lying around it, and below it similarly, in an oval and with pointing arrow, is written "democratic pauper"! I think that this is eloquent enough that it goes about bad neighbourhood and poor innocent victims of our democracy. ]


--> -- -- -- -- --




-->In the first part:


-->-1. Preliminary remarks

-->0. Picturing of the situation

-->1. First letter

-->2. Second letter

-->3. Third letter

-->4. Fourth letter

-->5. Fifth letter

-->6. Sixth letter

-->+1. Intermediate conclusion


-->-_In the second part_-:


-->-2. Short second introduction

-->7. Seventh letter

-->8. Eighth letter

-->9. Ninth letter

-->10. Tenth letter

-->11. Eleventh letter

-->12. Twelfth letter

-->+2. Closing remarks


--> -- -- -- -- --


==>*_-2. Short second introduction_*


-->Because it may happen, that some readers will begin to read from here, allow me to say a pair of paragraphs to clear about what it goes in this material. Well, it goes about /_ordinary Bulgarian barbarity_/, shown at the /_lowest_/ possible level, in one entrance of one block of flats where I am living (i.e., where I have the misfortune to live). And in what is it expressed? Well, not only in disinterestedness in the neighbour, but in an intended /_scornful_/ attitude towards him, if he is not like a given group of people, i.e. if he is more educated, or poorer, and more so in case of both things simultaneously (what was one of the major consequences of our transition to democracy -- that we have destroyed our intellectuals, for the reason that they were pro-Russian and pro-communist, what in principle is not true). Open different attitude for ethnic reasons I have not noticed, but this is probably because we have not here other ethnicities, we are all Bulgarians (although from the provinces and villages), but if there were such ethnicities, then surely would have been differences for this reason, too. And the questions are small and petty, but they are indicative for my thesis -- that we are just /_irredeemable_/ barbarians --, like collecting of common money for electricity, lift, cleaning woman, and similar things, and it turns out that, "boil it or bake it" [we have such expression for trying of all possible means to better a given situation], but the people do not want and do not want to behave properly, i.e. they /_like_/ their barbarity! Not that they will win much with this their behaviour, i.e. that they will lose from applying some righteous decision, but that they simply do not want to show whatever understanding and come to some just settlement of contradictions by finding of some compromise. No compromises with otherwise-minded, the important are only we alone.

-->And the reasons for this ill-founded behaviour are various, yet they can be reduced to the said by me, to barbarous or unkindly behaviour exactly to their /_near_/ people, to the neighbours, not to more widely placed persons or nations, so that from this barbarism are losing only /_we_/, because we do not help ourselves mutually, can not live together, how it befits one nation (and for this reason, predominantly, we are at the last place in Europe, because we are not able to unite us). And these reasons are some of the following: we have not much brains, in order to grasp that the other person's meaning can be /_good_/ also for us; rural confinement and misunderstanding of other people's views in principle; wish to outsmart one's neighbour at any cost (with the unspoken goal of feeling oneself more /_capable_/ and stronger in this way), hiding behind some orders for reasons of personal /_gain_/ (i.e. we accept that when we, who however use some thing, are able to pay some amount, then also everybody, no matter whether he uses or not this thing -- well, let him use it, right? --, must also pay the same amount); disapproval of those who are /_above_/ us in some respect (were it with their education, were it with their morality, were it even with their age); natural (but not exonerating them) feminine /_obstinacy _/(because the main personages here are women) nowadays, when they can show it in the open; lacking of morality in a godless country; and also some specific reasons for enmity. So or otherwise, the facts are facts.

-->But there are also quite many new moments, that have imposed the division of this article (or rather /_narration_/ with comments, because I am inventing nothing, I am telling you this, what has happened with me), like the following: appearing of a new she-cashier (and as if manager of the house), who comes as parachuted from somewhere, not from long living in the entrance persons; yet on the other hand she is ... a sucker, like is said, more or less /_three_/ times younger than myself (as far as I am now 72 years old, and she, as it seems to me, has about 25 years), so that her behaviour is typical for our /_youth_/ in general; besides, she is obvious representative of our common /_people_/, for the simpler reason that, ha-ha, her /_rural_/ origin is directly read from her face, because exactly her behaviour is typical for the Bulgarians (due to the fact that the nationality is preserved better in the villages, not in the big cities); she, in all appearance, is representative also of our small /_business_/ (when she is able to pay at once for her apartment, a sum of about 40,000 Euro), so that she is also indicative for the image of our business (which, in the end, carries the main direct responsibility for our last place in the European Union), and I see this in her firm grip, i.e. she does not hesitate in her decisions and if something is outside the scope of her business, if she cannot benefit from it, then she ignores it at once; important are also her obvious /_dictatorial_/ habits, i.e. neglecting of the ties with the masses (even if this means my person), and we also at the highest level tend to give preferences to dictators or persons with strong fist (for the reason that to listen and obey is /_easier_/ than to think, though this denies the democracy, in theory); as well also (as corollary of her just mentioned dictatorial approach) obvious support of her from all (right away at 100 %) living here, despite her /_wrong_/ decisions (or at least I picture this and think that /_prove_/ it indisputably); and probably other moments. In other words, she is exactly that person, who even if I have begun to search (in order to prove my thesis about our barbarity) would not have been able to find, such typical negative (in many aspects) examples are very difficult to find! So that, in the end, I am /_thankful_/ to this woman.


==>*_7. Seventh letter_*

==>*_To my readers on the Internet, in different languages (with an abbreviated text sent to the new she-manager of the house of complex "Complex", bl. 696, ent. X), to the date 22.02.2022, from the black sheep from apt. 969_*


-->Ah, my dear readers on the Internet in the numerous (well, not so many) languages that I use, I all the time try to finish this saga, but I still can't find time, and also, like you will see this, all the time appear new things, and this time we have a new lady manager of the house -- very nice girl, between us said, yet coming from quite wealthy layers of society --, who I will name ... /_Frytska_/. [And here I will squeeze the same remark as in the 1-st part about my usage of Latin chars for writing, usually in single quotes, of foreign words from nearly every language, and this in the way how they are /_read_/, which is reduced chiefly to using "y" for the sound like in your "girl", which is read as 'gyhl', and also "j" is like in German, like Johannes or also in "may"='maj'. What means then that my name is /_not_/ 'dzhotata' but 'jotata'. In this case the name has to be 'Frytska' (or 'Fryc-ka' but the last may be misleading), yet Fratska will also be understandable.] So that [I continue] I will call her in this way because she likes very much to boast (or brag or show off) with almost anything [and in Bulgarian "to boast" as jargon is 'frytskam se'], what you will soon see, and whom I will also sent a copy (in slightly abbreviated form) of this nice /_little_/ letter [which is not only in no case little, but is on the contrary, enormously /_big_/, yet in Bulgarian we have diminutives -- like in every self-respecting language -- but there are no such things in the English]. And I expect even that [here follow some untranslatable jokes, which I will try to explain roughly] it may make her so very happy, that to decide even to … sharpen her fighting tomahawk and begin to combat with me [what she has done in the end, as you will see]. [The reason for this pun is that in Bulgarian 'radva' is to make happy, then 'obradva' is practically the same yet in Russian, and 'bradva' is now an axe.] Yet I must warn you [what I have already mentioned here] that the letter has become with record breaking length, because the appearing of a new personage has imposed many changes and I had to explain anew many things to her.

-->OK, so after we have spent at least half an year (and this quite good) /_without_/ whatever cleaning woman, has come a new she-neighbour, who has quickly settled, after pretty basic renovation, in the apartment that she has just bought on the topmost floor, paying for it the modest amount of about 80 thousand of our little Levs [divide exactly in 2 in order to get it in Euro] (what I judge because relatively recently were sold 2 other apartments for similar amounts). And why I am telling you all these details? Ah, in order to show you some /_contrasts_/ in our stratified (not so much in democratic way, as in Bulgarian one) country, named Bulgaria (yet otherwise known by the nickname Barbaria or 'Varvaria'), which, as you know, is outsider between all members of European Union. And because by this girl (for me all women younger than 50 years are girls) have left some money from the set aside 100 thousand Lev [50,000 Euro] for a round account, she not only paints anew all walls and changes the household items, but changes also all doors and windows in the apartment (which was furnished quite well, due to the fact that before this there lived one business lady, probably her acquaintance or business colleague), for the simple reason that, … well, how can she settle in some possession, which walls were previously touched by other people's fingers, but this is the same like to wear ... underwear from a second hand, isn't it?

-->What already shows that she earns, supposedly, something about 5 or more MMS (minimal monthly salaries) in a month, what, naturally, is her business, and this even is /_not_/ big money, because our salaries are roughly 6-7 times lower than the average for Europe, only that this makes at least 2 times more than /_our_/ average incomes, and as far as my income is about 1/3 MMS, then this gives about 15 (and probably also 20 and 30 and so on) /_times_/ more than my is. Yes, of course, only that she wants that I pay so much money how she alone pays, and not that insists, but hopes that I will be ashamed and will agree with her. What I, in general terms, also /_do_/, reducing the price somewhere to the middle, and with this we reach a consensus for the current moment. Yet allow me to mention also this, that in that time it has become pretty cold outside, and the temperature by me was going to /_14_/ degrees Celsius (but my computer warmed a bit, so that it was not yet so cold, but it was also not above 15), and I have stayed at home with knitted gloves and have put a pair of jackets, and on my feet I had on … nylon bread bags (which are very suitable for this purpose, I'll tell you) over the home slippers (because, you see, in some winters I got frostbitten ... heels, mostly the left one). In addition to this I must confess to you that in winters I am living /_only_/ in the kitchen, where I block the corridor to the other 2 rooms with one ... blanket hanged down from the ceiling. And why? Well, because in this way I maintain difference between inhabited part of the apartment and the left part of about 6 degrees [Celsius], and one such degree was equal to about 6 % of economy. So that it is already seen that there /_exists_/ some difference between the persons, or, like we have used earlier (under the totalitarianism) to say, all are equal, yet some of us are more equal than the others!

-->Now, there are many other details, but let me mention first the crown number of the presentation, so that you do not despair and stop reading my letter, which is about to become very long [because of what I have split the material in two parts]. So my dear lady Frytska says to me that on one meeting of the entrance was decided that the first two floors, which definitively do not use the lift, and also me, no matter that I am on the 5-th floor do not use it (let me say, because I get claustrophobic, so that you do not inadvertently come to the thought that this is for economy), and when so then it was necessary that we paid by /_3 Lv_/ per month for the lighting of the staircase, which can /_not_/ be measured, due to the fact that it is connected to one fuse with the lift, which spends about 30 Lv in a month [here I, without doubt, repeat myself with this, what I have explained, and even several times, in the previous part, but the woman is new, she does not know these things -- yet she also does /_not want_/ to know them, how you will see in the next letters]. Yes, but in the entrance live at least 30 persons, and /_if_/ the others have paid by so much /_only_/ for the lighting of the stairs (6 storeys with by one bulb of 40, yet it may be also 60 watts, where at least on one of the storeys the light bulb has burned out somewhere for a month), then this gives 3 times /_bigger_/ amount than this for the lighting /_including_/ also the lift! Do you get it, my dear readers? But it is so elementary: the persons, who use something the /_least_/, they must pay the /_most_/! And this was, in addition to everything, /_voted_/ at a general meeting, so that we must, want this or not, obey, because this is votum of the people, isn't it?

-->And now a bit more detailed, because, how you alone understand this, it is impossible that light bulbs of the order of 200-300 Wt were compared with an entire lift, or they can, uh? So that I said to her that these are jokes, that light bulbs use /_at least_/ 10 times less than the lift (a priory), and that this gives 3 Lv for the lighting for all people, and then this, divided by at least 30 people, gives, ha-ha, 10 /_Stotinki_/-cents per person in a month, or is entirely negligible amount to talk about it. Yes, of course, but at this conversation of ours was present also one ... "bodyguard" of the lady, who very strongly hates me (at least for 15 years), I don't know why (probably because he is an ordinary car driver and has an inferiority complex because of this), and who -- now listen carefully -- interferes like a /_black_/ station [we have this idiom for an illegal sender], when he decides that it is his duty to protect some innocent (yet experienced in the deceits, maybe like him) girl. Well, in the interest of truth, I personally have never in my life lashed out at someone to fight (because I am a herb, weed, thin and weak), yet he thinks that I will do this because, hmm, well, because one judges /_by himself_/, he is always ready to fight, and once has really jumped at me (naturally without whatever reason for this).

-->So when I tell my dear Frytska, that the lighting on the staircase consumes ridiculously little and how can she give me such childish arguments, he adds at once, and repeats it to be safer: "Don't raise your voice (with the hidden subtext that "because otherwise you will deal with me")". Oh people, if there was nothing else, then only this intercession of his made me think more seriously about the possible consumption of one lift, because this my neighbour may be uneducated, yet he is /_not_/ at all silly person, at least in what concerns engines, and he is positively well aware, that with the energy of less than one coffee heater (which is in the best case of 1/3 kW, yet usually of 1/2), to say nothing about electric hot plate (where are also such of 2 kW, as you know), is impossible to heave 4 persons, not, of course, with such energy one can lift, probably, one ... pigeon, but maybe it will be forced to wave its wings a little!

-->So, and then I calculated that if the lift works more or less so much, how long shine the bulbs (what is so, generally), and if these bulbs make together 1/4 kW, where the lift is only 5 kW, then this already gives difference of 20 timed (and not just 10)! So that the "debt" of non-users of the lift has already fallen to 5 St per month (instead of 3 Lv). And then I decided to look also in the Internet, and found there that was sold one engine for lift, with 2 speeds (how it really is, because it works with one kind of noise when it starts moving and when it stops, and in an easier mode when it moves uniformly between the floors), and have found such only of ... 11 kW! Id est, the usage of electricity for the lighting has fallen 2 more times, or has reached approximately /_2 St_/ per month per person, for what, let me repeat this, the dear and highly honoured Mrs Frytska wanted from me whole 3 Levs!

-->Gentlemen, this beats all the records, ah? The previous she-cashiers wanted from me /_only_/ from 5 to 10 /_times_/ more money than is my personal consumption, and now they want from me already /_100_/ (one hundred) /_times_/ more, and in all possible ways remind me, that I am the black sheep of the entrance, only for the reason that they can't deceive me easily with their lies, with which, however, they deceive other people in similar situation, and without blinking an eye at all! And by this have in mind also the fact, that the lift works in both directions, and when is empty it consumes as much as when is overloaded (because it has a counter-weight of, probably, 2 persons or 140 kg), and it works around the clock, while the lighting is switched on only in the evenings, so that it would have been necessary to decrease it another 2 times (yet factually 3 times, roughly, because in the dead night, somewhere for 4-5 hours, people practically go neither in nor out, but in the broad daylight the lift works even more actively than in the night, and then the light bulbs are not switched on). So that I do not at all deceive you, when I state that the Bulgarians have been, are, and at least for another pair of centuries will be the /_biggest barbarians_/ in Europe and the civilized part of the world!

-->Well, surely someone may venture to say, that this girl has simply made an error, that it has turned out that she did not have as many brains, as she has good external features -- ah, how nice I express myself, yes? -- yet this is not so. She is perfectly clear conscious, that she tries with elementary financial tricks to transfer money from one article to another one, for the reason that this is beneficial to her, naturally, she does not take the side of the socially weak (and not necessarily because they have studied much like me, no, the majority of such persons have no reasons for /_suffering_/ from our democracy, because they have /_even not _/studied, like it is now modern, and also economically advantageous). Although, as I said, if the neighbour in question (who, by the way, executes also the functions of a … local gossiper, for we have not such in the moment) has not interfered, I would have left these considerations aside [because I have already forgotten, that have explained this till now a pair of times].

-->And after approximately one month it has turned out that we have already new lighting on the stairs, as if with energy-saving light bulbs, but which costs us definitely something like 300 - 400 Lv lump investment, because is done by special workers and probably from the /_most expensive_/! For it is impossible that a person, who can not endure in his home to touch with his fingers even foreign doors and windows, and who has at his disposal a hundred thousand /_liquid_/, as is said, Levs, ready to be used at first necessity, and which person can't even imagine maintaining a house book on ordinary white sheets of paper, no, they must be /_tinted_/, so that he (but, in fact, she, naturally) could stand out with something, and also because they cost twice more money, and other moments, to which I will come later, so it is not possible for such person (or, rather, woman) to hire cheap workers, this is below his (her) dignity (based mainly on money).

-->And our new lighting is so modern, that it even … does /_not stop_/ shining! Well, at least the first 4-5 days, despite the fact that (highly expensive) workers come to fix it. And it shines in the day (of course, in the night it can shine everywhere else, only not by our dear Frytska). And do you know how it shines, uh? Well, in /_pulsed mode_/, it turns incessantly on and off, and because it has quite dead-white light bulbs, then this is the /_worst_/ possible mode of work for it, because the trick with these energy-saving bulbs is that they is better not to be switched off, when will be later again switched on, for them is said that they have a lifetime of, for example, 10,000 hours or 20,000 switchings-on, i.e. with two switchings on and off (be it even for one second) they get so much amortization like for approximately one whole hour work, or if they click after 2-3 minutes, then this is equivalent to 10 hours of work in one hour!

-->In other words, exactly here, from the viewpoint of economy, it is better to use usual 40 Watt incandescent bulbs, and exactly for /_this_/ reason our dear Frytska has decided to change them, assuming that in this way she fulfills the will of most of the neighbours (what, naturally. is not properly checked, she may in this way simply transfer her sins to the consciences of the other neighbours). Id est, we already have a /_sensor_/ lighting on each floor, for which I still do not know whether it works in the night [because in winter I prefer to go out during the day, when it is warmer], yet during the /_day_/ it definitely works, and really blinks, so /_4-5_/ times (it is audible the clicking) while one goes out (because, as soon as he bends over to put on his shoes or pick up the bag with the garbage for throwing away, and it turns off, then turns on again, and again in this way, bijou work, very modern, and absolutely /_superfluous_/ innovation).

-->And as to this, are these light bulbs really cheaper? Well, if we forget that this modernization positively costs a heap of entirely unnecessarily spent money, then these bulbs usually economize electricity roughly 5 times, but they cost 3 times more than the ordinary ones, and if they work in 5 times harder for them mode of incessant switching on and off, it will turn out that instead of 5-fold gain in electricity, we will have 15-fold loss in consumables (yet we will be modern, at the best level)! What is highly probable, because you know, that we have already abandoned cathode TVs, but incandescent light bulbs still continue to be sold much more than the others. So that a mere '/_frytskane_/'-showing-off with something modern does not mean that this is necessary, and quite often it is exactly /_un_/necessary (like, in order to give an example, when one orders pizza to be brought to him, which will cost him 4 times more expensive than a bought in the super, which he only needs to bake in the oven, and it will be, say, 3 times colder, but if he decides to make it alone with bought products, then it will cost him 2 times less than the bought in the super).

-->In this situation it turns out that, if we accept as fact that I have not made an error in my calculations of the electricity (i.e. if the lighting costs for one whole month a little less than one Bulgarian Lev, what means 10 Lv in an year), then let the honourable lady Frytska now submit to voting, postfactum, that, look, she has spent for nothing money resources on the cost of electricity approximately for 20 /_years_/ ahead, time after which most of the people who have voted will be long ago in the next world, in order to see what part of the neighbours approves this, what part is openly against, and what is without an opinion. And it is also possible to put by an ordinary light bulb of 40 Watt (just /_not_/ Ukrainian) and by an energy-saving one (because they are 2) on each floor and after some time to check which one from both will burn more often, and even to compare by equal price. Yes, just that I do not believe that will see this sometime.

-->And let us now move to the windows, to these "eyes of the building", which if are not at the highest level of technique make our entrance look somehow blind, do they not? Well, yes, and because of this people have begun to change them alone on some floors, and my dear Frytska thinks that the same must be the fate of all windows in the staircase, because the old ones did not insulate well, were dirty and peeling, and so on. Well, this is true, yet it depends on this, what is our /_goal_/! If we are interested in the cheapness, then exactly now, when everybody massively throws such windows (and even sound ones) to the garbage dump, then it suffices only to choose some in better condition than ours and eventually paint them anew, what will cost us nothing. But on the other hand, if we have superfluous money, and this exactly now, when if we keep them in a bank they give us nothing for this, and in some places even take from us something for the keeping, then we must spent them as soon as possible, and in this case we will not only be reputed as modern, but this will also help the economy by intensifying it, will raise the turnover, find work for the craftsmen. So that everything is relative, and in order to determine what is more reasonable is necessary to ask the people, isn't it? And not only to /_interpret_/ the (unspoken) people's desire.

-->Because, just for to give an example, there was once in one Germany one … Hitler, who did very strongly hate (it is not interesting now, why) the Jews, and because he has spoken before the people and they have shouted "heil" ('hajl', what means "live long", let him be sacred, i.e. he was like a /_saint_/ for the Germans of that time), so he has allowed himself to decide, that it is better if these /_unwanted_/ people were used as much as possible, and then be killed with gas, as the cheapest way, and what remains of their bodies can be even sent for production of soap, so that the wonderful God-chosen nation could walk clean and neat. So it was, right? And he has done this, like you know, where it was necessary only that he has asked more precisely his people and then to decide. Yes, but /_not_/ exactly so, because people are simply silly and, first of all, /_prejudiced_/ (say, that I am the black sheep, because have studied much and work nothing, at least as cleaner I could have hired myself somewhere, yet I did not want), so that even with rightfully put question the things far away from always are going well. Like, for example, there was in its time the Holy Inquisition, where, quite legally, with testimonies of witnesses, some women (most often, and somewhere they are given as about 100 thousand in total) were accused that they were witches, and then were burned at the stake, and the informants have received one part of their property, and the other one went for the very Inquisition (for the craftsmen for knocking together the platforms for the fires, for cutting of the trees, and so on). Or take the relatively recent trial of Bulgarian medics in Libya, where, if I am not mistaken, they have even held a plebiscite of the people, and they have so said, that these /_Bugari_/ are barbarians and are capable of anything. So that the questioning must be well formulated and impartially explained to the people.

-->Well, to the matter of questionings and how they must be conducted I will come at the end, but let me add something more now, because our Frytska is terribly initiative, she just can not sleep quietly, unless she does something more about the well-being (hmm, in accordance with her understanding, of course) of her neighbours in the entrance. So, for example, she thinks that the entrance gate must also be changed, although this was changed with new metallic one before only 4-5 years and works perfectly (in regard of its mechanics, just the cartridge jams a little, but it is about 100 times cheaper than the entire gate -- or am I wrong?). Besides, I /_have read in her eyes_/ -- one may wonder how I have succeeded to do this, when I am wearing big minus diopters and have began gradually to go blind with my left eye (but nowadays for everything must be paid, and one does not die of this) --, or perhaps some 7-th feeling has intimated me this, but I have read, that she wants to make also a small ... heliport on the roof! Because, after all, why not? And where else on the roof of a 6-storey building exists such a platform, huh? Well, nowhere. Yet by our Frytska it will be! And I also do not think that such a thing will cost really so much, maybe about 50 thousand Lv [1 Lv = 1/2 Euro] will do for the beginning, and then, with advanced construction, it will be possible to collect as much more, if it will be necessary; and it is also possible to unite us with the neighbouring entrance, and then the number of persons will grow at least twice (there as if live more people, because we are ending entrance and this is not especially liked by the residents and the tenants), so that, why not? Yet, as I said, for /_small_/ helicopters, weighing up to 3 tons, something like that.

-->So that as a result of small 5-minute trading I agreed to pay /_only_/ 5 Lv per month for ... well, practically for nothing! Because the lighting on the staircase must not be counted, lift I do not use, for the cleaning woman I think that 1 whole Lev is even a bit more than necessary, when I go out 5 times less frequently than the average neighbour in the entrance, to say nothing about extreme cases (I go out, how I have said this also earlier, from 9 to 10, rarely 11 times in a month, counted for one entire year [and from the beginning of this 2022 year only at 18.03 I succeeded to make 20 exits]), but let us round the sum to 1 Lv (including about 10 coloured sheets for a photocopier for the manageress of the house from me personally). Yes, yet I agreed, at least for the moment, to pay /_5 times more_/ because, well, because it is so in a barbarian country like ours, I pay also 5 Lv per month for a mobile phone, which I, really /_not at all_/, use (perhaps 3-4 times in an /_year_/ I need it for about 1 minute, and then I switch it on, but otherwise it remains permanently switched off, yet even if I switch it officially off with keeping the number, even then I must have paid the same amount!). Id est, if one is weak in financial regard, then they treat him like the ... parasites in the house, they try to tolerate him, but want to destroy him at first opportunity.

-->So for me these 5 Lv monthly by my 10 goings out of house mean by 50 St for a going out, what is more [definitely] than one my breakfast, even more than my daily drinking (about 80 gr vodka, made personally on the basis of pharmaceutical alcohol), yet it can be endured, because my pension already exceeds 300 Lv (and 6 years ago it was 134, in numbers and words). Besides, I have two alternatives: the one is to go out more often, and when I walk around for two hours (because I must move, otherwise I have started to limp, and I have no money for medicians) the garbage cans in 2-3 living quarters around I find quite a lot of [edible] things (for example, I have already nearly ceased to buy bread, maximum 2 times monthly), so that for 50 St I supply myself, probably, I have not counted this, and it depends on the price of the discarded things, somewhere on the average with products for 2-3 Lv per exit (sometimes much more, and there come times when I simply /_can not_/ eat out everything what I find); and the other possibility is to stop my mobile phone (agreeing with some neighbour to pay him by 1 Lev when I will need to talk several times in the year), which makes exactly 5 Lv per month.

-->But people, it is true also this, that I, after all, /_have_/ money, I am like the big businessmen, who say that they have money because they know how to spend them and can economize, so me, too! In the sense that I can not buy myself a new car, but I don't need such (I have poor eyesight, like I said), yet I have saved more than 3 average salaries, and this, according to the Western standard, is considered for a lot, they do not save more than this, but spend on something. And by this exceedingly /_high_/, compared with this, to what I am used, pension (which has begun to tend even to 1/2 MMS, but this is just temporary phenomenon, because of the virus), I economize roughly the /_half_/ of it even in winter (when I pay for the steam heating)! So that I do /_not_/ need money, I begin to think to whom to give them (since I have practically no heir), but I do not agree to pay the expenses of people, or finance, find work for people, who receive from 5 to 10 /_times more_/ than me  (plus this, that they have not a single tertiary education, where I have more than two), this is exactly according to our proverb, that "The sick, the healthy carries"! Because it is so, the average Bulgarian receives at least 6 times more than me, and a craftsman (which I need long ago, a plumber) probably about 10 times more. (And my need to find a plumber is /_urgent_/ already ..., well, as if 10 years, because in the kitchen I don't have a washbasin at all, and my shower room is in a mournful state, and the toilet too, and must be changed all horizontal pipes, but I all the time am postponing these expenses.)

-->So, and now let me move to the old and painful question, with the cleaning woman. The previous two ladies, about whom I have come in the end to the conclusion that they are simply ... /_unhappy_/ and for this reason only invent how to starve me by hunger, yet they all the time can't succeed in doing this, wanted to have from me as much as for 4 persons (by one of them), no matter that I in addition to this go out also 5 times rarely than the average, what gives even 20 times more, but let us count this for /_only_/ 10 times more, and what, according to me, was an exact /_robbery in a broad daylight_/. Well, now my dear Frytska wants from me money according the number of persons, which turn to be about 30, what gives 2 Lv and a bit from a person (the cleaning woman wanted already 70 Lv monthly), what is right, but is /_not just_/, when I go out 5 times less than the usual; 1 Lev from me continues to be enough, in accordance with my usage of the service.

-->Yes, but she breaks this time all records (and Guinness, I guess) with this, that wants from me more than /_100 times_/ more, like I have explained this above, for the lighting on the stairs, which I /_also_/ am using /_another 5 times_/ less, when go out so rarely! So that this is now something /_above_/ even the level of daylight robbery, yet I just don't know what expression to use, and I as if have explained her this, and she as if has agreed with me. And what is the difference between the right and the just thing, uh? Well, the right this is from everybody by equal amount, and the /_just_/ is in accordance with the specific circumstances, taking into account the consumption, and, when possible, also the property conditions, the social status, as it is said, of the person. Hence from this follows that the injustice towards me (because I have studied much, allow me again to remind you this, because this is the core reason for my low social status, not that I am disabled or crazy) continues to exist and has no intention to become less, but becomes even bigger! And how much bigger, uh? Well, it comes out that /_2.5 times_/ with the coming of Frytska, from the previous 2 Lv (1.50 for the cleaner and 0.50 for consumables) to 5 Lv (taken as 2.50 for the cleaner and consumables, and another 2.50 for renovations).

-->Well, in this way we are quite naturally coming to the /_new approach_/ of this lady, who decides not to wait when there will be necessary unavoidable repairs and then collect money for them (because till that time we have had /_zero_/ Lv in the common cash box), but to collect it /_in advance_/, so that we will have money when needed, which money I have just called such for renovations (like new lighting, windows, and so on). Well, and here I will tell you that such decision, /_in principle_/, yet only in principle, /_is right_/, if you want only because /_I alone_/ have proposed it (or have thought to propose it) sometime! Yet this, what I have had in mind, was for us to have accumulated somewhere about 50 Lv, not 500 and more, and also this money to be used for /_urgent_/ repairs, not for renovations, that many people cannot afford -- in my opinion, about 1/3 of all, but this can be checked via voting, to what I will come later. So that my dear Frytska uses this supposedly common decision as, well, how to put it, this seems to be called abuse of power, not exactly like the mentioned Hitler, but like the majority of our statesmen of the recent democratic years, who have the habit /_not_/ to ask us about whatever important questions, and decide them alone! This, that they do not ask us about anything, is obvious, and that in this way, by such abuse of the power that has been given to her, she exercises absolutely /_un_/justified financial pressure in relation to the socially weak (let me not repeat again for what reasons), I think that this is also obvious. This is, more or less, like to was required from every citizen (and also from every villager, pay attention to this, ha-ha) to pay ... road tax, like also for passenger cars, because each of us, naturally, walks on the streets, and pollutes the atmosphere (also with "exhausted" gases)! Is it not so?

-->Yet, people, these are first of all /_moral_/ questions, this is result of our barbarity, but this is not justiciable, I cannot accuse the respected Frytska of anything, she is acting how the democracy teaches us all to act, to deceive our neighbour in any possible way (or even impossible or not supposed to be used). The only difference from the non-barbarians, who are usually the religious nations, yet we are not such, is that they take for bad behaviour to deceive your own people, only the foreigners (with this, that they will become like us, and then we will treat them properly -- for example, the Muslims want the men to be circumcised -- and what of it, is this such an unprecedented miracle? --, and you are already becoming their person), while we are on the contrary, if we do not deceive with something our /_neighbours_/ we cannot sleep quietly, and because of this the Bulgarians run massively out of our country, since that time when the democracy came to us, each year roughly by one percent, and for 30 years this gives 30 percents! So that our Frytska is an exemplary girl, and I have even dedicated a verse to her, here is it:

-->[This is verse with 5 lines, like a Limerick, in which is said that: we have a new business 'dama'-lady, who is like our common 'mama'-mother, yet she is so able to cheat you, that will overcome even the devil; but the business is just a frame for a deceit.]

-->[Well, in the interest of truth, I must confess to you, that in the beginning the verse was different, for I have used different name for her, yet because she already knows it, I had to vary it a little.]

-->OK, let me move now to her pluses -- because if she has had no such, then I would have not honoured her with the right to read the almost complete excerpts of this rather long letter [what she, as you will see later, has /_not_/ done, because she has not had time for this -- yes, but to impose herself as a boss she succeeds to find time, does she not?]. And of what kind are they? Well, the main plus is that she, as a wealthy person, is /_not_/ petty, knows how to bargain (i.e. to deceive, of course), there is not a danger that she will begin to steal something from us, because she works chiefly for her image, to boast with something, she has ambitions, what is something good, in principle, like I have mentioned. She wants basically to throw dust in the eyes of the others, but since they also /_want_/ this, to powder the eyes of their neighbours, to boast chiefly with their money, because this is seen at once and it is easier in this way, then she can become good representative of their opinion, a man of the people, how is said, a thing with which all politicians like to speculate. Yes, but if these are really the people, and not only one financial top group of people, who will support her, and the others will grumble behind her back.

-->Because, uh, because it is impossible that after some time people will not /_renounce_/ her, or will not begin to slender her, how it happens with practically /_every_/ one of our politicians at the highest level, from the moment of the very coming of our democracy! Id est, I believe that she has chances, if she will not squander them very quickly, but manages to hold out for about 10 years, until her enthusiasm passes and she gets bored [what can again happen, because the dictators usually stay at the helm of power for 10 years, and sometimes even more, but then the people begin to slander them even more unanimously]. Because we have always not succeeded to find a person, who will do the work of a manager of the house, at least in the last 20 years I can not recall such one. She wants to boast with something, this yes, but, on the other hand, why not, even a small … bird wants to brag with something, with its colourful feathers, so that why not she, too? She may like rose sheets, or want to live behind a new door (that will outlive her and the entire /_building_/, as long as it will be left to stand in its place), but, after all, others also like such things, or new windows (in the old and peeling corridors), yet this may be the opinion of most of the neighbours.

-->And generally, in relation with the showing off, or the desire to parade with the own money, so, you see, in my opinion this was one of the basic /_minuses _/of the old totalitarianism, that ordinary people (sellers in shops, car drivers, cleaners, etc.) simply have had nothing with what to boast, while in the same time the educated persons still could do this, they were appreciated in their circles; i.e. the communism, as social order invented by /_intellectuals_/, was quite bearable for the same intellectuals, yet /_not_/ for the common people, while the democracy is a "pure water" ['g`ola v`oda' in Bulgarian, what seems to be Serbian expression] in every single respect, yet the ordinary people like it, on the whole (and when they do not like it, they say that this is not democracy). So that, cheers for Frytska, but allow me still to explain, that for me personally new windows in the staircase are not necessary, because I don't see well now, and in addition to this I have /_better_/ view in the same direction from my not covered with windows balcony [where nearly all people have long ago covered with windows or brick walls their balconies].

-->Further, if it comes in her head to assert that it is necessary to replace the intercoms in the entrance, and fix all buttons for the buzzers, -- this also is entirely unnecessary, because in all appearances now more than 95 % of the people carry with them some phone gadgets, only such last Mohicans like me have not, but they will soon go to the other world, so that the percents will jump to all 100 and above (it may be so, who knows?). And allow me to return to the cleaning woman. Gentlemen, when we can not at all clean the stairs for 3 months, this gives exactly 13 weeks, and now it is cleaned 2 times in a week, what means a jump of /_25_/ times! Do you think that 25-fold change, no matter of what, and in any of the both directions, is something good? Then let my dear Frytska imagine that she will find a man, who will do ... /_it _/25 times more often than the usual, uh? Will she like this so really much? And allow me to give also another example, that I, who have income roughly 20 times lower than she, must ... eat only once in 20 days, if everything is proportional, does she think that I will like this so much, and is this at all possible? Not, of course, and because of this I think that every change exceeding /_2 to 3_/ maximum /_times_/ is unwished and harmful, and this must make us do something, in order to avoid it!

-->So what to do with the cleaning woman? Well, I have spoken about this, in one or other form, yet I will repeat it shortly. This, what we need, is to sweep /_dry once a week_/, and chiefly the very lift and the landing around it in one meter distance from it, and wash with water, preferably hot, /_once in a month_/, at most 2 times! So, gentlemen, because also at their homes people do general cleaning once a week, and even then they do not wash everywhere, but pass above the floor with vacuum cleaner. Nobody intends to sit on the stairs and … eat there, to cut his bread and sausage and eat straight from the steps, and even if one will do this, then he will spread down some napkin; more than this is pure and unnecessary luxury. And even more so to use … bleach! But I have lived to see this, too, with the coming of Frytska, because our new cleaning woman (I suppose of the most /_expensive_/, and from those who also dream to boast with something) has begun to pour bleach on the stairs as in one real toilet (and even from the long forgotten totalitarian times)! This, naturally, increases material expenses, and is felt for hours after this, yet it is hardly necessary, at least because till the moment, in the last 20 or so years, I don't remember anyone else doing this. I want to say that I did /_not_/ suffocate in my apartment (because the smell penetrates everywhere, also under the doors), and in our current time, with these anti-virus masks, one had just to put it on and everything would have been in order, but who needs such splendour, is the President himself going to visit us on this very day, or the Second Coming is approaching and we want to make good impression before our beloved Lord?

-->Every cleaning above this level is unnecessary beating on the chest, yet this is probably common practice, because the "guild" of cleaners imposes this. So that, what can we do? Well, to thy to find a cleaner for this work, which I have proposed, once in a week dry sweeping of the landings and the lift (work for not more than 1 hour), and in addition to this once in a month general washing from top to bottom with hot water (even with bleach, if this is so necessary on some places, what will be work for approximately 3 hours for our 6 storeys). For so much work must suffice 1/3 of the paid out in the moment sum. And if we still can't find a person for such insignificant cleaning (yet the money, proportionally with the work, will even increase a little), then we must search again for washing in the classical way, yet /_once_/ in a week, and for the half of the money plus 5 Lv more as a bonus (when the work will decrease, then at least the money must increase, right?). Well, but only 2 times less for persons like me will be still /_less_/, and, first of all, this will not affect the sanitary condition of the entrance, this is quite enough.

-->And are there other such poor (what is still a good word, it would be more correct to say miserable) people like myself, who raise a question because of 1-2 Lv, or I am the single exception? Ah, I am not such a sharp exception, and will give you now a few cases. Many years ago, maybe 20, it was on the first floor one, as if Bulgarian woman, but with typical Gypsy mentality, who incessantly asked for loans from anyone she could only find (I know this for my father has given her many times), because the money were always not enough for her, but she had two big children (and later misfortunes have happened with them, yet this is another question), so that this is not apartment building of rich people. Then in the apartment above me lived one old woman, who died at 87, but who was in the last probably 20 years disabled to 96 % (or 98?), and who has the big dream to be taken in one nursing home for old people, she has chosen for herself one in Gorna Banya [this is a suburb of Sofia], yet her "parachute never opened", how we say in Bulgaria, by us for such nursing homes are necessary money in the range of one average monthly salary [roughly 7/3 MMS], not pension for disability (of about 1/2 MMS). Further, at the topmost storey, out of 3 apartments, in 2 of them the radiators were /_cut out_/ (at least in one of them I saw that there was no radiator in the kitchen, and it is possible that the new owners have still not put them), what, positively, is not done because, in order to give an example, the people can not endure the old, yet in perfect condition, iron doors, but because they have not enough money. Then there is also one old woman in the entrance, who has told me (under a /_sourdine_/, how some people say), that she owes to the heating company a little more than 3,000 Lv [1,500 Euro], and her pension is a bit above mine (with 1/4). Well, to me, how I have already mentioned above, the money suffices and remains, but this is not life, this is /_surviving_/, gentlemen, because such is the democracy in the most barbarous European country (where the minimal pensions were about 3 times less than somewhere in Africa).

-->So that, in short, I am unique only in relation of my education level, not of the democratic misery. And how much unique I am, uh? Well, if we take for granted that by us with tertiary education is 1 person out of 10, then I, with my more than 2 such diplomas, am 1 out of approximately 25 persons, but I highly doubt that we have so many high school graduates, they are maybe 1/20 of the people, but even this is not enough, because there are different tertiary educations, and mine are technical, in the exact sciences, so that I am probably 1 out of 50, yet if we take into account also this, that I have studied in 3 different countries, and speak at least as many languages, then it can easily turn out that such like me are only 1 to 500 or even 1000 persons. So that the hatred or lack of understanding of my neighbours to me are /_understandable_/, but this is barbarity and it hurts me because of this opinion of the world about us, if you are able to see this. And I am trying to do something, although no single person is able to cope with this; it is, so to say, that the communists for half a century have not managed to better us, then before this the Turks for whole 5 centuries have also not succeeded to cope with this, so that how I alone will do this now? But then, how some jokers put it, a man can never succeed to return there, from where he has … gone out once as a baby, yet despite of this he tries this all the time! So that I also try, and if not I alone, then somebody else after me can succeed to melt a bit the ice (in our relations between the neighbours).

-->So, and now to the question about asking people for their opinion, but in small groups this is significantly easier than in the entire state, there is nothing difficult here, and because of this I have left these details for the end. So look here, it has to be simply written on a piece of paper (not obligatory rose coloured, methinks) about what it goes in this case, well formulated, where below comes list of the inhabitants by apartments and growing downwards (what is not obligatory, yet it is better in this way), and if there are several variants, then there are filled simultaneously several such sheets, where are present the following columns: "yes", "no", "without opinion", and after this for the signature, and one simply makes a cross in the corresponding column (or encloses the word if it is printed) and signs. This is the public part, and this list must hang on the board down at the entrance at least a week, so that everybody can see it and be ready with his choice, in order to sign it when the manager of the house goes to collect the money, and the latter sums up the votes for each column and computes the percents by the columns, because after some time may happen to be another voting for something similar, yet the persons will be then others.

-->And here are some examples. Let us say that our dear Frytska wants to check how many people approve her supposedly overrun of more than 10 years of electricity /_consumption_/, just in order to have sensor bulbs that, on one hand, work in the worst for them mode of incessant switching on and off, and on the other hand, they switch on in the broad daylight (because they are deep in the corridor and the sun does not much shine to them there). Or also voting for this, whether we want changing of some window in the stairwell, that costs a given amount, and this will mean to collect from every fully fledged person living here how much is calculated, and this also with the same columns, so that to see whether the half of people will want this -- because this is /_not_/ urgent repair, but only a /_whim_/ of the more wealthy neighbours.

-->And what means this "full-fledged" inhabitant? Well, such who has income of /_more than 1 MMS_/, I think that this is obvious! Yes, but probably only for myself, because this has never happened, when some money has been collected for something. Id est, persons who are on pension, or are studying, or ailing for long time, jobless, and so on, like also ... dogs that are heavier than 10 kg life weight (for they also live here), are not such people, but they must be counted somehow, so that the simplest acceptance is to consider them as /_half_/ of a person, in number and word; in addition to this from apartments where nobody lives permanently, but they are bought by somebody, must also be collected this minimal half of the sum. Elementary, right? Yet, like I have just said, this is not done, and nobody except me thinks about such obvious decisions. And why they do not think? Ah, because we are /_barbarians_/, gentlemen, we are not interested how our neighbour lives, we try to cheat him in everything. When I pay, then let him also pay, isn't it? And in this way in their time they wanted from this paralyzed grandmother to pay for the lift together with all the others, and this even on the basis of /_apartment_/, do you understand, no matter that she did not go out even once in a week to sit there on the bench at the entrance, but, you see, to her have come people (from time to time [we say literally "from a rain to a wind", and because of this I joke that it can be also otherwise]). Yet who hindered you, ... [silly people, fools, and even ... bastards -- the choice is yours], to require from her half a Lev, or even a whole one, but not more than this, and she would have paid, only not 3-4 Lv monthly (as well also for all possible repairs of the lift, and so on)? So has it happened later with me, too, when I have decided to refuse the using of the lift, because I not only live alone in the apartment and there are in some places even by 4 persons, but I also go out 4-5 times rarely than the others. But, come to think about, our barbarity must somehow break through, find an outlet, right?

-->Yet let me move to other inquiries. For example, by this collecting of money in advance for what only decides the honourable lady Frytska, is necessary to launch the following sheets. Firstly such with the following text: do you agree that from everybody was collected each month (until second order) by 1 Lv, regardless of the income of the person (including also big dogs and free apartments)? Secondly, do you agree that from everybody was collected by 2 Lv, also regardless of the income (or then making difference, but I think that this is small amount), and eventually for one whole year? Thirdly, do you agree that were collected now from every full-fledged neighbour by 5 Lv monthly, till the end of the year, and from those without at least 1/2 MMS income, from the dogs, and from empty apartments (because we have such, some people have redundant money and they buy apartments, yet they do not live in them) by the half of this? Fourthly, do you agree that from every inhabitant here was collected monthly payment, and let us say till the end of the year, by the following scheme: from those with income till 1 MMS (counting also the dogs and the empty apartments) by 1/2 of percent of MMS, from those with income from 1 till 2 MMS by 1.5 percent MMS, by income from 2 to 3 MMS by 2.5 % MMS, and from such with income above 3 MMS by 3.5 % MMS? And when will be seen the percents "yes" for each of the variants, then to choose the most preferred one (and still if for it are given more that the half of the votes).

-->There is a difference, isn't it, between my propositions, and this, that, you see, people have voted, all at once, like bleating flock, without watching the quorum, not counting the votes, without thinking before, not considering the fairness (because on other person's back even hundred hits are not enough [we have this proverb]), and so on (without written proof). Well, such approach will "burn the feathers" a little of my dear Frytska, but this is now something close to the voice of people, who, as I said, can make errors, and do this often, but at least one will have clear conscience. And at the halves of persons (or even smaller parts) must be looked like at normal neighbours, not like at such who are carried on the backs of the others, because the load is according with the "back" of the person.

-->Well, the letter has become exceedingly long, I confess this, as if longer than /_all_/ previous letters [in the first part], but in recompense of this it is instructive, I'll tell you, especially for those of my readers, who do not live now in Bulgaria and have no idea about this, what /_savages_/ we have become after we have decided that only the money is the queen [what is also our expression]. But there surely will be at least one more letter, because I must give you also other advices (for example, for the lift is clear that it can't be equal the consumption per person of those living on the 3-rd and the 6-th floor, or then on the 12-th, but how to approach the matter in maximally just way is still not clear). Or also about this, how to treat your neighbour, said in a pair of words [what I have said later, yet for you this is /_before_/, in the Intermediate conclusion at the end of first part], because only to smile at him (with the hidden intention to /_cheat_/ him with something, for the reason that most of all they smile at you in the supers, where they take your money) is not humane enough, this is like in the jungle, since the smile has become the first rule of /_mimicry_/, favouring the lie. And probably something more. But this if I will /_not_/ take into account the respected Frytska, who is downright dying to show /_un_/necessary initiative, so that it is impossible that she will not serve me something more, what I will be forced to disentangle [how it really happened, you will see]. Well, it is clear, that one has to expect nothing reasonable from a woman, yet when she above this is also very initiative, then this is equivalent, more or less, to ... natural disaster! What does /_not_/ mean that I am very angry at her, because the interesting topics for me, having in mind my popularizing approach to educate the people, even from other countries, are welcomed by me. So that, in one word, I take her as necessary ... evil, in order that she has given me an impetus for creative activity! Like a kind of ... biting of a snake, that is not very poisonous, yet it is good to find an antidote against it. Because it is not possible that you don't know, that snake's venom can be a medicine, this has been known since the time of Hippocrates. Well, and I am looking for a cure for the human race, or at least against Bulgarian barbarity.


==>*_8. Eighth letter (to Frytska in question)_*

-->[what was simply a note, written on a small piece of paper and attached to her door (from behind which some radio or TV was loudly heard, in the same manner how earlier, about 50 years ago, at the village squares were put loudspeakers, from which has come the mentor's voice of the speaker, explaining the new successes of "Party and Government", a thing which I may not like, but which the people, i.e. the villagers, have still liked).]


-->Missis (from the black sheep of the entrance, apt. 969),

-->I suppose that you are simply pretending to be deaf, but in order to avoid possible doubts, let me remind you explicitly that in the envelope with the sheets for the house book [which she has given me to fill, like also to all others -- on rose sheets, like I have already explained this] I have put one pretty /_long letter_/, that affects you, and have explicitly told you that there is something for you! Hence you have now more than 20 days to take your decision till the next collecting of the money for the entrance. In any case, I must warn you that I *_categorically do not_* approve of your unauthorized decision to replace the whole staircase lighting, this decision of you is the *_most stupid_* of all possible!

-->Of course, you may state that you express a common decision of the entrance, but this must be /_proved_/! How this can be done I have explained, via qualified inquiry of all adult persons living here. But, I repeat, like I have explained you this in the letter, with proposing of enough information for taking of the decision. Otherwise you are simply forcing me to think about raising the question for /_votum of no confidence_/ in you; not that I want this, but if it turns out that this is necessary, then I must do this.

-->So or otherwise, till your decision I intend to refuse paying of all additional payments, i.e. to come down at least to 2.50 Lv for everything. In addition to this, from now on, when you have exposed yourself entirely in bad light in my eyes, I insist that for each future expense was required /_written_/ consent from all living here, and if you can not collect at least 1/2 "for", then /_not_/ to do this  -- no matter about what it goes, about a window or a door or a heliport on the roof with an ethereal spiral staircase from the 6-th floor.

-->I am sorry, but I see no guilt for myself, no one forced you to run like ... a /_calf in front of your mother_/ [we have this idiom for acting too hastily].

-->J. Jotabashev, apt. 969, dated 03.05.22 [the date is exact, and I have given her the letter at 25.3.22, so that the reasons for my discontent are obvious]

-->[ From here and further, as you already see, the game is getting tough, yet exactly for this reason my narration is becoming more interesting, and it is seen (even … from an airplane, like we say), that the policy of businessmen, at least in our country, is reduced to total disregard of people, who do not bring money! This is quite similar way to this, in which I was treated in our NSSI, National Social Security Institute, -- you look at my first Open Letter -- already in the time of my pensioning, i.e. they pretend to be deaf, they do not understand what is being told to them, do not see or hear, or something of the kind; but if one agrees with these barbarian (yet lawful, are they not?) methods of action on the part of higher-ranking persons (and in this case the lady in question, Frytska, is a kind of my boss, manager of the house), then they smile at you and lie to the bone, as much as they can!

-->But let me continue, so that you can see how my "dear" Frytska lies to me. So I have attached the note somewhere before the midday, and some hours after this she rings the bell at my door and wants that I have /_read_/ her the note, because, you see, she was not seeing well and was not able to read my hieroglyphs. Now, I do not state that my handwriting is especially readable, and I write with very small letters, but if she was not able to read my writings then why has she not searched me for whole 40 days, ah? Well, because it is so like I tell you this, people pay attention to their subordinates or the masses only when this is favourable to them, in order to cheat the masses with something, but else they simply do not see and not hear, treat you more or less like an annoying parasite at home, like, say, a cockroach!

-->But well, I begin to read her the note, slowly and with good diction, stressing on the underlined words, and she listens somewhere till about 2/3 of the text, after the votum of no confidence for her and my intention to lessen to the half the sum that I pay, and after this she simply does /_not want_/ to listen to me anymore and goes to her home, saying that she will take me to court (probably because /_she_/ does not read letters written for her?), and even using the figurative phrase for me to "wait for a subpoena" (well, it is clear that this is because of my unwillingness to pay excessive amounts -- how I have said earlier, 5 timed more than the real value). Only that this is just for scaring -- our business is tough, of course, everyone knows this, it is full of, as we say, '/_mutri_/', or it is an undisguised mafia --. because she does /_not_/ take the note, in order to show it against me before the court, as written document in my handwriting (not printed), and even when I give it to her she does not want to take it, she does not need it (when the cheating did not succeed, then what more are we to talk about, right?). So that she does not want to listen to the people's opinion (even if these people in this case is only one rotten intellectual, and 3 times older than her, do not forget this), and, naturally, this, that she does not see well is not true -- for she goes to work; if she has had any problems with her eyesight, then she would have put glasses or lenses on herself, she has at least enough money for this, in contrast with me; and also when I propose her to read the whole letter to her, when she is not able to read my handwriting, then it turns out that she is a working person, not like me, and she has no time. How suitable, right? But, like I have mentioned this, if she has no time, then why did she want to become manager of the house and cut off heads on the left and on the right (when a person does not agree with her)?

-->Anyway, till here becomes already clear that I was deceived in her, she quite /_purposefully_/ shows /_maliciousness_/ towards me, because she has understood at least this, that it is difficult to deceive me. And later follow my attempts (I can't say that they are very successful, yet they are not at all /_un_/successful -- it depends what is my goal, and it is to expose Bulgarian barbarity, after all) to check, whether she alone acts in this way, against the will of the people, or also the entire population (in this case only in our entrance, yet these are the people, anyway) is ready not to think and to support her, because they see in her the firm fist (a thing, which I have explained somewhere in the introduction to this part). Well, it turned out that the people support her, up to 100 %, yet /_unspoken_/ -- nearly like it was with Hitler, uh? --, what is legally not correct, formally looking they simply do not want to take a definite position on this issue. Yet you will see this alone, the things continue to be interesting. ]


==>*_9. Ninth letter_*

==>*_To the living in complex "Complex", bl. 696, ent. X, dated 10.05.2022, from the black sheep Jotata Jotabashev, apt. 969_*


==>*_Important Announcement_*

-->Gentlemen, I must make one unpleasant for you announcement, which you can turn into a pleasant one for everyone, how you will understand now.

-->1. As a result of conversations (mildly speaking, otherwise quarrels) with our new house manageress (whom I will call here Frytska [in fact otherwise, but everything is anonymized]), I have come to the suspicion that she exceeds her powers and acts willfully. In addition to this I find the changing of the lighting on the stairs for the most /_stupid_/ decision. In view of this I feel myself obliged to convene a *_general meeting_* of the entrance on 21.05.22, Saturday, at 19:00 at the board at the entrance, with the only point for voting of *_vote of no confidence_* to Mrs. Frytska. At it I intend to explain you why I find this her act for the most stupid one (approximately for 20 min), like also to express some opinions about other questions (about the cleaning woman and other repairs), as well as to warn you, that by choosing her you are, figuratively speaking, "putting your head in the bag" [this is our often used expression for taking a big risk], and to mention some unprovable (yet close to the mind) suspicions about the reason for her spending of your money (what will take other 15 minutes).

-->Yeah, but this under condition that there will come at least 5-6 persons and they /_want_/ to listen to me, in what I, taking into account the fact that I am the black sheep of the entrance, very much doubt. In this case I will gladly rotate the voting at 180 degrees and come then to the second variant, which is as follows:

-->2. Voting postfactum of *_vote of confidence_* to Mrs Frytska, or her official election as our manageress of the house, for which purpose I will have to go through all apartments and collect your opinion (from the adults) about choosing one of the following 3 options: YES, WITHOUT opinion, or NO, and then your signature. This I intend to do also in the case of first variant, yet then YES and NO will have the opposite meaning. What, naturally, does /_not_/ mean that the changing of the lighting on the stairs was not the stupidest decision, yet if the people choose it, I will agree with it.

-->This now is everything, people, I personally advise you to /_ignore_/ me, in the same way how I have ignored the previous meeting. But even the biggest dictator needs a legitimate election. So that I will wash the little hands of Mrs. Frytska and will transfer the responsibility to your shoulders.

-->Hence I am repeating, 21.05.22, at 19 o clock, where if you come I will speak, but else the meeting will end at once, accepting by default that you approve of your financial tyrant.

-->[ So that's it, I am completely correct, I know that people do not like me and they do not /_want_/ to listen to me, yet I give them an opportunity to express their opinion (in order that there was not later any discontent, when they will go to the Other world and when, for example, St. Peter informs them of the decision of our Lord about the additional 5 centuries of Purgatory). And this, that they have /_not_/ come, because this is how it happened, was normally to be expected, yet I have not supposed that there will /_not_/ appear /_even a single_/ person. (In general, allow me to confess before you that I have one basic drawback, I always, even in my old years, continue -- figuratively said -- to "throw pearls before swines", yet these my little swines, to whom I throw these little grains, do not like them and there is nothing to be done here.) Only some 5-10 minutes /_after_/ the announced time has appeared the "honourable" Frytska, who has rapidly hanged down two sheets with data about this, what has been collected and from whom, and what was spent and for what purpose, for the first 4 months of the year.

-->Yes, will say somebody of you, the lady in question does her duties. What is so, and at the same time is not so. Because she /_fulfills_/ some work, I have never said that she does not do (I have even said that she is exceedingly initiative, but every dictator also tries to do something, this is why the people have elected him), only that she does not do this, what is necessary to do, from the standpoint of some common sense criteria (in my view), but as if exactly this, what has not to be done! So that here are some data from her report. She has really collected from many persons not small money, by 20 Lv from some apartments, on the average by 7-8 Lv from a person, also from the ... dogs in the entrance, and I, how it turned out, have paid /_less_/ of all others, only by 5 Lv in a month (yet in the same time I have used services which costed only 1-2 Lv, and in general do not approve of her expenses), and let us not forget also this, that the majority of people use the lift, where only for it are used about 5-6 Lv /mon (because the fee for its support seems to be about 60 Lv, but there is also electricity and repairs, and other things, e.g. dogs); and by this to say nothing about the circumstance, that you will simply find not a healthy person (probably in the whole Bulgaria, or such people will be counted on fingers), who will come out of his home only 9-10 times in a /_month_/ (like I have explained this already many times), what means about 5 times less than the normal.

-->Yet together with this it has become clear (at least to me), that the new lighting on the stairs has come to (at least till the moment) 240 Lv in total, that in the cash register were left 250 Lv -- what means that she has collected for each month about /_120_/ Lv more (if you sum up the money for the lighting and the rest in the cash register and divide by 4 months) [and what she continues doing for at least 3 more months making nothing new], i.e. that she intends to lay out, so, about 500 Lv for something, where probably can be argued whether this is reasonable or not, but this surely will /_not_/ be for urgent repairs! And I have seen also other interesting moments, reading "between the lines", as is said, about which I will speak in the next letter. Yet the interesting is this, that when nobody appears, this means that the contempt to me is general and solidary, and all those little people support one dictator, not giving at all a thought to this fact -- practically how the entire German nation has supported in its time /_Herr_/ Hitler! This is especially indicative, in my view, because the right thing is that somewhere about 1/3 to 1/2 of the people have refrained of expressing of their opinion, but that they would have wanted to hear the objections, jet here nobody wants to listen to me -- because this means to /_take a position_/, but the people prefer to pass (and ... graze, just like livestock [if here my idea is not very clear, let me mention that in Bulgarian to sit passively is 'pasuvam' and to graze is 'pasa', where the root is very old and related with the pastor, of course])! Id est, it is simply impossible to miss to quote you the known by us facetious expression: You talk to it, but it continues to chew! It is good at least this, that nobody has taken down the sheet before the failed meeting, but this is due to another proverb, namely: The dog barks but the caravan moves on! ]


==>*_10. Tenth letter_*

==>*_To the living in complex "Complex", bl. 696, ent. X, dated 24.05.2022, by Jotata Jotabashev, apt. 969_*


-->Dear co-living people,

-->This is again me, the black sheep of the entrance, and now also the /_abnormal_/ [she did not say "crazy", although the meaning is practically the same], according to our dear manageress of the house Frytska. As far as the last time my letter has remained not pulled down by my enemies, I will take the risk also this time, yet if somebody does not endure and takes it off, then he will only "pour water in my mill" [this is our known expression, which means that some act is favourable to me] (but what is it and where it is I will not tell you for now [yet for you it must be clear, that this is confirmation of my thesis about our barbarity]).

-->1. I would like very sincerely to thank you all for your at 100 % support of lady Frytska, with what you have saved me the unpleasant duty of going around all of you and collecting your signatures (because I have already begun to ... curse myself for this, how could I promise such stupidity [what, dear God, is so: how I do not know good the people, how they do not like me, and how I do not see well already, and do not know even their names, to decide to make list of all living here with their opinions about Frytska, with the sole purpose to help /_her_/, to legalize her tyranny, would indeed be a great sacrifice on my part]). In this way you take away the sins of this lady and throw them on your shoulders [a thing which, as the history shows, /_all_/ nations love to do, i.e. they like first to support the dictators and then to spit at them, what is not exactly the same, but in this spirit of support].

-->2. I am thankful also to lady Frytska, for this, that she alone gives me facts, that I can use /_against_/ her. (It turns out that such things often happen. [And you will see, that this is exactly so.])

-->3. How it is seen from her account (hanged on the board 5 min /_after_/ the time for meeting) the changing of the lighting costs 240 Lv (what I find a bit less than necessary, I expected it to come to about 400 Lv, but this can be only the first tranche). Then it turns out that we already have separate meter for the bulbs, and for April (what means from 20.03 till 19.04, I think) are spent 2 Lv, what is near to the right value, the usage is enhanced only 3 times (you will see below why). In addition to this I take for fact also this, that out of 7 automata in all, only this on the 4-th floor works correctly, i.e. only during the night.

-->4. Now let us judge a little. The amount of 1.90 Lv for the electricity for the period of equinox is more or less in accordance with my former calculations, i.e. by several /_Stotinki_/-cents per person, and it can be taken for justified on the average for the entire year. But this is roughly 3 times /_more_/ than the right consumption, if the automata will be properly set, because you know that during the night from 11 and till roughly 5 in the morning nobody goes out (while during this time in the day go out all pensioners, excluding myself). So that if the automata will be set properly this must give, averaged  for the year between 0.50 and 1.0 Lv /mon for the whole entrance, or about 10 Lv for an entire year. Otherwise put, this means that 240 Lv is an investment of capital equal to the consumption of the bulbs during a /_quarter of a century_/, people, after this time the half of us will be already in the other world! Even if this is the whole amount for the new bulbs, about economy will be possible to speak after 25 years, but ...

-->5. The "but" here is that: a) the economizing bulbs cost 3 times more; b) now we have 7 automata instead of 1 before, and they are bound to fail 7 times more often; c) these bulbs amortize equally for 2 clicks or for 1 /_hour_/ work, and how they click at least 5 times for one going out or in, then this shortens their life again so many times. So that in regard of the economy of money this, now already proved, is the /_silliest_/ possible decision. And is it better or not? Well, this depends on the viewpoint. These are automata and they are sillier than the humans (even than Mrs. Frytska or anyone of you), because it is not a good thing if one can neither switch them on, nor off. And the good thing in this ... deadly-white light is that it reminds to all of us that we will soon go to the other world.

-->6. And now to the question why only on one out of 7 places the lighting works properly? Well gentlemen, this is /_not_/ occasionally, this is deliberately! If it was occasionally, then this should have been roughly fifty-fifty, or with switching on by different level of darkness, so that it can't be said that this is question of incompetence of the workers, what would have exonerated Mrs. Frytska, and now also you all. And that the automata can be fixed to work properly is seen by this, that the one on the 4-th floor is rightly fixed, as well also that one out of the entrance [which some of our neighbours have simply decided to put, and have done this, not raising any noise about that and not collecting whatever money]. It remains to you to think about, why this is so.

-->7. Well, if you can, then you propose more logical explanation, and I will tell you mine, yet /_without_/ proofs. Now, look here, this lady is a business lady and for her everything is a business, including also with your money! She at least maintains good relations with the workers with which she surrounds herself, because you know perfectly well that she has just done a major renovation at her home, but it is also possible that they make some /_combinations_/ [this Bulgarian word, 'kombina', is used in sense of combining of several parties with the subsequent division of the profits], at least of the kind: I -- to you, you -- to me. Because it is obvious that by some, on the average 5 times higher amortization, will be necessary on the average 5 times more repairs, isn't it? Although for me this was obvious already from the very beginning, because I pay only /_5 times more_/ than the right amount, or 2.5 times the previous situation under the last cashier, and this is true for many of you, too, give it a thought.

-->There are also other things, like: the cleaning woman, other repairs, how much I must pay, is it not right that persons without income, i.e. with such under 1 minimal salary, have paid the half of the sum, how long you will endure this woman, and others, but my place [on the sheet] has finished.

-->I sign, in order to please Mrs. Frytska, as the /_Abnormal_/.

-->[ Well, this letter stood the first 3-4 days, but about later I don't know, it might be that someone has taken it off even on the 5-th day, but when I went out after 5-6 days, approximately on the 10-th day, it was already not there. But, as you see (if you want to see, of course) everything is clearly explained and proved black on white, that the Frytska in question exercises a hectic business activity on the back of her immediate neighbours (because, how our people say, who collects common honey can't help but lick a little also for himself -- say, 10 % of the amount, and at least so much also for the workers). And what has happened after this clear and unambiguous letter, uh? Well, in one word, /_nothing_/, at least for the next 2 more months (when I have begun to write this letter). The bulbs continue to switch on in the broad daylight, click, at least when I walk through, 3-4 times on my floor, then by once on each of the other 5 floors, and then at the entrance (where are put 2 such automata) another 4-5 times at least (because it is supposed that one will look at the board to check if there are any messages, bills about something, since many of these have begun to put in a pile inside, instead of to throw them in the post boxes, and with each turn of the person, the lights are blinking).

-->Also -- what is a question which I have not yet raised [before them], yet it exists -- the cleaning lady clears 2 times in a week the practically /_clear_/ stairs, first of all, and if one tries to object about this, it is answered to him, that for that reason it is clean inside (and that it would have been exactly as clean, if the cleaning was carried out 2 times less often, then this, in all appearances, is a question from the field of higher mathematics, because our people, headed by Frytska, are unable to understand this). My dear readers, let me explain this again to you, this, what gets dirty, is the /_landing_/ place from the door of the lift and to the doors of the apartments on 5 out of 6 floors (with the exception only of the 2-nd [because there the lift can't stop]), where this distance for 2 apartments is 1 meter (in digit and word), and for the third one it is 2 meters (and there is no 4-th one); so, but the very stairs between the floors have two cases by 9 steps and intermediate platforms on the semi-floors, and by them passes practically nobody (i.e., except me and the persons from the 2-nd floor), but the woman cleans them, winds up her footage in meters, in order to receive money for formal work. And, naturally, nobody washes the floors in his house twice a week, and also the people by us are not so many, about 30, in order to dirty significantly. So that I am not inventing. ]


==>*_11. Eleventh letter_*

==>*_Some questions to the inhabitants of complex "Complex", bl. 696, ent. X, to the date 06.09.2022, by the abnormal man from apt. 969_*


-->Ah, my dear women (first of all) and other human species from the entrance, allow me on the occasion of the holiday (of the inverted 9, so to say [this is simply a coincidence, yet it sounds funny and for this reason I am playing with it, in the sense that earlier we have celebrated by us the day 9.9. and now it is 6.9.]) ask you some rhetorical (for I do not believe that someone of you will answer them to me) questions, because you are those who have chosen the self-proposed herself Mrs. Frytska as manageress of the house and have voted her full confidence (with what you, in my opinion, have shown yourselves in pretty bad light, but as far as nobody asks me, then I will /_not_/ tell you this, right?).

-->1. Is it really nobody between you who can "sharpen" a little this stupid decision of Mrs. Frytska with the new staircase lighting and adjust it so that it was switched on only when there is dark outside? (I personally do not know where to touch, and I also do not see well, yet it is clear that something has to be rotated either to the left or to the right, and this is either in the hole for the cables on the wall or on the ceiling by the bulbs.) Unless it has become now so modern, because we are the outsiders in Europe, to waste everything what we only can.

-->2. Does somebody know when at last will stop this /_robbery_/ in advance of each one of us by the respected Frytska, because according to her report it turns out that she collects each month about /_120_/ Lv /_more_/ (for 4 months have been spent additionally 240 Lv for the lighting, and in the cash register were accumulated 250 Lv), but nothing new is still done, and it is not clear what else has to be done (except the heliport on the roof -- her secrete desire, with a spiral staircase from the landing of the 6-th floor to one elegant hatch on the roof)?

-->3. Generally, is it not right before each undertaking, say above 50 Lv, to require first the /_written consent from all_/ adult persons living here, and if there will not be gathered at least /_50 % "for"_/, then not to do this thing? And then, in the current situation, is it not correct that this lady hangs out by some notice, possibly in a little simplified than the last time form, but at least about this, in which apartment how many persons live, what is collected, and then for what the money have been spent; not that this can prove that there do not exist whatever underground agreements with the workers, but, still, in order that one was in the course of her spending according to her version?

-->4. In all cases, is it not right, when something is collected in /_advance_/, without urgent necessity, to collect the agreed amount only from working persons, with income /_above 1 MMS_/ (minimal monthly salary), while from students, pensioners, long-term unemployed, or from empty apartments, was taken only 1/2 of this amount? This is as if obvious, yet not for Mrs. Frytska.

-->5. Is it not at all possible to find cleaning woman who will clean /_only 1 time_/ in a week, in the same manner, and for the half of the money? In my view this is more than enough, yet not for Frytska (she probably likes to … eat on the stairs, sitting on the steps -- how should I know?).

-->6. Regardless of the fact that you support wholly Frytska, allow me still to ask you explicitly: do you not find a bit too much for me to pay 5 Lv in a month, when I go out on the average 10 times in the month (what gives by 50 St for a passing through the stairs)? I want to say that even taking into account the current /_democratic_/ inflation, some 2.50 Lv per month, or the /_half_/ of the sum is quite enough? Because else it turns out that I give to all of you (if Frytska does not pretend that the money will remain for her) every month approximately by ... 8 St to a person -- this isn't much, yet for one glass of sparkling water this may be enough, uh? Well, /_treat yourselves_/, please, I don't mind! After it has become clear that this lady entirely /_deliberately_/ shows /_maliciousness_/ towards me, I have /_no_/ objections now, let her be pleased with this Stotinki, when she cannot restrain her malice towards me.

-->So this is everything, there are also other questions (like, say, is it not right to make a difference between a dog and a /_dog_/, because for such I would have taken if it weighs more than 10 kilograms, and others), but my place is going out. In any case, allow me in the most official way to /_thank_/ you all for your brilliant, and unanimous, demonstration of typical manifestations of ... /_ordinary Bulgarian barbarity_/! (Because, for example, the applying of the rule that "the ailing person the healthy carries", or the less something is used by somebody, the /_more_/ he must pay for this, is for me barbarity, yet /_non_/ punishable, completely legal, of course; as well also to pay no attention at all to reasonable propositions, and so on.)

-->Well, and if somebody can't stand this nice letter even 5 days and removes it -- ah, it is just the same for me, I do not need any more proofs for what I have said exactly above.

-->I wish you a good bite and a sip during the holiday, and that you do not get tired of praising day and night the glorious Bulgarian democracy. Amen.


==>*_12. Twelfth letter (/_un_/sent)_*

==>*_To the living in complex "Complex", bl. 696, ent. X, dated 01.11.2022, by Jotata Jotabashev, apt. 969_*


-->Well, my dear neighbours, this time I can speak to you whatever I want, can use what kind of harmful words I only desire, because I simply do /_not_/ intend to hang this letter on the board at the entrance, for this makes no sense. It has no sense because I have told you a heap of things, yet out of so many persons was found not a single one to object at least to the qualification of my "dear" Frytska, that I am abnormal. Yes, and why the hell people must object, when they think the very same thing (because I have studied much, and tell only true things, etc.). Otherwise by us everything is the same, i.e. they want from me the same 5 Lv (and I give them silently), no matter that the lighting on the staircase continues to switch on at any time of the day, and it has become already clear that the electricity for it costs /_Stotinki_/, yet the investments are for more than 10 years ahead (for the last half an year the sums only for it vary from 1.80 till 2.40 Lv, or on the average by 2 Lv for a round account, what divided by 33 persons, how it turns out that we are now, gives by 6 St per person in a month), there have begun on some places to burn out the bulbs (that now cost 3 times more), and there is one more thing, which I have not touched till now, but it is necessary to do this. This is consequence of the fact that, when something is subject of /_regulation_/, then it begins with the time to /_de_/regulate itself, does it not? Well, the span of the sensors somehow is changing, and/or this depends on the background light, yet if one is slowly climbing in night time, then he must pass at least 2 steps from the intermediate platform, but sometimes also 3 and only on the /_4_/-th, out of 9, the bulbs at the above floor are switched on, and there was no such thing earlier, of course, they have gleamed weakly, but have shone in accordance with the automatic (about one minute). And despite my reminders nobody does anything, and does also not think necessary to do something!

-->Further, the cleaning woman continues to clean the clean stairs between the floors, only in order to earn her money. Then I continue to go out 5 times less than the average, but what of it? After this, they have begun to plaster, little by little, the peeling walls of the corridors in some places, what is more necessary than this silly change of the staircase lighting, because this is needed to be done some time. Then our house manageress, like it seems, likes to be /_insulted_/, in order that she stirred up and paid some attention to the people, but after my last letter, somewhere at the end of October, has appeared one financial report with the incomes and expenses, which has again turned out to be very instructive for me, because it confirms all my conclusions, yet adds also some new shortcomings of her, so that I will tell you now what are my conclusions from its analysis.

-->Ah, I do not know where to begin! Probably with this, that she has turned out to be very experienced ... /_blackmailer_/, because the sums that she has collected from various persons vary approximately 2 /_times_/, and this impresses nobody. And how they vary? Well, those who do not use the lift -- and this dividing turns to be especially useful, because by us simply exist /_fractions_/, by tradition, of those who use the lift, and those who do not use it -- pay on the average 5 Lv, yet in some cases also 4 (where I think that half of the persons there are simply missing in the moment), and till 9 of the same our little Levs, and then those, who now use the lift, pay on the average about 8.3 Lv, as minimum 7, and as maximum 12 (although in some cases, for a pair of months, even 17) Lv, what my neighbours can probably explain with this, that some people are simply more generous than others, but this is not so, this is result only of the approach of Mrs. Frytska! And what kind of approach, ah? Well, of blackmailing or extortion or racket, in all possible ways, via bargaining, persuasion, intimidation (as was with me, with the court, let me remind you this), and it turns out that if one does not refuse to pay then she takes from him 2 times more than necessary, but if he refuses, then she lowers the sum a little (how it, by God, was with me).

-->Then another interesting moment (as already proven) is this, that the main part of the expenses, if we do not count the renovations, goes only for the lift (in one or another form), and if we count the renovations (including this stupid lighting) then they reach exactly the /_half_/ of all expenses (with precision of 1 percent)! Id est, if we take aside the additional new things, it turns out that she wants, roughly speaking, by 3 Lv for the lift, 2 for the cleaning woman, and 2 (or who how much gives above this) for repairs, what makes minimum seven. Yes, but if she takes as low limit for all the sum of 5 Lv, including the empty apartments, gentlemen (we have 3 such ones, out of 18, and for the one people pay every month by 5 Lv but they are not here, who are directly against my door, so that I must remark this, and for the other 2 there are accumulated debts of 45 Lv for 9 months, but at least in the one of them lives nobody from the time the apartment was bought, what was before more than /_20_/ years), so that if this is the minimum, then 5 Lv are /_fare_/ from the half of 7 Lv in sum for everything (and be this even 8 Lv), am I right? So I bothered to calculate apartment by apartment, and it turned out that the average for the fraction with the lift is pretty near to 8.1 Lv (8.35 together with the dogs, who mess a little the calculations), while for those without lift the average is nearly 5.1 (5.3 with the dogs)! From here follows that by us it must have been something like 5 and 10 Lv, or 4 and 4, as the nearest rounded variants, but the last one is not applicable, because the expenses for the lift will jump above the half; so that the point is not so much in this, that she collects much money for renovations, but in this, that she collects money /_as if_/ for renovations, yet uses them for /_additional_/ payment for the lift! And this, that she gives us quittances for the received from us money, is the next throwing of dust in the eyes, because these quittances are tied with no calculations, they are just to delude us that she as if does not delude us (from what inevitably follows that she simply /_must_/ delude us, because by us, if someone acts correctly, than this means that this is only for camouflage, for averting of the eyes, as far as we are the most barbarous country in Europe, do not forget this)!

-->So, what speaks about this, that I was absolutely right, when I have written to the people, that I treat them with a glass of soda every month. Let me blow a bit this moment now. So I have written to them, that if they, according to my most modest calculations, looking for the right and not necessarily just decision, take from me every month by 2.50 Lv more (the half), and if I divide this by 33 (what is the last number of people in the entrance), then this will give 7.6 St. for everyone of them. Yes, but here I do not account for the difference in the incomes between me and them -- right? --, and it is approximately 6-7 times compared with the average income by us, so that it turns out that, if they have given me these 7 St., then they would have been equal for them to roughly 1 St. for me, or that -- yet, people, don't you think that this is directly funny, ah? -- that my neighbours are so tight-fisted, that they do not want to give /_even one Stotinka-cent_/ for a person who has obviously /_suffered_/ by our democracy, when in spite of (yet rather exactly /_because_/ of this) his 2 and a half tertiary educations, received in 3 different countries, and having now a good command of 3.5 foreign languages (to say nothing about his more than ... 200 electronic /_books_/ in 4 languages, and having fabricated approximately 50 /_thousand_/ poetical lines also in 4, though predominantly in 3, languages, chiefly under my other pseudonym), who has come to such conditions, that in his old years has begun to go around the garbage cans! Ay, ay, ay, huh?

-->Hmm, but let me continue. So I have come to the conclusion that it is necessary from all people who use the lift to collect on the /_average_/ by /_5 Lv_/ monthly, if we want that out calculations come right, because the sums for the lift simply can not be cut, but on the contrary, they will grow more, for the reason that we are waiting (probably already an entire year, but when we are all the time making new elections, by 2-3 times in an year, our politicians have no desire to think about this) for raising of the price of electricity, and the payments for inspection and maintenance of the lift will increase, and I have also not seen that there were expenses in the column for repairs of the lift, and others; while in the same time we can easily give up the cleaning of the stairs, how we have already done this, as well also to reject further renovations. This is my categorical opinion. I think even, in order for the calculation were nearer to the reality, that it is easy to introduce also some dependence on the floor, namely: from those from 3-rd floor to require by 4 Lv per person /_only_/ for the lift, from those from 4-th floor now by 5 Lv again only for this, and from 5-th and 6-th floors by 6 Lv (if we do not want to tinker with Stotinki, or else by 5.60 and 6.00). Then, if we take as minimum /_4_/ Lv for the left people, counting this as 2 Lv for the cleaning woman (and 2 multiplied by 33 gives practically 70 Lv, how much she takes, and it will come exactly to this amount if we add here also by 2 Lv from the dogs, how Frytska presumably does) plus another 2 Lv for other expenses, and mainly for renovations (where this, what is done for 9 months is only 236 Lv, or divided by 33 persons gives 7 Lv per capita for 9 months, what was repaid practically only in the first 3 months). (Yes, but for the lift are spent, and this without necessity for repairs, how I have said, as a whole 880 Lv, out of 1780 spent for everything.) So that counting all the money by this approach we get for the first 2 floors (plus me) by 4 Lv from each person in a month, for the 3-rd floor by 8 Lv, then for the 4-th by 9, and in the end for the 5-th and 6-th by 10 Lv; in addition to this a dog can "cost" 2 Lv monthly, but this is without lift, where otherwise it must be 3 and 4 (because they must be taken out to the street at least once a day, but I think that people do this 2 times), so that it is right to count one dog for half a person, more or less.

-->So this is everything about my propositions for the moment, where I will probably write sometime these calculations to my neighbours, on occasion [what I have done pretty soon, yet I will not translate this letter in other languages, because it has again come out very long], but they will surely not agree with them (because we are barbarians, like you have guessed)! Yet even if they will agree, this will change nothing from the exceedingly arrogant behaviour of this house manageress, who is typical representative of Bulgarian business, like also of our young generation, as well of our people in general (because of her peasant origin), because if she has listen to my advices (i.e. if she has read my letter, here under No 7), then probably would has not come to such demonstrations of our barbarity, I think; but also if the other of my neighbours, who support her at all 100 %, let me remind you this, were with at least a little higher normal morality, then the things would have evolved in other manner. But, on the other hand, she is /_not_/ more spiteful than an averagely taken ... ugly looking girl, which she is, in my view, and for this reason she is so enterprising and business lady. Yet, on the third hand, you all would have been deprived of this especially interesting second part of my saga, isn't it?

-->So, and now let me tell you this, what I have planned long ago, yet I had always not enough time and place for this. Now look here, for the lift, in principle, as general formula, must be applied some similar rule, in my view: if the 3-rd floor is with coefficient k = 1.0 (2-nd floor we usually do not have, there the lift does not stop, yet it can be taken with k = 0.7), then later the things must go in this way: 4 –> 1.2, 5 –> 1.35, 6 –> 1.45, 7 –> 1.5, i after this for every next floor with addition of + 0.05, until k = 2.0 is reached, yet to the 1-st floor must even be given some little sum (say, 2 Lv /mon); together with this is right that there were individual coefficients in some cases. Frankly speaking I am thinking, maybe for 15 years now, to make some computer program, or even to use electronic spreadsheets, where the problem will be to compute the /_average position_/ from where the lift is /_called_/, what can be done based on the number of people (with their individual coefficients) on every floor, accepting by this that there is movement only between the 1-st and N-th floors, something of the kind; and after this to apply some damping of the number of storeys from 2 and above, strong, probably by a logarithmic curve. This is a big difficulty, and I don't see already good, my computer equipment is really antic (i.e. from before 20 years), and other things, but the point is in this, that even if I will succeed to make pretty good program, that will work acceptable by 3-storey and by 33-storey cooperation, then what I will do with it later? But people will not understand me, I would have been forced to spend money on advertising, as if I want to win something out of this, where I would have wanted in the best case only to return my lost time, in the sense of recompensing it by some super minimal salary, also the computer equipment. So that I will again throw pearls before swines. Well, I am suck of this.

-->What else can I add? Well, probably to repeat, that I think also about my enemies, because everything what I propose is related with cares about the poorer and socially weaker persons, like pensioners, students, and so on, but the hate of people is greater than their desire to win. Because, philosophically looking at the things, the very capitalism is an obvious /_extortion_/ of the socially weaker on the part of the stronger and wealthier; in this sense my beloved Oscar Wilde has expressed himself brilliantly, stating that the democracy is bludgeoning of the people, by the people, for the people, where I usually translate this bludgeoning in other languages as maltreatment! But look, people like this, that some extortion can exist, because in this case they are trying to be even greater extortionists than the others, that's how it is! So that in unmoral environment it is hopeless to teach people to something, they do neither receive, nor transmit [how we like to say in Bulgaria].

-->And this /_raising of the lower boundary_/ of everything, of what this is possible, makes me very angry, because this is the barbarity, to pick out the last eye of the one-eyed [what is also a known expression by us]! And you have seen that here the minimum for Frytska is 5 Lv, like also for empty apartments, but this is absolute arrogance, such minimum can be some 2-3 Lv, yet not more, though I have told you that in the same way are the things also with my phone. I can add also another example, by transfer of money from a bank in Bulgaria to abroad is said that, for example (I don't remember this exactly) for amounts till 1000 Euro, they take tax of 15 Euro (or 10, but it may be also entire 30 dollars, if it goes about US$, I think that I am not wrong), so that if one wants to transfer 10 Euro, he must pay also 15 for the very transfer. Now, one of you may say, that it is the same also everywhere. Yes, but /_no_/, because I have seen with my own eyes the quittance for transfer from USA of about 100 Euro, for what was paid only 2.45 US dollars! Hence it is possible, it simply depends on the bank. Or another example, in Bulgaria I can not at all publish free whatever, I must pay for everything, while around the world, as you see, I am doing this; people want practically everywhere something in addition, for a better service, yet they allow me to publish also paying nothing, while in the same time here this is impossible -- if I don't like to pay for the cleaning of the stairs, then I must learn to fly in the air above the steps, or if I don't want to pay for the stupid new dead-white and blinking lighting, then they will call me to court. Things like this.

-->Well, this is everything, gentlemen, I beg your pardon, but I think that the material has become very instructive. It remains for me only in the conclusion to explain also why I, in fact, ... like our barbarity, I spit at it, but I like it all the same!


==>*_+2. Closing remarks_*


-->Well, when on a space of more than 30 pages I have spat at out unmasked barbarity, it is now proper to say something also in its /_justification_/, isn't it? Because else it will turn out that I am like the other common little people, who can speak either only good, or only bad, about whatever, while the intelligent people, the philosophers, must be able to speak /_pro_/ and /_contra_/ something, i.e. that I am /_non_/-common, or extraordinary person, exceptional, one out of I do not know how many persons, and so on. Yet here I do not joke, our barbarity is /_nice_/, I /_like_/ it! Only that I want that it has shown itself /_not so_/ strongly, yet, damn it, not only our people, but also /_all_/ nations, all big groups of people, can not act /_moderately_/, they go from one end to the other one.

-->What I have in mind here? Well, look now, we are probably the single nation, which during the Second world war has saved one echelon with Jews, which was expected to be deported to the West, and there they would have almost certainly died in the concentration camps, several thousand persons, I don't know exactly, and this in the time of official /_fascist_/ power, gentlemen, can you imagine this? Id est, we can not like something, yet we are not openly against it, we think that everyone has the right to show his own differences from the others, and this is /_freedom_/, gentlemen! This is the understanding that we all are sinners and nobody is perfect, we do not start to teach the others how to live, this is their own business, and this is a kind of ... /_morality_/, quite /_im_/moral, but still morality, if one wants to look at the things in this way! Like also here, my neighbours, naturally, can not like an ancestral intellectual, they can not at all imagine how one can /_not_/ think only about this how to win somewhere something, live not for to heap money, and similar things. But they do not hinder me, they have not, for example, cut out my Internet cable (or served me in a plate ordinary -- or be it also artificially, symbolic -- … feaces, yet for the Arabs I have heard that they liked very much to do this)! (And this is a common /_animalistic_/ feature, when you do not like something to defecate around it.) So that my people do not understand me, but they do not also interfere in my life, where a heap of other nations have acted exactly on the contrary, organized, were it for ethnic, or for intellectual, or for property, and so on reasons (there is no need to give you examples).

-->Our barbarity is shown also in this, that we are not able to organize us and do something bad to the people, some nasty thing to our neighbours, yet in many countries it is not so; we have not actively persecuted even the homosexuals -- well, let them live their life, when they do not disturb us, such thing happens sometimes with the humans. This is sound judgment, in principle, and it is also contemporary, the bad thing is only out totality in this respect, which makes the other nations around us to think that how badly and indifferently, disinterestedly we treat our near people, then we will treat even more badly our "distant" ones, but with us it is even on the contrary. And exactly because of this misunderstanding of other nations of our nice barbarity I have begun to expose it (for at least 10 years now), with the hope to make some persons ashamed. But who will get ashamed when by us this is at the level of instinct, something like, well, not necessarily like the breathing, but like the sexual instinct, and the best way is, instead of to oppose to it, just to give oneself to it (according to the English phrase that the best way to avoid temptation is to yield to it).

-->Well, maybe so much talking is enough, and it is long ago time to close this long series of Letters to my ordinary citizen of rural origin, so to say. Allow me to finish with one poetical outburst, which is in Bulgarian language (and, alas, on the other languages I will only retell it).

-->[ The title is "Come to your senses, Bulgarian!" and the verse consists of 5 couplets of the kind of Limericks, where I will use by a sentence for each of them. Firstly: oh my nation, why is you so /_stupid_/, and also insensitive as an ... edge of a toilet bowl, to persons pushed into misery because of the democratic extravaganza, and do not ask yourself, how everything looks on someone else's back? Then: how long will we miss simple morality, and not masked with hypocrisy words, in worship before the Golden Calf?; what, of course, is understandable aspiration, but /_barbarian_/ one, and the world has seen it. The third couplet: do we really not see, that in this way our country is numerously melting like a frost?; and ethnically we were captured by nations with values from times immemorial; the world is looking at us as at ... rot on the plants. Further: isn't it better if we, instead of to run abroad like out of a nightmare, will try to become a bit more united, and not so terribly stratified?; are we not tired by this at last? And the last couplet: because otherwise our liver will make our life bitter, if we do not change the manner of our behaviour towards the collective one; alas, we are no longer a beautiful corner; in Bulgaria, I am only getting angry. ]

-->Well, this is everything, gentlemen, we are very nice nation (especially our language, yet I am speaking about this in other places), but in all appearances our destiny is in this, to ... better the world gene pool, but to mutually hinder one another and turn our country in a factory for white slaves, who will later scatter (if they could) around the world. But even if it is so, there is some reason in our stubbornness to remain the same savages as we were born, without becoming humanized like the other nations (because they, when humanize and unite themselves much, begin to kill one another, while we are not such people). Addio to all my readers, and thanks for their patience to listen to me.


-->*_Long live the unique Bulgarian barbarity_*! Hurra-a-a-y!


-->11. 2022, Sofia


-->*_P.S._*: 01.01.2023


-->     To the co-living people from complex "Complex", bl. 696, ent. X,

-->     to the date 01.01.2023, by the Abnormal from apt. 969

-->My dear neighbours, allow me in the new 2023-rd year wish you not only all the best, but also this what you /_alone_/ want -- yet be careful what you will want, so that you do not make an error!

-->More precisely I wish you the following, according to the groups of people:

-->a) to the very young, who still gather mind and reason, to grow up faster, in order to ... /_leave_/ this forgotten by God country, because this is the surest way to preserve and evolve under fruitful conditions our very good gene;

-->b) to the very old, who intend to leave us, exactly the opposite of this, that they do /_not hurry_/ to do this, because nobody has still precisely proved that some other world exists, and it may suddenly turn out that such one does not exist, and then they will simply disappear into the non-existence;

-->c) to our employable neighbours, to hoard as much money as possible, not because they are especially necessary nowadays, but in order that they were able, in their turn, to ... /_extort_/ the poorer than themselves, in the same way how other richer than them are doing this now (by us in the entrance, yet also at the head of the state);

-->d) personally to my dear Missis Frytska I wish to ... /_continue the racket_/, because we have become so used to this, and otherwise our life will be very dull, where this is necessary for to create a feverish situation in the country (as well also by us in the entrance), in the same way how the very capitalism, like also the right democracy, are clear blackmailing of the weaker and poorer from the more wealthier;

-->e) to the little ... /_doggies_/ from the entrance I wish to be more obedient to their masters, because here they cost more than in other places, here a /_tax_/ is paid for them (for this, that they were born);

-->f) to our higher-ranking politicians and our leadership of the state I wish that there ... were elections at least /_2 times_/ in the year, because they change nothing in the politics, but pacify the masses for a while;

-->g) personally to myself I wish /_not to write_/ such letters more directly to my neighbours, because there is no use of this, but to address only such persons who read and honour me.

-->Well, this is everything, people, carry on and reckon that in the years that will come I will wish you the same, only will not make efforts to tell you this.

-->     HAPPY NEW 2023-RD YEAR


--> -- -- -- -- --



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