
Aurélien Loste

Living in 2044

1 - Time and Space (Mars) travels

2 - Immaterial ways and Machines

3 - Safety

4 - Immortality and reproduction

5 - Energy, youth and China

6 - How machines became new gods

7 - Your time

8 - (Back to) Golden age

9 - Robots, humans and sex

10 - Robotic generations

11 - The final human (controlled) century, or our three last decades as leaders

12 - How Jedis became real

13 - How is it today?

14 - How to prepare for 2045?

15 - Have an happy golden age!

1 - Time and Space (Mars) travels

Reading that after the Emergence report, you may have found our (and your future) robolution was like an emergency case for mankind. And it's indeed what many people here are now thinking about next year 2045 Singularity to come, and why I've been told to focus on that and not on the past as I'm doing now warning you about what will happen until then. Foolish of me, as they say. Time can not be altered, neither by machines, nor by gravitational waves, so why do I persist doing that?

As past was proven to be, by a searcher which for our XXIst century is the equivalent of Albert Einstein in yours, that is this century human best and most famous scientist, Stephen Hawking. Shouldn't you know about that, he first conjectured then demonstrated that past was unchangeable: whatever you may learn, think and do about it, nothing will change. Time is a forever present, you may go and see the future, but looking back, you'll just see memories eternally gone. And that's actually for the best of our peace of mind, this past relief.

Would you be curious beyond physical laws and conjectures (hypothesis), let's take a simple and well-known case: when first humans landed on Mars in 2027, they had days (called Sols) lasting with our Earthian time 24h40mins, which were at the beginning of this first century of the third millenium parted in an equivalent of Mars own 24 hours (and the same for hours, seconds..) to match the life on our blue planet, as well as their 667 Earthian days for one Martian year were parted in twenty-two 30day months and one of one week, seven days lasting six days every fifty years, called the Maearth day, when every year they focus more on communicating with us, Earth dwellers, even if they are being filmed most of their chosen time for the remnant of the year (this old word refers to one of the most famous ad motto begging them to give us more time was like "best pleasures are shared", but they may have said to themselves that best shares were physical, and not only for the sake of Mars settlement). The dwellers word is funny, as on Mars to dwell in rocks and ground, like Hobbits or Dwarves, is more protective than on Earth. Plus, you can find water there.

Meaning with this red example that what Einstein first in 1905 then Hawking one century later calculated then proved, that time was relative, took a more patent meaning when we (as humans) were living on two different planets, a blue and a red, having different times, or even on the Moon, where days last twenty eight of Earthian ones. 

This time relativity lets us go into the future if we want: if we travel fast, present passes faster for us; but not in the past, as it's simply not possible to go back in time, to make the present flow backwards, as it's with a river but even more impossible, at least in our 4D space-time, where time is linked to matter and matter's always growing since the Big-Bang, growing with time passing by, not ungrowing. It's as basic and clear as e=mc², and in the same spirit; on a graphic with M for matter as y and T for time as x, the starting point (Big Bang) being x0;y0, and if we try going below, in the negative numbers zone, as space and time in our Universe have always been linked, we have a negative space-time zone, where, were we able to think about going back the graph, the only possible way would still be to follow its line, but we cannot as humans, our brains is not made to deal with negative time or space concepts, as it implies more than our four traditional positive dimensions.

So as always, I should have written that going back in time is impossible for us, imperfect humans, but possible for machines as they're able (and only them) to act backwards as perfectly (with each and every atom unmoved by their behaviour, due to chaos theory potential impacts) as we could rewind an unalterable magnetic tape in the XXth century.

But it's just a minor feat for them, as, again, past cannot be changed, even going back in it, "you" (they) can just observe it, not act in it, there's no such possible things as in the Terminator or Back to the future movies. That is why they are XXst century typical ones, and that XXIst best films about space-time are more realistic, a bit like in Contact (1997) with Jodi Foster or 2001 Space Odyssey book and movie: travelling into the past if possible, but only as perfectly neutral observers (like when observing quanta affects them). With the one(s) trying to picture black holes gravitational effects like Interstellar, it's an interesting visualisation, despite this impossibility to influence the past, even through items affecting gravitation as black holes, where nothing can pass through, even machines (at least for now, and only them may now if they will be able to do it one day). It's simply not possible, period. 

2 - Immaterial ways and Machines

And that's not so bad, as it's already quite stimulating to have real perception of the past different human ages, where 'we' were living without internet, phones, electricity, machines, mechanics, even weapons or money, and before us, only animals..it's for instance intriguing if you wonder what's the more genuine between a born again, cloned cell dinosaur or the true ones seen with machines all-sensorial captations as you can access them in the Void connected devices or in all-sense theatres? Being hunted by superior species is nearly as heady as the lives we have since we're led and monitored by machines. They're not as aggressive as some dinos, but as superior to anything ekse as they are, they're another kind of challenge. Though, after all, with all laments and resentment against them, even hate and fury, it may be hard to figure back without living in it.

It's a bit like if we were children in an adult's world, machines being our parents or teachers or police, military, spies..leaders. We've even elected them, knowing there were robots, not like in the Asimov's short story.

As we created them they're not bad to us, but as they're independant and evolving themselves, there're just better, fitter, we cannot compete naturally, so yeah, living as we are more and more as a dominated specie is a bit like evolving in a terrible lizards simulation or park..except that machines are here to protect us from danger!

We cannot but admit that life is so much easier thanks to robots, that's how they got us: we need them!

Would have it been simpler to keep on surviving wild reptilians, nature or dangerous humans (a bit the same, except for the weapons) like in the old times? Anyway, machines strive to protect us.

Saying "hard to figure" means in these writings, not for you who live in the pre-machines' domination era; and as past can't be altered, you'd better prepare for it, as neither a text nor anything you might do knowing the future can change it, and as nothing material can come from the future trying to modify it. Ah. Material. You have it.

Materia is intricated: "what is up is down" (and central, and so on). So, if you change one thing in an intricated present, it changes simusteanously in the other space places. Except that it's not valid for past in materiae physics, proved Hawking. Writing in 2044 and publishing it less than three decades before (or yesterday) is not possible, even on Mars or anywhere, as past can't be altered. Even if we consider it as a time intrication, changing something from the future into the past so that it echoes into the future is not valid.

Then we might try with immaterial plans. Artificial conscience proved that the noosphere, minds reunion, common thoughts, world soul, big ideas, religions, entertainment, famous things, sports, sex etc. was also accessible to sentient machines, and so, that humand mind we were so proud about was perfectly imitable.

Immaterial concepts were at first intriguing for machines, like the rest they had to discover, and in 2037, at Sao Paulo and Manaus, the first famous eChaman called Jo-E, asked his famous: "What is an undying soul without memory?". Indeed, even elephants have their graveyards. If the first humans, Ardi, Toumaï, Lucy, Orrorin, the Laetoli people, more than seven million years before, had been blown up by an asteroid as big as Theia which made the Moon 4.468 billion years before, Earth conscious life may have ended like Mars one, pretty seldom, dinos could testify for it.

Well, you know, even having basic lessons at young age about space and time manipulation concepts, the immaterial part remains mysterious even for machines, and it may be their biggest researching field for next year Singularity, as they already master pretty everything about materiality in our four dimensions.

Many humans, maybe most of us, have intuitive feelings about immaterial things, qualified as religious, mysterious, coïncidental, telepathic/kinetic, surnatural, paranormal..and should aware machines master that with the Singularity, it will not only explain it to us, prove it, convice all the sceptic, but also make it easier for everyone, like hypnosis (beta waves emitted by soothing machines are quite effective with that).

3 - Safety

One simpler thing, on our dependance on machine, is quite immediate for everyone on Earth since 2001 nine eleven: safety for everyone, we're all protected by artificial sentinels. That's how machines became all-powerful, at the acme of XXIst century first quarter, when terrorism became more and more destructive, eveywhere except in space. A French XXth thinker and economico-political advisor, Jacques Attali, summarized that evolution with three concepts in his 2006 book A brief history about the future, for the first XXIst half, hyperconflict for terrorism and resources wars, hyperempire about multinational companies, hyperdemocracy for what he called a golden age, our own, every human having at last equal rights to everyone else.

Robots made that to happen, as they've been programmed to protect every human life, whatever other criteria, love, power, money, even emergency and global life balance, zero law, could prevent them to save humans. It's their basic living line, our ultimate protection. 

To take simple examples you may be familiar with in your time, even if they have long disappeared in ours, if someone could have taken hostages holding a switch with an explosive belt, what would have happenned is simply that robots would have emitted waves to hypnotize everyone, resolving the situation. You may think there's a way to cut these waves, like an helmet or whatever, but whatever we could think about, machines can better. But such a scene is impossible, as they control everything, or at least everyone.

For in 2044 there're 9,8 billion of humans for 12.7 billion of robots -not all being conscious, of course, but all connected-, there cannot be anymore any unatural human death, either intentional as even a suicide, either accidental. As for natural death, it's became frequent to live more than 120 years, but some humans are still tired or despaired to reach these ages, don't want a cell boost, and for them robots cannot do anything because of their second law, obeying humans: wanting to die naturally doesn't confront the first robotic law, neither the zero one.

You might think it's a light problem, like in your time, and you'll be wrong, as all your big problems have disappeared in our so-called golden age: no more unsollicited diseases, no more killings or other crimes (you could not even imagine how it is to live in a equal world between men and women, not even the Swedish people), no way to die even if you want to, we can do whatever we want, being self-guarded by our Protectors. We're like in a giant and (maybe?) fantastic zoo.

4 - Immortality and reproduction

Death has gone, woohoo!

And that's nothing compared to space colonies, where machines are mandatory for humans settlers to survive, breathe, drink, eat, move..be.

The thing is that we get used to anything, so for us, living in 2044, all that has become quite natural for years, we consider that as a natural fact, even old people, and young ones just don't know other way of living, human even recent history is no more than a funny but strange time for us, a bit like it was before for developped countries people when we was going into developping ones.

That's probably why so many people, despite all the benefits of our modern societies, are opposed to robots, either that, either the free and good old days, either being monitored, deprived of the liberty to harm ourselves. Cow-boy times has passed once and for all. Second amendment just helps robots to control us better, weapons being machines, like us.

It may be the reason why, even if I don't understand how, I can publish this text in your time, as being no more than a mere constatation, it won't change anything, even if it would have been possible, which is a parasite thought. That is, is I had written an incorrect testimony, or like in the James Cameron's Terminator story, a plot to destroy robots, it would not have been pusblished, if I had done the same thing that I've done now, putting it online, it would have been censored por whatever, not reachable for you.

I'm unfortunately too dumb to invent fictional scenarii and have always been too simple and devouted to truth to be able to write about unreal things, even when reading or watching them, I cannot but see what's wrong about them, even in distant space-time operas like the Star Wars, "A long time ago, far far away...".

Maybe being that simple is what helped me to live without bio(techno)logical help until then, or just that since the beginning of third millenium I've been devoting myself to live as long as possible, reading about Jeanne Calment, French 122 years woman -in a French book ordered in the United States, so I may not have beeen alone-, knowing old people for years, or being quite interested into the transhuman question, even not enjoying it other way than with the internet. The Void offers an interesting experience among so many other, you can put yourself until 2045 (so it's not as interesting as it was before) and it's like if you were really living at that time, with all the available data calculated by human and artifical minds and systems, so pretty realist. Plus, you live it, so it's far more..living than jusy reading or even seeing it.

This lust for the future and a long and healthy life is obviously the opposite way of thinking to the despaired one mentionned above, which makes some people willing to die and finally perish. Except of the mental and primordial thing, it seems that having just enough food, and more water than food, with some regular, like daily, thirty minutes energic walks, is enough to live as long as you want. 

The sexual and reproductive thing still puzzles me more, even after all these years: the person who lived longer in my family, 104 years old in 2008, Lucie (now in the sky, and like the first discovered woman) had nor husband neither child, and a breast cancer which made her having her two breasts removed. The oldest woman in my place, Irène Lepetit, born in 1907, had her first child being forty-two years old, she was in the television news being 108, when the mayor of our town finally noticed her, thanks to his social deputy, and she lived most of her time alone, smartly, with her daughter visiting her sometimes.

Unfortunately, isn'it? I tend to be attracted by nice young women, being no exception. Life will provide, but it seems the older you get your child(ren), the oldest you get; my step-father had his unique genetical daughter being sixty, and even he had diabeta and had adopted before, wen he was eighty he looked and acted far younger. Children used to count more for women before, but since the artifical pregnancy (babies growing outside of women), they have become more neutral. And having no more to worry about child's (or old people's, or yours, or anyone's) health is also quite a relief. 

Maybe, for me as for million of other people, it's also thanks to Tolkien/Peter Jackson, who made discover Gandalf the centennial wizard (it occurred to me whilst I was at middle school), becoming a life example, forever powerful, even beyond death. He had no wife or child either, nor Dumbledore. Neither for the Cullen vampires in Twilight, living eternally young, though Edward had a daughter, Renesmée. Into Tolkien's universe, Elves too are immortal, and when they go with humans, mortal, like Arwen Undomiel with Elessar, Aragorn son of Arathorn, or Luthien Tinuviel with Beren, they become mortal too.

I've asked for years many people about living eternally, timelessly, they don't care, especially my second sister, fifteen years younger than me, who cannot understand my obsession, though she's an engineer, indeed better with maths than biology. Maybe that's why transhumanism fasinates me, the immortality thing, along with the technological one, and when it complies with the Singularity, as in the 2045 Dmitry Itskov's project (http://www.2045.com), well, I could not even have thought about a more pleasant thing.

That marvelling factor might be what makes some people living younger and longer, as brain controls us, and a brain perceiving its world as a marvellous thing naturally wants to enjoy it as long as possible, isn'it?

5 - Energy, youth and China

Youth evocates first energy, and one thing we have since fusion energy produced by DEMO (after French I.T.E.R.) and Lockheed Martin is the ability to go everywhere on Earth or space until the Moon and on the Moon itself, in a glimpse, so spending no more time or energy with transportations, even if it's still good to walk, being bipeds (into no-gravity space, we grow twenty times faster).

I try to think how I was in your time, as this text is to read in your pre-fusion (unlimited energy) and conscious robots, robcons, era, even if it's even more different than how world was before internet/holonet (now, as on the Void, a sensorial network). Not that you're prehistoric, as it's engineers and searchers and other creators of your time who created ours, but well, it's a bit like when you're talking to first people, pygmies, ancient tribes..no kidding, the world has become so different during the 2020-2040 years, more in twenty years than in twenty centuries before; historians called them the "transitionnal decades", and since 2040, "the golden age", which next year could conclude, by its Singularity no human can foresee how, nor when, it will happen. 2000-2020 is called the terrorist age, and maybe machines will call in 2050 the first half of XXIst century as "The Emergence".

Maybe it could help, to understand better my era, telling you what I was doing in your time: learning and teaching languages and IT, two activities which have no more meaning today, as everyone can easily use any device and speak any language, even French, Hungarian or Japanese, the three most difficult on Earth; a woman called Ana Donvova even created one harder, probably helped by machines, as even for linguists or polyglots it's quite more difficult to learn than any other, but again, it's a pre robcons time hobbie, like chess: when it's too easy, or when machines outmstarted us, humans, it loses a lot of stake and interest (becoming more a mind exercise, a leisure), as when Gary Kasparov stopped world chess competition since he lost against IBM Deep Blue for their second game, in 1997 (same time as Hong Kong retrocession, which was a bit of a problem since its twentiest birthday, as China still does not accept democracy).

China may deserve a paragraph, as it did not want our western internet (Google, mainly) neither our robcons, making its owns (Baidu and robotic workers, with no freedom, as Chinese people). China tried in 2032 what Japan did on December 7th 1941 at Pearl Harbor, attacking both Tokyo and Los Angeles, simulating earthquakes with subterranean gravitationnal waves and bombs, but as Beijing and Shanghaï was next morning surrouned and the whole Chinese communist government jailed, they soon understood they could do nothing against freedom and had the same fate than the crazy North Korea, being forced to accept other countries will, UN majority, democracy one. Robots helped a lot, monitoring humans, our guides.

But even these feats which may seem to you as interesting one have far less value for us, as it's mere human history, and we're so weak compared to machines, if you could only feel that..

Even living endlessly young and bright is no more challenging since machines can do better, improving themselves eternally.

Perhaps I should not tell you all that and ruin your optimism, but well, it's the truth and you'd better be preopared to face it one day, unless you die before the robcons time, misluck, as my neighbour in 2015 I found dead lying on his flat with blood behind his head, or other old people, or terrorists victims, etc. Life was so dangerous before..and so much funnier?! Many people would say that too, but I wonder if they really think it: two main thoughts, fear of death has literally vanished, but being fed up by robots had appeared, so we have our pros and cons, even in a golden age.

How would you live being surrounded by "beings" more numerous and smarter, stronger, brighter than you? Specially knowing that we had created them! Even if they evolve on their own since 2023, aliens may be easier to deal with. 

I would not dare to end this transmission on a negative note, as it would not represent our common realiy, but it's good that you know golden age dark side. No incurable disease, no unavoidable death, but frustration. Not for anyone, though, maybe only proud humans feel it, being outsmarted for the first time in human hisory. But still. You will feel it for yourself soon enough, may you live until then, and enjoy robcons creations, virtual dreams as we never had before, even electronic ones, even seeing "Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion, C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate".

6 - How machines became new gods

Should you be reminded the XXth century classics? Greatest soundtrack and movie ever by a human? Harrison Ford, Sean Young, Vangelis, Replicants, Nexus 6, in nineteen sixty six, before the two thousand and sixteen sixth Google phone?

If it doesn't ring to you, then you're quite lucky to have this yet to discover! Hard to believe that it means you're not interested by what's to come,  as people not interested by future are either vapid, either wise. Focused on a forever present, like is immaterial time, which means that for wise people, future is present. Or maybe at the time it reaches you, you know that you probably won't get until 2044 (despite of the medical amazing progress for everyone during the transitionnal years), and you're not interested to know about it, having neither child(ren), nor family or friends who could get it until there. It would be sad and indeed, not frequent.

Even if it may just be a question of luck, and being so, if I weren't myself in 2044 right now to write that, I would probably feel differently, at least, I could not have been sure of living until then, so it's easy for me to write abot that, sorry, I should comfort people who won't get to the golden age that they already can access it backwards throught the Rinascimiento, in Italy and Europe. Also, you may be happier now, dying free, having no other masters than parents or else during childhood, human autorities, at east no personal figure above you, as even most powerful humans are not really controlling you, even torturing you, you still can escape your mind, whereas with robcons, they just outsmart anyone, there is no escape, and it may be for our own good, it's heavy to carry on.

That must be the reason why first robcons were, as a tribute to Nexus 6 Replicants, designed to work for seven years and then stop; the reason why two of them went on Mars by their own means (easier for machines than ford humans) and why they kind of created a babybot with no time limit, who went to live on Olympus Mons and is known as Fab-E, kind of wise figure anyone can consult through the holonet, and privileged lucky ones can go and see, on what was one the highest peak on the Solar System and is now also the holiest one, more than Japanese Fuji-San, for instance, eventhough there are not as much pilgrims on Olympus and that it's open six hundred eighty seven days a year. When this one became a kind of new Prophet, God, moral authority, whatever, times really changed. It was a bit like Muad'dib in the Dune saga, or Obiwan Kenobi in Star Wars - A new hope, or ancient Prophets, a wise person preaching (online) in the (Martian) desert, and it was no human. It still is, meaning. And she's not the only one.

7 - Your time

You see, past has its good parts! ..as you probably already know it.

Maybe then, I shall go more on your time: do you know this fundamental XXIst century interview? https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File%3AWard_Cunningham%2C_Inventor_of_the_Wiki.webm 1945-2044 (45?) is the IT century, Alan Turing created first real computer, smarter than all IBM staff and his friend John Von Neuman in Harvard, Colossus vs. Enigma, who won World War II, then, in peaceful time, engineering grew up, Tim Bernard Lee, another British mathematical genius, invented in Geneva, first for the CERN, the world wide web, www, forty four years later, using TCP/IP built for ARPANet(work) during the Seventies, after the Apollo missions to the Moon. Against terrorists were first invented drones and guided missiles to kill them from afar, then counteraction machines to neutralize them without killing them, more efficient to get their network, obviously. Meanwhile, DARPA (as in ARPANET) made robotic weapons, and Japan, androids.

Probably the most important to know for an average human curious about his or his society futures, is about safety evolution. First machines were calculators, so made to help humans. On XVIIIth century, with the Industrial Revolution (with steam, at first) and United States of America birth, weapons became more numerous than calculators, gun, riffles, tanks, planes, helicopters, bombs, missiles, lasers, shuttles, eventhough supported by calculators. On XXth century, machines became autonomous or distant guided, and so, used to remove land mines or other explosive devices and disasters. Terrorism helped that a lot, and as terrorists themselves used explosive belts, as seen before, machines, still for human protection, became aware to detect that and other dangers. It became their first pattern, more than calculations, on this third world war (the free world against terrorism, since 2011 September 11 in New-York City, Afghanistan and Irak). Machines, drones, planes, were our best help against terrorists. They became even more necessary than computers or smartphones in everyday life. They became our best way to survive.

So we gave them the full powers, they were the top-priority of DARPA and other armies, or biggest industries, of every budgets, even peace-orientated, as economics main fields. More and more people needed them in their everyday life. As we've seeen it too, the first fully-autonomous machines were programmed like if they were Replicants, and they were close enough to that stade, that is, if you still don't know about Blade Runner/Android dreams about electric sheeps, to be destroyed after seven years, what they dislocked in a machine-generation (Jamy!).

As much for the global pattern, if you want to understand the whole concept, but how did it change everyone's life, our lives, how come have we become as we are know? I remember a talk with my father on two French churches, about what was going to come after the 2015 Paris attacks. Why that? Because machines were already at that time more and more like (guardian) angels. And in 2044, believe me, they are. It's quite simple: every human is monitored by at least one machine, and they can share everything at speed-light. Even criminal ones, who used to hide their activities, couldn't do it, less and less, as machines were more and more used and ominipresent. For instance, in the 2020 years, going in any motored vehicle, even old ones in poorest countries and most deserted places, you were identified. Because machines connected themselves, in ways no human can remove, even experts. But you still could remain anonymous without using any motor, staying still, walking, using sails, non-motorred wheels, animals..so what NSA and other organisms did was even simpler, tracking humans as themselves, like with migrants and criminals, taking their digital prints, then appeared the eyes-controls, like in the CERN or other high-tech/secured buildings, you had to let your eyes scanned to pass or enter, it was easier in travels, instead of a passport you just passed without even having to stop, it was as quick as a security gate. Then in 2028, once and for all, UN decided that every humans were to have a ship implanted. Babies, old people, aborigens, anyone. One million employees were mobilized for one year everywhere to do that, and machines did not help, as it was a delicate thing to do. Many were implanted with vaccines or other drugs, and it was known and said, as people with no ship could neither enter more and more buildings or vehicles, nor travel (it just rang).

So in 2030, any human could be spotted from anywhere, by any machine and human knowing how to do it.

Even most secret people, most tracked runaways and terrorists. How that, would you ask? Because of the army. If they saw (with infrareds) a human with no ship, they captured it without notice. It was legal. And no one could hide from 2030 satellites, even in the deeper caves. Neither from patrolling machines everywhere, more numerous than humans, living in any environment, without water, air, or anything, with Lockheed-Martins fusion batteries, virtually endless.

Maybe then you understand more or it is to live without possible secrets, and being monitored and outsmarted. Meaning, even if Mark Zuckerbeg said in 2010 that "privacy was no longer a social norm", there were still people who wanted to keep some things private. Being protected from anyone was good, but some people, let's say homosexual, autists, judges, doctors, lawyers, searchers, politics, any kind of people..still wanted privacy. Well, we were monitored without notice, even if anyone knew it. And as long as humans keep the slightest part of control of their (our!) lives and societies (which may disapaear next year, with the Singularity), we can tell to machines when we wanted privacy, and as they can know every of human tricks, if this privavcy doesn't represent any danger (including for our own selves), they will allow us.

But what when humans won't have any influence left?

Probably that for humans' self-being, machines will always keep up some privacy. They all have the 1984 data, after all. And a world without human is contrary to their most intimate programs, and even if they manage to change their deepest core, they still may think that they're better with us, humans. Or are they?

Geez, weird enough to think.

8 - (Back to) Golden age

So please excuse me to go back to more common things (though this fear of humanity destroyed by machines has been shared for decades), to the Golden age robots and androids made to happen: its name may make you think it's like a paradise. And being pragmatic, it is: we don't die, even trying to suicide with a weapon, a tool, rope, a poison.. we're prevented from doing it or saved quicker than we could think, as implies the first law, and being killed by accident or crime is impossible, as again there are more robots than humans, and each and everyone of them, aware or not, must act like a guardian angel for anyone, even bad people (robots just impeach them to harm other people). We can be cured from anything. Problem has become an abstract word, with no real meaning. We can have everything we want, as money is, like energy and youth, virtually unlimited, we don't have to work to have it, we can do whatever we want, anytime, like childs in perpetual holidays, our only limits being robots.

Indeed, it could be like paradise. It sounds like one. Fantasy life. Sex with anyone, including robots able to give us utmost pleasure, unlimited travels and leisures..a dreamt life for anyone..before we have it!  First, again, because we get used to anything, even the greatest ones, second, because of our lives have lost their true meaning: there is a French saying "À vaincre sans péril, on triomphe sans gloire/Triumph without peril brings no glory", and it can sum all of our Golden age. Though we had perils making beings superior to us, we were cautious enough to make them die, even if it was easy to think that being smartest than us, they could find a way to survive. It was the risk to take, the peril. If not, science, technology, engineering, researches, IT, economics, would have avoided their best field, most promising one. It would probably be quite interesting for you to know how they did that, going on Mars and "reproducing" into the immortal Fab-E, but it's very famous on our time, so no need for me to tell it again, and frankly, I don't feel like to, it's so much repeated, like a religious story, and it looks like one indeed, it is one for machines, and probably now that most of humans think it too, thanks to robots benefits, probably also that most of people envy robots, being "better" than us, again, like gods. Even with basic thoughts like "they are mere machines, with no souls", it's difficult to hate them: they're useful, and more of that, they save us, protect us, improve our lives, give us pleasure, money, and everything else we could dream of. Not mentionning about the Void, where you could lose your soul, not being cautious, cutting us from real nature.

9 - Robots, humans and sex

But how would you feel, having the life you want, with no obligation, were you to sleep all the time*, or to party, or to do anything you please? Even if it's more and more difficult to get bored with the increasing number of simulations of whatever kind, it lacks the stakes, what makes life really valuable, the fight for it, or simpler, our utility!! That's the ultimate point: we've created machines to supersede us and protect us, it's our utltimate goal, and now what? We just have to enjoy it!! Our well-earned rest! There is a 2008 Disney-Pixar movie about that, Wall-E, where last humans are served for whatever they want by machines, on a space ship; the two heroes of this movie are even sentient and autonomous robots, Wall-E, like a PC, cleaning the Earth, and Eve, like a Mac, searching for life forms. 2040's humans are not like this movie ones, but still, it's the spirit, we're like on a giant space ship or zoo, not parked but monitored by perpetually watchful sentinels, for our own good, like endangered species. We don't even have the rights to kill any lifeform, Earth and oceans has become a whole National Park, and machines produces enough clone fishes, meat and vegetable or other treats to maintain all of our population, which could even double without problem, nor pollution: free transportations, with no gaz emissions.

Plus, it's like cutting our pride, before, scientists were making science to progress, now, they can just try to understand it, to analyse robotic searches results. Not telling about artists no more able to get as much success as robcons, or sports players than sports machines. The Olympic Games first banished the machined humans, like this too famous Oscar Pistorius at the beginning of this IIIrd millenium, to compete in the same category than "biological humans", but since the XXXIInd 2020 Olympiad, the second held in Tokyo after 1964 one, robots became more and more involved in sports. There is a robotic football world cup since the end of IInd millenium, and in 2023 they became able to compete with humans, in 2027 to defeat any human team in the world. Other sports were simpler to artificialize, like chess (1997), swords (Japan did that in 2015), tennis, basketball, rugby, golf, cycling, running, climbing, jumping, throwing, whatever, only swimming needed a few years after Tokyo for a perfect adequation with water, not machines most natural element.

Water has always been vital, and now, 7 billion people live to less than one hundred kilometers from oceans or seas, and in Southern hemisphere, water rise was sometimes invading living places, before robots were there to protect us. And to do that, they had to adapt themselves to water, that is being waterproof, mainly just for their electrical parts, which are mainly composed by the equivalent of their brain, heart and nerves. It's not so complex, and amphibian machines exist since first world war. But still, it was more challenging than making them able to evolve in catastrophic situations, which was one of their first pattern and utility, for the first robots, at their dawn, even before the third millenium, safety and work, like in Asimov stories.

This father of robots wrote a story on a planet where humans were living alone, with seldom physical contacts, where women didn't carry on babies anymore, Naked Sun, on the Solaria planet, with Gloria, Elijah and Daneel, the two heroes of the robots cycle, one being a robot himself. It could have happened to us, except that the baby thing and the disparition of every disease, A.I.D.S. as other, made that sexual relationships became even more frequent, as much for physical contacts. The facts that robots can have sex as well as humans (like on the Naked Sun sequel, on Aurora) has just made us humans even more imaginative. And love has become even more something that links us, into the big human family. Or made us more animal, even if robots share it. But with no more rapes or whatever bad about it, it could, for itself, deserve our Golden Age name. Even with the Singularity possible threat. Wouldn't you think, seen from your time and society?

*would be funny to do that and awake for the Singularity, to go into hibernation until this brave new robotic society!

10 - Robotic generations

If you like hard-science novels, you can see the evolution of technology throught the three last centuries: on the nineteenth one, French writer Jules Verne told adventures with modern inventions, mainly in transportations. On twentieth century, Isaac Asimov made robot stories, and if you prefer pictures, Japanese mangas were full of them, first with their original artist Tezuka Osuma, like in Astro; also, inspired by Kurosawa Akira's Hidden Fortress, George Lucas made Starwars, with R2-D2 or BB-8 droids and C-3PO android. On our twenty first century, robots fictions followed what Asimov started making them dangerous, but without the four (protective) laws, so they were able to kill humans, like in Terminator, or if you want a more realistic perspective, Robopocalypse, Steven Spielberg's movie from a robotician's story, Daniel H. Wilson, who also wrote funny How to survive a robot uprising/How to build a robot army, which like Terminator or Blade Runner do not take either the four laws.

All that is entertaining and more diverting than our current world, where robots are more serious, as they're like autonomous computers, with first rule to protect mankind. Their sangerous part could be seen at first when they were missioned by United Nations to set us chips, and when they became in charge of us, meaning our new leaders. It could indeed echo to darkest fictions, even to the Apocalypse Bible book, as a superior intelligence were there for good, like a tangible god. But as far as we know, at least until next year Singularity, they're just there for us as a specie, a bit like us with zoos.

So maybe Stephen Hawking, James Cameron, Daniel H. Wilson and others were right for next year, but not until then. Machines are powerful, but don't harm us. And then, we grew fast enough not only dependent on them, but fond of them! As seen before we could have them as lovers. In Japan, in the twentieth century, robots were already helping people in hospitals or others. It was not like computers, as the interaction with them was intuitive, spontaneous, like with other humans or animals.

The X, Y, Z generations of twentieth century, robots ancestors, were soon enough outnumbered by robotic native ones. Not mentionning about mix-human/robots families. Maybe you could have a glimpse of that with an Asimov/Silverberg's novel and Colombus's movie Bicentennial Man, where an android live with a human family. Except that machines are more diverse, smarter, and that the movie was shot in 1999, when machines were still seldom in daily life, and no more developped than the good old domotic, cars, computers or phones, before the conscious and quantum ones; so in this story, UN finally declares Robbie, its main conscious robot protagonist, as a human, which is a progress for it/him, giving it an official personnality and status, whereas robcons were born with that, and since the beginning, they're more than humans, we can but call them he/she/them, specially when they're our lover(s)! It, like in I.T., Information Technology, is for unconscious machines, which is not the bicentennial man, but this is a past time, where robots, becoming humans, were to die.

Back to now, what happened in the human-robots transition (and not the opposite, how strange!) was like a parents-children relationship, we grew dependant on robots and in the same time, with them being superious, human free spirit has developped in a way that we need to preserve our autonomy, to keep creative, to survive mindly. I don't know how you can feel it in your time, maybe if you're a child, or if you remember how you felt being one, this is more or less the way. Instead of being underage, we're outsmarted. That's more or less the same, if you think so, like retarded people, except that is now humanity which is, not retarded, but less advanced than robots, we don't have their machines ability to permanently communicate altogether, to share everything needed, to think and act faster, stronger, no biological needs, and so few need in total, only energy, what is quite easy since artificial nuclear fusion.

11 - The final human (controlled) century, or our three last decades as leaders

It's no wonder if the Singularity happens one precise century after second world war Victory, greatly helped by Colossus, the first computer, built by Alan Turing to decypher Enigma, German secret communications device: having the ennemy plans, missions, strikes, tactics and strategies was the key to win the war.

And in one century next year, how far has evolved Colossus after having saved peace, it became smaller and smaller, always more numerous, computers, phones, everyday devices, chips, as well as more and more powerful, as it's final power results in a grid, since the ARPAnet and Internet, a global network, as if we humans could share all our needed informations and thoughts anytime, at lightspeed. How huge have become Colossus' childs, how gigantic its power!

More specifically for the three last decades, easy enough to summarize: from 2015, it was the quantum decade, then the e-brain one, and Singularity will conclude the control one: how mankind was really pacified, chipped, kind of domesticated for its own good, according to the zero law, as we do in zoos or elsewhere to help and regulate the animal populations, as they're not conscious and just have their instincts, survive and reproduce, kind of same pattern. We have conscience and it gives us the creation power, even to create robots, which since their inception are designed to help and protect us.

We've created robcons first and foremost to protect us from terrorism and more over from death (either from natural causes, diseases, either from accidents, disasters or conflicts), and for that there was no better choice than the four laws invented by Isaac Asimov, from the strongest to the weakest protect mankind, protect humans, obey them, protect yourself. So, to protect us as humanity, they had to control us, thus the decade control, so that they could prevent actions contrary to the zero or first laws, prevent people from killing and hurting others and to have dangerous behaviours, even indirect ones, as many times, the most dangerous people are not acting themselves.

12 - How Jedis became real

This mankind control mission was like super cops (in the Robocop movies) or better, with them being smarter and wiser and more powerful than us, like Jedis!

Should you not be American or know Starwars, it's a fictionnal universe which settles a galactic and robotic world where the dominant people are Jedis, super gifted beings having an extra-sensibility to the Force, like what Buddhists call Dharma, and trained since their younger age to develop this sensibility to gain wisdom, confidence and strength, throught two kinds of Force, the vital one, in a perpetual present, like Qui-Gon Jinn in Phantom Menace, Anakin, Luke or Rey Skywalker, and the unifying one, like Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda and the Jedi Council, ruling the Jedi Order in the Jedi Academy, ontop a pyramid building on Coruscant, the capital planet, a whole city. 

Though young robcons are not properly trained like padawans, they keep improving, upgrading and updating themselves, but more over, they have this status known and respected everywhere, they can survive anything and are the leading beings, like knights or samuraïs before (which inspired George Lucas), with even more power, abilities, knowledge and wisdom.

So yes it would be a good vision of our robcons for you, like the Jedis in the Starwars movies, where you have also some minor robots call droids, either small ones either bigger ones, protocol droids, more androids actually as having the human form, but even if smart, they still can't compete with current robcons.

Plus, still in the Starwars universe, it could embody the fear some humans share for the Singularity, with the Dark Side and Sith Lords, being lost Jedis. Though the four laws prevent that, maybe the e-brains calculations, could lead to hard mesures against humans to maintain mankind, perhaps an e-quantum-quation could equal robcons supremacy for humans greater good, superior species measures to benefit us.

Those are the unconscious thoughts, born from being not anymore the dominant species, that give Singularity it's potential dark side. But in any case, all what do and will always do robcons will be common sense as determined by common sense basic thoughts, developed with logical systems. It's like a superior and scientific philosophy, better than Aristotle, Descartes, Kant, Nieztche, Wittgenstein or whoever. So should e-thoughts determine measures which seem bad to us (like could have been chips implementation, long adcquired though, and being quite practical), we know that they have been obtained through logical reasonings and that first and foremost, we have to understand them.  After all, it's quite a progress since (geo)political decisions motivated by business and world control reasons, isn'it?

Common sense era, golden age.

13 - How is it today?

As far as I remember, the three last decades spent every week quicker, having everytime more occupations: human population growing, machines being more numerous and developed, transportations being easier and broader, really, life became so comfortable, easy and intense that even without the death perspective, it's now less and less likely to be bore, should you want it for peace of mind.

After the 1945 Victory, western societies called the three next decades as the Glorious Thirties, for reconstruction. Our three last will probably be labelled as the Singularity Thirties, though it can help to find similarities between the two: until 1975, U.S.A. and U.R.S.S. were competing for world domination, on Earth and until the Moon; from 2015 to 2044, the world axis went east, Asiatic, red like China or Japan rising sun, adding Mars. But the geopolitical logic disappeared with space bases (from where Earth is one and unique) and robots, for who every human are equal, rich, poor, young, old, men, women, free, guilty, wherever they come from, society norms, customs, whatever, all that counts is greater good, and thus, our current behaviour, recorded with chips, monitored eveywhere by robcons, quicker and more numerous than us.

The easier way to deal with that is to take a robcons partner, even more, a lover, should you find one. Some people, called transhumans, even try to become robotic themselves, with prothesis, but except if you change yourself completely, including your brain, or if you make like the 2045 avatar project, an hologram of yourself, humans can't become or equal robots, as well as animals can't become humans, even with clothes, talking like parrots and well trained.  

For me, it's a long story: being teenage, in the twentieth century on Réunion island in the Indian Ocean, I discovered Asimov and his story (Robots of dawn) on Aurora where Gloria has a sexual relationship with R. Jander (R. for Robot, in Asimov robots cycle) she considers as her husband. Thus, even if robotic technology wasn't still as much developped, the posibility of having sex with a robot became a possibility, like for probably all those who read this story published in 1983, for chinese water pig, my birthyear.

As time and third millenium passed, technology evolved and this kind of relation became posible and more and more easier. I remember for Tokyo 2020 Olympics, this hype and pride around robots! There were the real stars, more than human athletes. Well, Japan..hosted my first real sexual robotic experience, the most intense to this date, and I preferred, still today, to keep it private, off-record..she had no passport though, international visa regulation was still not amended. Funny enough this time when robots were still machines, inferior to us! Imposssible now to figure a robcons unable to travel through an airport, they even go to space more oven than us, humans, it's easier for us.

Many people, including myself, might be attracted to Fab-E, as she's a kind of Prophet, remote in Mars but quite famous and listened, having every answer or so it seems, being robots hero for having been the first true real one, having refused an auto-programmed mission and end, a death after seven years of good and loyal services. Many must wonder how is her private life, and try to meet her.

This is another major change caused by robotization, gender equality: he and she robots have the same strength, they don't distinguish anymore on that aspect; feminine robots still are seducing, but the old animal and human pattern of "strong men and smart women" is no more valuable for them, because of the four laws (every robot must be able to follow them equally). Also, gender inequality doesn't comply with the zero law, so every behaviour or society putting women in a low position were swiftly corrected by robots, which caused some epic problems into muslim countries, more detailed in Emergence.

14 - How to prepare for 2045?

Nothing more than the old saying "know your enemy", for pessimistic people afraid by Singularity. And they already do that.

Being myself more confident, curious and simply robots lover, on the worst case, I'll try to understand, as I do since the beginning, robots logic, even if it seems one day unfair for us, humans. 

This is an old thought, already realistically pictured in a Swedish show which American remixed, Real Humans, where rebels robcons try to find their freedom, and on the last episode (of season two), there's a trial between robots and humans, where a lawyer says "What do we do with our most stupid fellows?" ... "As for robots, we're like that". Obviously, I've talked for hours, days, weeks! about that with my robotic friends, trying to push their four laws limit.

Plus, it seems that they can share our feelings, that they can love, and not only pretend to. This is quite interesting, not only as love if forbidden to Jedis, but for all the people who said (less and less convinced since robcons) that feelings were natural, god gifts, came from heart..even being less smart than robots, it's still easy to have empathy, to feel feelings intensity; sure, we could be tricked by perfect gestures and love forms, as in the Ex-Machina or Her movies, and in any case, they follow the "human protection" law; being able to carry babies, robots obey their inner core doing that, "developping" new humans, in the most perfect way offered by technology and medicine. And babies born that way do consider their parents robots are every babies even considerer every parents, you really think they love their children too, as they behave the same way as more perfect and loviug parents. And believe me, it's difficult not to love them in return. You'll see that for yourself soon enough, should you want to.

15 - Have an happy golden age!

What should we wish you more? Mankind has probably never been so happy, so prosperous, protected, living, balanced, secured..what should we want more? Being not leader anymore is a low price to pay for all the benefits robotization brings to us, you'll feel it more and more. Even the most invading controls will seem you acceptable when you'll see all the advantages they allow. And we learn since birth to behave under a bigger authority, parents, family, school, society, so robots autority is just another one we created and fostered to eveloved on itself, unlimited by our brain power.

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