C. Proposal of transcendence


To ring the Zeitgeist changes, I need to change first

For things to get better, I must get better first

Shadow vanishes in shade of the slightest glow

Death lives out in the phlegm of inbred lived-in love

Proposal of transcendence, we shall prance afresh

Love me, cherish him, fancy her, praise yourself please

True love the only truth, when love rules no more fears

Not a slight shadow of a doubt past the lightship

Death deceases, where love is dutiful worship

Proposal of transcendence, we shall prance afresh

Let the creatorship assail my heart with love

Into a being of light I'll metamorphose

Love transfigures each single drop of H two O

Translated into truth by Masaru E Moto

Proposal of transcendence, we shall prance afresh

Let me be mind-set to treasure what's the best bet

Waterborne planet Earth, heavenly face-lifted

To be born lovelorn no more a play with fire

Omniscient love, alibi that holds water

Proposal of transcendence, we shall prance afresh

Every effort counts to outshine the outward man

I'm just another drop in the ocean of love

Who knows that if we dare gather all together

We can make tidal waves to change the status quo

Proposal of transcendence, we shall prance afresh

Driven by a wind of wisdom, zephyr of faith
Loving cup never full enough to quench the thirst

Of my lovey-dovey's godly affair de Coeur

Loving the world over, by all lovable means

Lose heart to take a shine of divine Aïn Soph Aur

Sunfast godsend never-ending creating light

Proposal of transcendence, we shall prance afresh

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