Ten Commandments

Aurélien Loste

Don't you know them?

I - "It's easier, more efficient, better, to listen and serve one Master: common sense, reality, pragmatism" : let's follow logic 

II - "Thus, it's easier, more efficient, better, not to forget that ideas, which are spiritual, are higher than pictures, which are material" let's follow reason 

III - "It's obvious that invoking common sense whilst saying or even pledging false things implies a contradiction in itself" let's follow coherence 

IV - "It's good to have habbits, and Sun Day being the Day of the Sun, we could grace it every sunday, by a devotion to It" let's Honour our Creator 

V - "It's good to help our family/ies, as it helps ourself to grow; more over, the human species has the same African origin" let's love each other 

VI - "Hating someone is not good for ourself, but if you were to hate someone, killing it is not the worst thing to do to it, neither the best; in a general meaning, killing is never a solution, as it's unfair; as Gandalf says to Pippin at Minas Tirith, the White Tower, "Can you revive those who are dead? So don't be to quick on wishing death". common sense implies judging and punishing bad or sick people, not killing them. Let's get reasonnable

VII - "Sex is the main mean to multiply ourselves; even if now we can have babies without sex" let's keep faithfull 

VIII - "Stealing is an act of fraud, so a contradiction to common sense" let's keep fair 

XI -  "Lying is a word of fraud, so a contradiction to common sense" let's keep true 

X - "Jalousy, envy, are stupid: are we in the shoes of other people? Can we think what they think? Plus, joy comes more from what we do that from what we have, joyful memories lie in our past more than in our posessions, more over if we lose them" let's keep smart.

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