Hum Hum

Emma Rubinstein

I met this Hasidic man nearly two years ago on Craiglist. I write poetry inspired by the men I used to like, I like and I will like. Already published on Jewrotica.

Listening to the silence of the snow
‪He was lying on a white sheet
‪Fingers drawing a snowflake on his hairy chest

‪A labial sound
‪A hand on his spheres
‪A finger in her volcanic forest
‪Turning, and pushing it deeply

‪Up and down

‪Swallowing his enjoyment
‪Drinking her fountain

‪Breathing in his ear
‪Moaning in her neck

‪Begging him to plunge his hand
‪Sucking his hard thumb

‪Begging her to go behind
‪Scratching his tuchas*

‪Listening to the music of the shovels
‪She was lying on a wet sheet
‪Legs spread
‪Shiny drops on her legs

‪Sleeping besides her
‪His milky way sticking to his hairy chest
‪His arm around her hips
‪Blowing in her hair

‪Lustful angels

*tuchas: butts in Yiddish

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