Hundred Times Tribute To My Bulgaria, Although It Is Europe’s Poorest Area (Multilingual Acrostics) - Abridged!

Ivancho Jotata

This is book of poetry, only with acrostics and the same vertical text BULGARIA, yet in 4 lang-es. Eng, Ger, Rus, Bul! Plus this, because of the 1st letters, all is transliterated with basic Latin!


Jotata-Atatoj. Hundred Times Tribute To My Bulgaria, Although It Is Europe's poorest area (Multilingual Acrostics). 2023

Works of Jotata-Atatoj

    Hundred Times Tribute To My Bulgaria,    

    Although It Is Europe's poorest area    

    Multilingual Acrostics)    

© Jotata-Atatoj, 2023


     This is a book of poetry, where all verses are acrostics, with the same vertical text saying BULGARIA, yet in 4 languages, namely. English, German, Russian, Bulgarian! Plus this, because of the 1st letters, everything is transliterated, and with basic Latin, also with the necessary formatting characters, so that the book can be easily copied from the sites and read as decently beautified with bold etc. letters, no matter that is in plain text form. The total amount is 840 poetical lines, where the first 2 languages give exactly by 20 %, and the second 2 give by 30 %. The topics of the verses are whatever, say, about life, men and women, nature, society and politics, some wise observations, etc. It is unbelievable that there will be readers who will understand all these languages, yet 2 are necessary and 3 are preferable. It is a work of pair of years, but at the end I have managed this difficult for me task, and in an age of nearly 75. I advice everybody to read it, because this is real poetry, not in my traditional and usually spitting at Bulgarian barbarity way; here I just pour to you my worldview, and this is also my parting book with poetry (in whatever language), I suppose.







(Multilingual Acrostics) – Abridged!

Jotata – Atatoj,  2023


     [ Abstract: This is a book of poetry, where all verses are acrostics, with the same vertical text saying BULGARIA, yet in 4 languages, namely. English, German, Russian, Bulgarian! Plus this, because of the 1st letters, everything is transliterated, and with basic Latin, also with the necessary formatting characters, so that the book can be easily copied from the sites and read as decently beautified with bold etc. letters, no matter that is in plain text form. The total amount is 840 poetical lines, where the first 2 languages give exactly by 20 %, and the second 2 give by 30 %. The topics of the verses are whatever, say, about life, men and women, nature, society and politics, some wise observations, etc. It is unbelievable that there will be readers who will understand all these languages, yet 2 are necessary and 3 are preferable. It is a work of pair of years, but at the end I have managed this difficult for me task, and in an age of nearly 75. I advice everybody to read it, because this is real poetry, not in my traditional and usually spitting at Bulgarian barbarity way; here I just pour to you my worldview, and this is also my parting book with poetry (in whatever language), I suppose. ]

     [ Idea for illustration: this is difficult moment, yet I think that have found an easy solution. There has to be probably square picture (say 450 x 450 pixels), showing basically only the borders of Bulgaria, which is divided in 3 areas horizontally, coloured as our national flag (white, green, red, going from above); outside everything is in one colour, say light yellow. In the country is written, in the 3 areas beginning from above, and maybe in some brown colour, the following: "100 Tributes", "To Bulgaria", "(Multilingua)". This must suffice. ]




     0. Foreword — why is this book and what is it?

     1. First half (01 - 50)

     2. Second half (51 - 100)

     3. Some pluses (101 - 105)

     9. Afterword — Jotata as … breeding stallion!


0. Foreword — why is this book and what is it?

     The "why" is quite natural question, because under this my pen-name I am chiefly spitting at Bulgarian barbarity, at high level, as well also at low one, and am making various propositions for bettering of the decaying capitalism, in prosaic, as also in poetic form, so that: why should I here change my usual image? Ah, because this is necessary, because I am not such bad guy for which some of my readers might have taken me, I have philosophic mind and can speak pro and contra the things, so that when I am spitting at something I just want to better it, and, respectively, if I am praising something, then the reader can very often expect that I am doing this with some hidden bad intention! Yes, such person am I, so that I must also whiten a bit my image.

     Then as to "what", these are not verses in my usual manner, chiefly with illustrative purposes, to show and stress on something what I have expressed or will express in prosaic form, too, but rather real poetry, lyrics, something for the soul, not only for the brain, hence I may in this way show some other of my facets, improve my popularity, something in this plane. Yeah, but I am, after all, scientific worker, so that I may desperately want to write real poetry and nevertheless to write something didactic, but here you can, as it's sad, either take me, or live me! The task was very difficult and I have fulfilled it how I could have done it, because even with the English I still have some problems (with the colloquial language, with some idioms, etc.), and what concerns my German, then it leaves a lot to be desired (because it is also much more difficult than the English). But I have in the end come to the used here scheme, namely: 2 acrostics in English (shorten to Eng), 2 in German (shorten to Ger), then 3 in Russian (Rus), and 3 in Bulgarian (Bul), and the same is valid for every ten verses, what I take for correct attitude to the languages (langs, often).

     ( I have to confess to you that my first intention was to write even … 366 verses, how the known Petrarcha has done, and have called the book "Bulgar`ia around the year", but I am glad that have gone away from this idea after about a dozen of verses. Because, people, you think a bit about this, these are 4 langs, not one or two! And they all are with the same vertical message, I don't think that some other person in the world has done this! If it was to write in my Bul, here and there in Rus, a pair of times in Eng, then I could have, probably, succeed in this intention, but not in this here final form. Still, these are 840 poetical lines, this is not a joke, and it quite suffices for a book of poetry. )

     Now, I was so bold with my task because I have written by hundred verses on a given theme under my basic pseudonym, but never with 8 lines and all acrostics. And BULGARIA is not the best word for acrostics because there is repetition of one letter, and the very letters are not pretty suitable for the purpose, at least not in all langs! And I have used strict scheme of the rhymes which is, if I will use capital letters for the ending rhymes in the lines, as follows: 50 verses of the kind ABCABCDD (the first 50), then 20 of the kind AABCDBCD, then by 10 ABBACCDD and AABCCBDD, and the last 10 are of the knd AAABBBCC, and in the Appendix there are by 1 verse AABBAABB (i.e. quadruple), and 1 last, rather joke, of the kind AAAAAAAA only in Bul!

     And this was not enough for me, but I restricted one more time my choice using everywhere the stressing on even syllables (-`-` etc.)! I can't tell you now why exactly I have done this, probably because my country is so stressed Bulg`aria (yet in Italian, for example, they say b`ulgaro). So that, as you see, I have as if intentionally made my task more difficult, in addition to my 74 years at the end of the work, and because of this I have first generated the idea about the book in Nov 2020, have finished it with big strain in Aug of 2023 and until I come to its publishing it will be already the end of 2024. Yet I think that it is worth the reading, especially taking it for my swan's song, I suppose, under this pseudonym.

     As to the langs, I, naturally, do not suppose that an usual reader will understand 4 langs and exactly these ones, probably even an unusual reader will hardly do this, but taking into account that the Eng is learned now everywhere, and that there are hundred million people understanding Ger, or about 3 times more understanding Rus, and about 10 mln Buls around the world, I suppose that there will be a heap of people understanding 2 langs, even tens of millions knowing 3 langs, and probably half a million Buls who will succeed to cope with all of these langs. Yet 2 langs are enough, after all, and people can converse with some friends about the left ones. For a person who is … second to none, really, like myself with this my book, I think that even a pair of thousands readers in the world will suffice!

     And now let me return to the why-question. As I hinted in the very beginning, I wanted to show to all people in the world that I care about my poor country, care significantly more than all those higher ranking authorities (see my first Open Letter), who have not given a damn about me and my letters and propositions and light verses for refreshing of the situation! The same is applied also to all mediocre common people (see my letters to the Neighbourhood Assembly), who also do not give a damn about our widespread barbarity and simply like it. Really, with these 4 langs in which I write verses here, I am showing to the world my affection for my country, because I repeat its name more than 100 times, this is not a joke! These my verses might not be chef d'oeuvres (and they surely are not such) in the world poetry, but they have their positive characteristics, and I have, as it's said, gone to bed and was awaken with the name of my country on my lips and in my thoughts.

     So this is why: to show to all those people (and to many others) who am I in reality — an inimitable thinker, who wants to help to his poor country, to raise higher its image, to whiten its face. And all these people must begin to feel ashamed before me and before the world! What means that it will do no harm to repeat on this place my cloning names for this pen-name only, namely:

     Ivancho Jotata, Ochnavi Atatoj, Nostradamus Buladamus, Ivan Bugarow, Jotabash Giaurgi, and others.

     Yes, but to these names must be added (only not cited here) firstly my basic pseudonym, where I have at least 3 times more works, as titles and /or volume, and then a pair of other pen-names, where I have (or will have) by about dozen works, because all these things are fabricated by one and the same real person. This person, i.e. me, has (or will have) summa summarum about 300 (three hundred) ebooks, 30 MB common volume, including more than 50,000 poetical lines, and this at least in 3 langs, but, like I have shown this here, even in 4 langs! So that I am not just somebody unknown as writer or poet, but someone who must be honoured, like I was honoured in the old totalitarian times, where I was Research Assistant in Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS). Hence this book was necessary to be written, I would have always felt some emptiness in myself, had I not come to this idea or having not succeeded to realize it!

     Ah, and a pair of sentences about the transliteration with basic Latin, to which I have come also under some of my other pen-names, but which here is simply necessary in order to use the same beginning letters for all langs. This is my invention, but there is not something very complicated in it, if you want because the Serbs are using for long time Cyrillic and Latin in parallel, and the Mid-European Slavs use only Latin alphabet. Yes, but there are many differences, while I use one and the same transliteration for all alphabets and countries, and everything goes well. Although it matters in which langs, and I use chiefly Eng (where are no problems, because they use only basic Latin chars), then Ger and Rus (where are easily manageable problems), and Bul (where are no problems at all, because of my transliteration which is based on the Bul lang.). And now in a bit more details, which I simply copy here from the material about Free Copying of my works, and in the same form, in order to see that there is nothing really difficult in my proposition.


—>OK, and here are some explanations about the characters that I will use, and the formatting signs, which will differ for the languages. The common things are as if only 2: to forget about reading of the char "y" in English manner as 'aj' (like in "my"), but to denote with it that sound like in "girl" (only not elongated), which is usually called "schwa", and the other thing is to use "j" to denote the old Latin "j" (like in German "Johannes", or in English "boy"). I have used this on several places, but giving this in '', as way how to /_read_/ the words. And also I make one addition chiefly to this language, I add the sign "°" for adding of additional syllable (like, say, "people" must be nearly always read as "peop°le", especially in my poetry, where here an 'y' sound is added; but this may be used also for splitting of a diph- or thriph- -thong — like in "ti°re" = 'tai°y', or "be°ar" = 'be°y').

—>And the formatting characters are the following (where the "for" is enclosed in the new special parentheses): /_italic_/, *_bold_*, -_underlined_-, /upper-index|, \down-index| (where the last "|" may be missing if it is just 1 letter or word, say, A\1/2 or b\min , or /* for footnote, which follows directly after the paragraph), then "—" is long hyphen, and as if these are the major formatting characters. Then new line is introduced with "—>", next indentation for the poetry is "°°°", respectively a delimiter line is usually "—> - - - - -" (or page-break is "—> — — — — —"), and the titles are, beginning with the biggest (of a whole book, usually Heading 1): ====>, ===>, ==>, and => for the smallest subsection (Heading 4). This is everything, and it works well, so that I really /_beg_/ you to copy me free!


     This is everything, guys and girls, I beg you to try to read me, hoping that you will not regret it, because my verses are comical, on many places, as well also sexy, on some others (or the same ones). There follow all the acrostics split basically in 2 sections, yet formally in 3, and then follows the Afterword, which is also funny. I write in funny manner because otherwise even I become annoyed by so many lessons or verses; as I like to say sometimes: life is tough, and because of this it must not be taken very seriously!

     Aug 2023, Barbaria, called officially Bulgaria for camouflage.


1. First half (01 - 50)

=>-01- (Eng) (type ABCABCDD — 50 times)

—>B_ulgari°ans have always led life po°or,

—>U_ntil the d`emocracy came to the°ir land,

—>L_ocating them in-th' cellar of whole Europe.

—>G_rasped have for three decades they that are lu°red

—>A_lone by th' clicking of the coins in the stretched hand;

—>R_egrettab°le they tied were just on new ro°pe!

—>I_n the result of this are cursing rather;

—>A_las, /_not_/ democracy, one another!


=>-02- (Eng)

—>B_elow the belt the human 's-not much decent,

—>U_p it he /she is nicer, you may bet,

—>L_ike also flo°wers, that are joy for us.

—>G_ot it? What's best takes us'lly up-positions,

—>A_nd what is do°wn's rotten, maybe dead,

—>R_eversing of this order will be curse!

—>I_f you think, that it can be otherwise,

—>A_ffirm can only that you are not wise.


=>-03- (Ger)

—>B_eginnen wir damit, dass die Bulgaren

—>U_nmo:ghlich schlechte Nation sein ko:nnen,

—>L_ogisherweise sind Sie /_besser_/ doch!

—>G_estehen mu:ssen Sie, dass die Barbaren

—>A_llein zu sich selbst Schaden machen ko:nnen,

—>R_outinegema:ss als Volk leb'n sie nicht noch.

—>I_n dieser Art sich zu organiesieren

—>A_bsurd ist; lassen uns sie ... /_gratulieren_/!


=>-04- (Ger)

—>B_o:se Ma:dchen wollen uns nicht ... lutschen,

—>U_nd wenn schon, dann bissen in den Schwanz.

—>L_iebe Burschen, das erniedrigt tiefer uns!

—>G_ierig drauf eine ist von Dutzend,

—>A_ber das ist reine Eiweiss, ganz

—>R_u:hrend zu uns wirkt, denn ehren wir den Mund!

—>I_mmerhin, wir ko:nnen dennoch f#cken,

—>A_uch ohne Bru:ste, oder dicke.


=>-05- (Rus)

—>B_eleet v more parus odinokij,

—>U_ kromki berega lezhu, mechtaju,

—>L_eleja myislj, chto kazhdyij chelovek,

—>G_ljanj, parus nad puchinoju glubokoj,

—>A_ to kusochek sahara chto taet:

—>R_ozhdaetsja i ne dozhiv dazh' vek

—>I_scheznet kak vesnoj uvjadshij list,

—>A_kkord /_neslyishnyij_/ ostavljaja lishj.


=>-06- (Rus)

—>B_oljshushchij zal, s gorjashchimi svechami,

—>U_lyibki angelochkov na stenah,

—>L_judej tolpa, duhov tjazhjolyij zapah,

—>G_rotesknostj lic, s pomadoj ilj usami,

—>A_ljapovatostj zhestov, gul v ushah —

—>R_asputstvo slivok obshchestva, v chjih lapah

—>I_znemogaet trudovyij narod,

—>A_ on tot, kto svoej stranyi oplot!

—>Zam.: Nemnogo kommunisticheskoj propagandyi ne vredit, da? Ibo aeto kartina razvlechenija aristokratii.


=>-07- (Rus)

—>B_eliberdu boltajut chasto ljudi,

—>U_trativ veru v istinnosti slov,

—>L_ovja obman ohotnee ushami.

—>G_reh aetot obshchij, aeto ne prichudyi —

—>A_vosj ujdjom ot zhizni da v mir snov,

—>R_askrasim 'jo kak delajut v reklame!

—>I_ dazhe ja, vot, balujusj pish`a stih/_ov_/,

—>A_ to bolj, golod, strasti zud, lishj ne ljubovj!


=>-08- (Bul)

—>B_re, ama to e tyj, nij sme dobri!

—>U_ nas egoistichnite naturi

—>L_osh/_ejat_/ sprjamo svojto obkryzhen/_j_/e.

—>G_lobalno nij sme cvete, /_chjort pob'ri_//*!

—>A_ pri sploten narod vyznikvat buri,

—>R_ushashti chuzhdoto sys ubezhden/_j_/e.

—>I_ ako tuj ne e da se gordeem povod,

—>A_z i ne znam kakyv drug da vi kazha dovod.

—>Zab.: 'CHjort poberi' na ruski znachi "djavol da go vzeme", tova dori ne e psuvnja, a obichaen izraz. Osven tova tozi stih beshe pyrvonachalno sled No 3 na nemski, taka che toj e edin vid prodylzhenie na nego, no posle prepodredih neshtata v pyrvata duzina stihove, za da imat vse syshtija red, pyrvo 2 na anglijski, posle 2 na nemski, i posle po 3 na ruski i nakraja na bylgarski, i taka vyv vsjaka desetka. Pljus tova da dobavja, che i rimata e vse ot tipa ABCABCDD do No 50 vkljuchitelno, a posle veche izpolzuvam drugi varianti, po za edna-dve desetki.


=>-09- (Bul)

—>B_ezsporno e edno, myzhyt e pich!

—>U_ nego tuj e kat' /_vivendi modus_//* —

—>L_aviraj ustremno, probij, vlezni!

—>G_de zhenskoto e lipsa, dupka, hich —

—>A_mi che to'j na myzhkoto /_v ugodu_/,

—>R_avnjavane ne stava tuk s vezni.

—>I_ pomisli: koj dubyla ceni?

—>A_h, sal s razlichno da go razmeni!

—>Zab.: Nachin na zhivot, po latinski, samo deto obiknoveno dumite sa v obraten red.


=>-10- (Bul)

—>B_aja da se ozorvam pochnah veche,

—>U_tepvam njavga sedmica za stih

—>L_ek, kazal bih, ot sorta na sonet.

—>'G_a s macka sym ne svyrshvam az, choveche,

—>A_mi, /_dva dni_/, a be dor' ... kazha "chih"!

—>R_azvratnik sym, mechtaja za ... m#net.

—>I_ dazhe, mislja si, na onja svjat

—>A_z nadali bih sprjal da tyrsja /_bl#dj_/.




2. Second half (51 - 100)

=>-51- (Eng) (type AABCDBCD — 20 times)

—>B_right future we can always /_hope_/ to have,

—>U_nwise witho°ut hope is to be left.

—>L_et's say, one in a lottery can win,

—>G_o far abroad and do some well paid work,

—>A_ttract attention with some silly act.

—>R_egretfully the disuniting's /_sin_/,

—>I_ndeed, the highest wish's to job as clerk,

—>A_nd not break through the jungle path, that's fact!


=>-52- (Eng)

—>B_ut we have had the biggest company, the state,

—>U_sed everything have cheaper, it was dull but great!

—>L_ugubrious o°ur fate's for most right no°w,

—>G_one far behind are we than Europe whole,

—>A_nd save ourselves abroad's the only hope!

—>R_eturning back's impossible, but ho°w

—>I_llusion lost to catch or make a goal?

—>A_h, we are dancing long time on a rope!


=>-53- (Ger)

—>B_esonders glu:cklich zu bin, kann nicht sagen,

—>U_nglu:cklich auch nicht, bin hervorragend!

—>L_etztendlich bin in Unis ausgebildet,

—>G_ier nicht nach Geld, nach Wissen hab' in mir,

—>A_llein umgeben mich meist dumme Leute.

—>R_eiz haben sie nach Geld nur, das sind ... Wilde,

—>I_n 'nem Vergleich mit Wissenschaftler hier,

—>A_bsturz ist das fu:r mich, ich wurde Beute!


=>-54- (Ger)

—>B_ei mir ist alles wie es sich geho:rt,

—>U_nd doch in keinem, lebe ich, Komfort.

—>L_ogischerweise leichtes Leben fu:hrt

—>G_ar nicht zu Glu:ck, man etwas u:berwinden

—>A_llzeitlich muss, um glu:cklicher zu fu:hlen.

—>R_ahm abzuscho:pfen immer ist Absurd,

—>I_n Fu:lle leben, das /_erschwa:cht_/, muss finden

—>A_llein Erschwernisse, im Geld wenn wu:hlend!


=>-55- (Rus)

—>B_erjot verh pohotj, seks, vsegda nad nami;

—>U_stalostj, vsjo taki, ne za gorami.

—>L_etjat, katjatsja godyi kak koljosa,

—>G_ljanj — vot i postarel na desjatj let,

—>A_bsurdno tak trahatjsja naperjod.

—>R_eshiteljno, na staryih netu sprosa,

—>I_ shljut t'e molodyie lishj privet;

—>A_ to i pomiratj pridjot cherjod!


=>-56- (Rus)

—>/_B_ljaduham_/ podnoshu ja svoj pochjot,

—>U_zh' potomu, chto k nim nas i vlechjot!

—>L_ishj kto ni razu n`e byil s ljogkoj devkoj

—>G_reshitj tem mozhet, chtob' ih preziratj,

—>A_ to cen`it za nenavjazchivostj.

—>R_astjot dlja nih, kak budto, nashe drevko,

—>I_stochnik obojudnyih zhe /_naslad_/.

—>A_h, vedj bez nih veli byi vechnyij post!


=>-57- (Rus)

—>B_ljudite trebovan/_j_/ja pola, ljudi,

—>U_chtite,vedj bljudjat ego ... verbljudyi,

—>L_jagushki, tarakanyi, vshi, kozjavki,

—>G_adjuki, vyidryi, pticyi, begemotyi,

—>A_kulyi, oktopodyi, kityi, raki,

—>R_yicha pri tom ilj net, v vode, na travke,

—>I_graja, vyitvorjaja povorotyi,

—>A_ljapovatyie risuja znaki.


=>-58- (Bul)

—>B_ezsporno e edno, che na stranata

—>/_U_padyk_/ ni donese svobodata!

—>L_avinno vsichki huknaha navyn

—>G_oljamata parica da dokopat,

—>A_bdali sal ostanaha u nas.

—>R_azvivame se poveche ... na syn,

—>I_ brojkata vyrvi ni vse naopak;

—>A_h, ga che li ni'j sgashtil ... pederas(t)!


=>-59- (Bul)

—>B_anditi pylnjat gushi s tyrgovija —

—>U_ nas e tyj, i njama opravija.

—>L_jubov kym znanieto veche njama.

—>G_rabi, shtom tuj sega ti e na sgoda;

—>A_mi, tyj pravjat vsichkite sys teb!

—>R_azbira se, che padnahme vyv jama,

—>I_ ni izticha vse navyn priploda,

—>A_ma nal' tr/_e_/be da se /_rucha leb_/!


=>-60- (Bul)

—>B_ylgarija zaljazva vech' za men,

—>U_gasva bavno, kato leten den.

—>L_aska/_j_/m se oshte s njakakvi nadezhdi,

—>G_yrdite pychim v lyskavi kolici;

—>A_chik, obache'j, che stranata mre!

—>R_eshili bjahme da izpishem vezhdi,

—>I_zleze, che ne stigat ni parici,

—>A_gonijata ni ne mo/_j_/ d'se spre!




3. Some pluses (101 - 105)

=>-101- (Eng) (type AABBAABB — 4 times)

—>B_ecoming older one begins to lose,

—>U_ntil it turns, some organ was abused.

—>L_ife is a /_mortal_/, as you know, /_disease_/,

—>G_uy wakes each day, but once his heart has ceased!

—>A_s if we have an automatic "fuse",

—>R_estored's the body oft, yet fat and booze

—>I_nvalidate the organs, so that, please,

—>A_way postpone the final ... /_soul's striptease_/!

—>Rem.: I think that have expressed myself quite exact here, but because there are several, probably new for some of you notions, let me give some additional explanations. So this, that the life is a mortal disease passed by the way of sex, has to be known phrase, right? Then we have many mechanisms for defending or restoring of the organs, this is clear, and this is similar to some electric fuse which is restored after some time, yet nevertheless we die always at the end. Then there are other factors that "invalidate" our body and its organs, but the fat and the booze are among them. And finally, this, that the death is a kind of striptease of the /_soul_/ from its material body parts, well, I think this is a nice metaphor, the soul may be simply ... pissed off by this same body, and hurries to be welcomed and hugged by our God, who knows?


=>-102- (Ger)

—>B_etru:gen lieben wir einander gern,

—>U_nd /_Selbst_/betrug ist doch zu uns nicht fern;

—>L_ust haben wir zu glauben an Fabeln,

—>G_leicht, wer die Wahrheit will, 'nem weissen Raben!

—>A_ch, wir sind ... /_Eskapisten_/ in dem Kern,

—>R_ebellen, unzufrieden, meine Herrn!

—>I_m Prinzip ist das eine rare Gabe,

—>A_m meisten wenn betrunken, gegen Abend.


=>-103- (Rus)

—>B_oleet telo, chtob'... /_vozvyisitj duh_/!

—>U_stlan nash putj stradan/_j_/jami, moj dru/_H_/!

—>L_ishj kto v bedu popal potom umneet,

—>G_rob ot sebja otodvigatj umeet.

—>A_ vot, kto ne stradal, k stradan/_j_/jam gluh,

—>R_etivyij vseh schitatj za staju muh!

—>I_ tak, tot schastliv, kto pereboleet;

—>A_ koli net, to mir pustj ... poredeet!


=>-104- (Bul)

—>B_ekjarina, toj ... chuka deto mozhe.

—>U_bijstven e bez tuj zhivota, Bozhe!

—>L_omoti za ljubov, no se razbira:

—>G_otov mu e "gysoka" i napira.

—>A_la i posle, s brachno svoe lozhe,

—>R_azvrata e zhitejski glaven stozher,

—>I_ se choveka dvazh p`o ekzaltira

—>A_ko e s chuzhdo, inak njama mira!


=>-105- (Bul) (type AAAAAAAA — 1 time)

—>B_ylgarija razviva se samichka,

—>U_spjava koj s 'kvo mozhe, s d#pe, s p(t)ichka,

—>L_yshti kraj vseki dom i po kolichka,

—>G_rebeme med i maslo sys lyzhichka,

—>A_ i uchtivi sme, na vsjaka srichka!

—>R_ajata sal podir parica tichka,

—>I_ samo det' stranata ni, gorkichka,

—>A_mi, topi se, i ja vseki fichka!



9. Afterword — Jotata as … breeding stallion!

     Ah, my dear (because of your not big number) readers, this will be funny chapter, but what of it? I meant that, like a Rus proverb says, yet this must be widely spread: In each joke there's a grain of truth! And here there are too many accumulated facts, in order to be taken for mere coincidences. I have the feeling that my proposition, namely to use me as … inseminator for, if not directly geniuses, then at least high above the average level children, and of masculine sex, and who is with extremely untraditional way of thinking, i.e. with sound body and pretty original mind, et cetera, seems entirely grounded for me. I must be the ideal pair for each middle-aged woman, who wants to become known in the world via her posterity! Only that now, at about 75, it is a bit late to do such propositions, right? Yes but I have my excuses or mitigating circumstances, which may take away from 10 to 15 of my years and make me the ideal, well, lover and breeder, for an intelligent woman of about 35, providing I will find her sufficiently intelligent (for a women, s'intende — what is something like "of course" in Italian, shortened to Ita). But let me proceed in a slower pace and clear some of the mysteries in my words.

     Firstly about the coincidences. So you know that I am Atatoj, what may be made (by myself) as inversion of Jotata (what in it's turn is a literary personage meaning somebody small and insignificant like the letter 'j', i.e. "the Jota", because the Buls put the definite articles at the end of the word and glued with it), but it, nevertheless contains, and even twice the syllable 'at', which in Turkish (yet known also in the Bul) is exactly a breading stallion, at! And because I am sure that some of you will object at once to this word-syllable of Turkish origin, let me give some hints about its derivation (because, really, the Tur — shortened — lang. is a special one, like also the Gre for Greek) what must not be very sound. Yes but not exactly, because there is Rus 'atu' (him) as catch (him), as a cry to … dogs (so that this has to be understandable even by some animals), and there is the Eng "ata boy" as brave, good, fast, so that this is the hidden meaning of the word at, something very fast! And why should I know this word when I do not know Tur? Ah, because there was once, as if in the 19-th century, one (Kemal) Ataturk (Atatu:rk), what is translated as "father of Turkey", but I think that you now grasp well the meaning of this word. So that my pseudonym might as well be said that means the "truest at" (because all cry 'aj /oj', like to a brave boy). And that this can be somehow related with my person is surely more believable than the Zodiacs, in which practically every second person believes. I mean that everything might have been just professed somehow, written somewhere in the Heaven!

     Then as to me being an ancestral intellectual it is easy: I have been Research Assistant in BAS, have 2 and a half tertiary educations in the exact sciences, received in 3 different countries, and know now about 3.5 foreign langs, and my father has been orchestral conductor. And because some of you may object that if I was so highly intelligent, then why I have remained unemployed during all the democratic years, so I may add that at my last place of work in the totalitarian years I had to wait whole 3 months notice before to leave it, but when I have left it, exactly then began our messed democracy and I have never succeeded to find myself suitable job (even as a school teacher in mathematics). And to this I may add what I have done for the last more than 30 democratic years, what may be reduced to about one thousand popular publications (like papers or chapters of books) and about 50,000 poetical lines in 3 to 4 langs.

     OK, and now to the maker of boys. You see, this has to be hereditary, as far as I have heard, and the facts for me are, that I have 2 times made only boys (but for about a pair of abortions made by some girls as if because of me I can't tell the truth); on the other hand my father has have only 2 other brothers, so that these are confirmed facts (for the moment in 2 generations). Let me go to my health.

     Here everything is also clear, I have simply no internal diseases, no in the heart, no in the stomach or bowels, no cancers, no nothing, what can be proved by the fact (if you believe me) that from the time I have begun to pay health insurances (in 1998) and till now (2023-rd) I have not visited a physician with serious complain. More than this, I take also no medicaments; the last time I have bought a pack of Aspirin tablets was before about 10 years, and I have taken only 1 or 2 pills till now, not a single in the last 5 or so years, and if I have to take one I usually divide the pill in 3 to 4 parts and take only one such part! In addition to this I also have begun, before about 20 years, to exercise some minimal sporting activity, such like: jogging (jumping or running) forward and backward in the corridor of my flat, and also am making some push-ups, all this once in a week (before the weekly bath), and am walking for 2-3 hours twice a week. And would you try to guess how many jumps and push-ups I am making? Ah, you will never believe this (because I alone would have never believed it before I have begun to do this)! So the jumps are still more than 2,000 and the push-ups more than 30! Yet no overstraining, once in a week. And when I look in the mirror at my torso I like myself, because I look better than at about 20, that's it.

     Not that I have no diseases at all, no, I have some, but they are natural and not lethal, like this that I have no teeth (and no dentures), have some aches in the leg joints (when I walk longer then 2 hours, and also in the very beginning, before I get used to the strain), have bad eyesight since a little boy, and now am beginning to become blind with the left eye, also as if I develop astigmatism, can't work seriously (before the computer screen) for more than 4 hours daily, can't do it (if you see what I mean) more than 2-3 times in a week, and such things. Yes, but I am now more or less at the average for Bulgaria lifespan (about 73), and have planned and prognosticated to live till at least 86, although one never knows, surely! And as to the mental diseases I have also not a single (if one does not take for a disease this, that I can't endure at all whatever TV or radio etc., because of the … ads). I can add also that I am drinking every evening, but only about 70 ml of home-made vodka (from bought spiritus at the pharmacy), so that this makes less than 1 l 95 % spiritus vini monthly, plus another 70 ml of home-made sour vine from wild fruits (say, sour cherries, or brambles); what means that I stand under no danger to become alcoholic! And as to the condition of my brain the best proof are my verses.

     And now let me come more closely to the women which I seek, where the fun will increase. So these girls (what is not very accurate, but let me leave it so) must be about 35 years, in normal interval from 30 to 40, and in the utmost extended interval from 25 to 45! No younger, naturally, because I may be a stallion yet not an youngling, and not older, because she must be able to conceive by me. She must be also pretty intelligent, as I said, much above the average, with more than one tertiary education, and best of all if she is a PhD or professor; and of course not look like the Death itself, so to say! I may want to sleep with her, but I can't allow myself to waste my … sperm; after all, I've not much left of it! And mark also that I do not want lawyer or physician, or with literary education or other humanitarian, it must be something in the exact sciences (what means mathematics, physics, chemistry, or similar)! Yet there can be some exceptions, if she knows many langs, or writes alone, or plays music or composes verses, yet this not as major education but as side interests.

     Yeah, but if you think that I have forgotten about the humour then it is not so, because she must have small to moderate (so to say, of the low-middle class) … breasts! And if you ask, why, so there is at least the known by us phrase that: the big tits (if you'll excuse my Fre) distracts the … , well, inseminator! Yet this is the profane thinking, the real cause is that this influences her way of thinking, disfigures the body (especially at advanced age), and similar things (so that my jokes are intelligent). And how this can be established or measured? Ah, by the method of … Archimedes, measuring the pushed away liquid, meaning water, and even taking the weight of the very water for weight of the breast! The simplest method for doing this is to fill a casserole or saucepan with water, to put it in an empty basin, and then sink the breast in the pot, after what to measure the water in litres (and try not to cheat with the depth of sinking or with the measurement). So the measured in this way single breast must be in the limits of 0.5 to 1. l (probably, as an exception, up to 1.2 l.). And do not forget the lower limit, too, because I have seen, and exactly scientific workers, without whatever breasts, such women are exceedingly influenced, but in the another direction.

     Yet I have not finished with the women, and this in plural, because one is not enough for me! Meant in a long interval of time, of course, for I intend to live at least 10 more years, but probably 15, who knows? And everything in form of so called free love, to be sure, no marriage contracts and no recognition of paternity! Because I have just no time to wait an year or so merely taking hands, as it is said, and only then to become engaged in making of the child (a boy, to be sure), we simply begin or not to do it (in the name of the posterity and the world, right?)! Hence the father will be unknown, and after 10 or more years will be seen whether he is alike me in something or not. If this suits some woman then good, else is even better — less worries.

     Now a pair of sentences about the money and the wealthy status. It is easy: she must have some income of about 500 Euro monthly, but this is only for her, I neither need, no intend to spend money for her! I will explain my condition with more details a bit later, but now can say, that I have guarantied income of about 200 Eur monthly from my pension, but we may as well count this for 250 Eur (meaning the time when this book will be published). And I spend chiefly only for communal expenses, which are unavoidable, so that from the received miserable pension I save on the average 150 Eur monthly, that's it! Why this is so is a long story to be told, but you may quietly take it that it is because of our botched democracy, yet this has been my habit for the last more than 30 years, to live utmost economically. So that, supposing she will come to me in Bulgaria, she may want to use some money for renovations of my flat, or for better food, but it is up to her, for me my way of living suffices and is even pretty … healthy! I have some economized money, but I don't want to spend them for myself, for one thing believing that the money and easy life spoil the person (especially in the contemporary consumptive society), and for another thing because money spent in the usual way come in the hands of … uneducated persons, surely, not of intelligent enough persons (like me); so that I intend to donate some sums to educational institutions and /or high students, but this can wait for some more years.

     Ah, what more have I left unexplained? Probably it is time to come to the … circles of countries, from where these women can come to me (to be inseminated by me, right?). Because I do not mean a Bul or Rus or Eng woman, no, I am a man of the world, hence I mean women from all around the world! So the circles are 3, namely: 1-st — preferable European; 2-nd — other European; 3-rd — from other continents! Yet let me before this explain that I will name the country but will mean rather the ethnicity, and that there are some countries which I exclude, for various reasons (which I will mostly skip for brevity). So I do not want women from: Russia (have tried it already), Ukraine (do not like them), USA (do not like these world gendarmes), Hebrews, Greeks, Turks, Gypsies (for various reasons), Hungarians or Estonians (not exactly Indo-Europeans), Polish (the most difficult lang.), Eskimos (it is too cold there), really black Negroes, Chinese, and others. So the Circle 1 includes: Ger, Ita, Fre — because of the lang, meaning that I want to improve my Ger lang., or like the Ita one, which I understand but do not speak, or even do not know Fre, but like this "back to the jungle", and other details. Then the Circle 2 is: Czech, Switzerland, Belgium, Bul, Serbian, Swedish, Latvian, Romanian, Spanish, and maybe from some other country. And Circle 3: Arabs, and especially Persians, Hindus, Brasilia, Mexico, Australia, Japan, some Far East country, and probably others. And also mark that the circles have to be satisfied in this order, and, say: the first one from 2025 to 2028 including, the second from 2028 till 2032 incl., and the third one from 2032 to 2037. Something like this; but if there will be no women candidates I intend to stop my reproductive activity somewhere in the 2030, when I will become octogenarian.

     And how to do this? Well, the woman in question must send me something like CV, containing also her remarks about one or more of my works, naturally. On every site there is a way to leave a comment, or send me private message. As I said, joke is joke, but the work must also be done, and she (resp. they) must become used with doing some secretarial work for me, because this will be her work after my demise, to care about new editions of my old works, to publish them in printed, or in whatever form. There are enough materials about which to care even only under this my pseudonym, but the volume of all my works can be got roughly by multiplying everything by 4 or 5! Even my Open Letter is interesting by itself, and there are also the essays on social problems, the second to none NAPUK party, which is not yet built, but it may and must be built sometime and somewhere, and many other publications, not forgetting, of course my verses in Bul or other langs. This girl /-s will be my secretary cum lover and also my heir, in a way.

     Where I say "in a way", because — this is also important question, not yet properly cleared — I will leave all my works to the people, with no author's rights, as public property! This is the most correct decision, because I am anonymous writer, with practically no heirs, and when I have won nothing when alive, I do not insist to "win" whatever after my death. So that she will not win something directly from me, but will … indirectly receive something! How? Well, via this editorial work, as corrector, or editor, or even translator, something in that sphere. So that I will care somehow for this … professor (as I said that is preferable). What means also that with this funny Afterword I give some information about myself and my heredity, and if some of you will come to the conclusion that I burn with desire to sleep with some Ger Professorin, and /or Ita professoressa, or Fre professeure, and so on, twice younger than me, then this is … true, but what of it? After all, this is in the name of entire … humankind, in order to give birth to highly intelligent boys, as well also in order to preserve the works of one already proven international writer, popularizer, and poet, so that such amorous stories must not only be allowed, but encouraged, hmm. Or put in poetical form this may sound like:

     In feminine love I don't much believe,

        but in the reason, in the symbiosis!

     Hence this is what we can try to achieve,

        if you want through the sex, with all its poses.

     Now I can sow, if girl wants to conceive.

     OK, I am nearing to the end of this chapter, but let me give you some additional information about my habits, which will throw more light over my uniqueness as person and thinker (generally speaking). So for example I have begun in the last pair of years to circle around the … garbage bins! This is not only for economies, no, there are other reasons, and this gives me, in a way, more … fun, surely! Probably because I like to find and take from the nature whatever I find good (chiefly for eating), I pick mushrooms for maybe 50 years, and this is natural transition and adaptation to the hard democratic times for the intellectuals, but this is how the things stand by me. Also, as I said, I must walk, and circling around the trees (or, then, street benches, or shops, or buildings, and so on) seems to me silly. And, after all, when my daily pension was about … 3 bus tickets (now it is more, but the tickets will again jump in their price), this is an useful spending of my time. Add to this also the fact that I simply do not like this incessant buying of not necessary things, and their throwing out after some time even not touched. And other reasons, and I intend to write an article called "Clochard's diary", after I will lead such diary for one whole year; this must be in Eng as to the beginning and the end, where I will maybe put some … philosophical observations, and the very diary with each findings must be in Bul; most probably I will publish this to the end of 2025.

     Now let me move for a while to my food, because here I am also pretty original. Say, for probably 30 or more years I eat dandelion leaves and make artificial honey of its blossoms, but I use in similar way at least 5-6 wild grasses and leaves of trees, not less than this of various kinds of wild fruits for making of wines, syrups, and jams /confitures, have succeeded to make even my own … tee (out of so called ivanchai, what is a melliferous wild plant), and other things — in addition to this that I know probably 50 kinds of mushrooms, like already mentioned. Also a thing that I eat since about 20 years are the … shells of the eggs! Yes, surely, they are necessary for all young children, as well for old people, because contain calcium in purest form (better than in the milk), and this is one of the means for fighting of atherosclerosis (for the bones and the blood vessels), and a daily intake is (acc. to me) the shell of one egg for about a week.

     But this isn't everything, because I have begun (for about 5 years) to eat also the … rinds of all kinds of fruits and vegetables! Say: of carrots and young potatoes (I don't peel them, even if they have stayed a month after the pulling out of the earth), of cucumbers, eggplants, lemons or mandarins (but of oranges have too strong taste), of zucchini, of turnips, even of … pumpkins! And why I do this and how I eat them? Well, surely after I cook them, because (if you have not forgotten) I have no teeth at all, and exactly for this reason! I mean that when I can't eat such rinds like many other people then I have to take them in some other form, because they are necessary for the organism, they contain many building elements, vitamins, etc., so that I have decided not to throw away whatever eatable, but to try to gulp it in some form or other. So now I eat even the used … tee leaves, coffee grains, the mentioned rinds (maybe first dried and then cooked), various nuts (again cooked, and /or grinded), the stones of olives (this is known from old times, and I simply swallow them), and probably other things. And before you begin to laugh at me let me remind you that not a single animal peels the fruits or roots that it eats, and the carnivorous animals do not peel usually even the skin and the feathers. So why should I be sillier than an ordinary animal, said I to myself.

     Also let me explain you that fruits and even milk do not spoil, usually, and for a long time, they begin to ferment, what is not spoiling but the God's way of preserving, surely! I understand nothing from biology or organic chemistry, but I'll tell you that there exist 2 polar ways for changing of organic matter, the one is the fermentation or oxidation, what is not real destruction of the molecules, but building of derivatives, which are as if more complicated in their structure; and the other way is changing in the diametrically opposed direction, to the alkalis, where the molecules are disfigured and decomposed, what is real decaying, and I do not eat such food not for other reasons, but because these substances are not … tasty, surely. I (as a clever being, who has done many own researches in the world of words, in many langs) can even tell you why they are so called (yet not the official version, that this word was something Arabic, but that), namely, the very alkali is all+kalo, where the kalo is at least old Gre and means good, yet in some transferred, philosophical sense, that this is decaying, but if something decays then this is in order to build something new, hence the turning to … feaces, is good! Ah, this can't be told in pair of words, this is ancient philosophy, and here must be spoken about the old Hindu Goddess … Kali, who was something like the Death, she was Goddess of under-terrestrial world, and was also very beautiful (i.e. the death is beautiful); in addition to this the feaces are plural and build as 'fju' + kalo ('fecalii' in Slavonic, 'fashkije' in Tur, and so on), where the first is exclamation of contempt in many langs, and the second is the same old Gre word, hence we, the Western people take this for bad, but it, the fertilization, is very good thing (so that even the feaces, no matter that they smell, are good for something). Ah, if was hard, but I hope that you have got the most important, that even the decomposing is a very necessary natural process. Still, this is decaying, but the fermenting is not!

     Because of these judgments (and that I have no teeth), I prefer to eat pulpy and fermenting fruits (bananas, apples, peaches, whatever), in the same way like many animals do this (say, the bees die to suck fermenting fruits), and I find them better tasting in this form. Also about the milk, let me tell you one quite recent event with me. Before about one month I have found (in the back yard of one shop) several bottles or spoiled milk (it was fresh but already turned to curds), which expiration date has gone before several weeks, and I eat them all one by one and expect to have for one more month, i.e. to use it more than 2 months after the date for consumption, and this, mark also this, without whatever fridge and in the hottest Jul and Aug days! The "secret" how I have succeeded to make it eatable is very simple: I have opened the first bottle poured out about 50 ml of the juice and poured in the same amount of some sour milk (I have not more left), adding half a tee-spoon of salt and the same amount of sugar; after a pair of days I repeated the same operation with the next bottle, using this one as source of fermented milk, and so on; where I had the care to open the bottles a pair of times daily in order to leave out the gases (I suppose carbon-dioxide). The taste was something in the middle between our sour milk and Rus kefir, probably something like Mongolian kumis. So this is about the milk and fermented fruits.

     Ha-ha, and now about "fermented" bread, i.e. about moulded bread, because I eat also such bread and find it even … healthy, if not exceedingly moulded! Ah, here also are necessary some preliminaries, namely that I recognize several kinds of mould, only by its colour (what is probably due to various additions to the flour), where the red, orange, coal black, and other exotic colours are bad for me, but the usual blue-green mould is the good one! As I told you, I am not professional in this branch, so that I applied only common judgments, analogies and degustations. But the point is that some moderate amount of this mould has the effect of a bit of … aspirin, refreshing, mobilizing the body; and if it is in bigger amount then I scratch out what I can and then bake the pieces in a kitchen grill. And I suppose that it is not necessary for me to remind you here that moulded cheeses are made at least for centuries, and before about one century was made the penicillin out of some similar kind of mould, so that this must not be harmful, no, it is only a matter of habits and low … self-esteem! And my self estimation comes not from the money, but from my knowledge and abilities, so that I can allow myself to act reasonably, no matter that this is a bit shocking for the masses; as I have repeated several times, I am simply unique!

     Ah, guys and girls, especially the latter, it seems that I have reached the end of this chapter, the last of my last poetry book under this name, hence of my swan's song in the poetry. With this I have filled a big gap in my colourful image, helping the posterity and the literary critique to understand better my unique personality, right? So that I am telling you at last adieu, addio, or farewell with the following little verse, which has 4 lines, with 4 syllables, but with the same rhyme, like the sonorous clanging of bells of a dashing by us carriage or sleigh. Because I am running little by little away, but 4 lines means a square, diamond, something that stays for a long time, maybe forever, and I hope that all my works will remain after me in the same way for the posterity.

     This was quite long

     for a swan's song,

     but's nothing wrong.

     Live well, ding-dong.

     Aug 2023,  Bulgaria









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