Sunshine boy


Jacob's Ladder

"Si tu a peur de mourir qu'une partie de toi s'arrache à te garder en vie tu verra des démons déchirer cette vie. Mais si tu as fait la paix alors les démons deviennent anges et te libère du poids de la poids de la Terre"

Oh sunshine boy you should don't go outside

Oh sunshine boy listen this sweet melody outside

Don't be afraid sunshine boy, it's the war outside

You have a red hole dear sunshine boy

A such big read hole in your tummy

Oh dear sunshine boy don't be afraid, it's the war outside

If you feel unknow hands search the bullet in your tummy

Dear sunshine boy don't be afraid, it's the war outside

Oh sunshine boy you have a red and bloody hole

But don't worry listen the sweet melody

Dear sunshine boy you are not dead

You search the peace but it's the war outside

Oh sunshine boy don't cry if you gonna to die, it's the war outside

It's finish for you my boy don't worry for the bloody hands of the doctors but we have some water for clean it. Hope that your wife don't cry a lot.

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