
Mme Ins

If I let my mind speak out loud as it feels from the deep inside, I wouldn't be able to stop the flow of thoughts.

The one after the other, nothing could ever control.

That I might feel powerful and powerless, with no sense, no coordination in between. I am not master of what I believe and what I don't. I am not master of the enigmas built up in my heart. But what I know decidedly is the strength of my soul into holding up and resisting to whatever abomination my mind is suggesting. And to be honest, no coordination exists between my body doings and my rationality. In fact, everything operates distinctively. Every night would be a source of deep reflexion on how to overcome all those lacks and to overachieve myself into becoming the best version. Which is clearly not definable, as we cannot precisely know the aims of our own existence to a very concise point. I do not limit myself by applying a societal pressure on my thoughts, restricting their natural cycle by abiding all irrationality that might come up in the process. I believe this small voice, always willing to talk and give an opinion on the most insignificant thing or event, is, in reality, what makes our individuality.

This voice coexists with all of our inculcated beliefs and education. The necessity of this coexistence is irrevocable and with no controversy legitimate. If our cycle of thought weren't influenced by the intern voice, we would all come up with the same logic, which would have not contributed to the society advancements onto many points.

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