The Woman in Black


Since you have been gone
A strange silhouette
Come and see me night after night.
And each night seems to become
More and more worrying
Than the previous one.
Until today, this doubtful shape
Refused to go out of the dark.
And now,
It stands in front of me,
The hood raised on its head,
Let appear
A beautiful jet black hair.
At first glance,
She looked like a goddess.
Then my sight fixed on its face,
I dared not to do anything,
I dared not to move.
My eyes stared at her,
Shared between fear and fascination.
But the more I watched her,
The more her features hardened,
Showing only hatred woven of envy.
What kind of envy was it?
I understood when I  looked into her eyes
That her only desire
Was to be able to tear my soul
Away from my body.
After all,
What would be wrong
With such an enigmatic creature?
Whatever its strength,
Man remains weak
Facing Death.

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