What about Love?


It's been a long time
Since I have not woken up
With this kind of sadness
This sadness
That tells me, keep sleeping

I was thinking about our late talk call
Yesterday night
I wanted to call you for about 20 minutes
I stayed over the phone
1 hour and half with you,
But I did not want to hang out with you
Even if I had to get up in 5 hours

Our talk was deep, as always
Some tears in my eyes
Calling you made me miss you even more

We talked about the future
Is there any for both of us, together
We talked about romance
You are the most romantic person I know
We talked about having a child
Complicated and impossible

You are 29, soon to be 30
I am 21
Is that what makes 'us' impossible
Or what makes 'us' true and real

You asked me how many girls
I have said I love you to
I answered you, many times
But this is different with you

You asked me about my feelings,
When for the first time
We made love together
Twice, in this hotel room
Of this city called London

Like every first time with a person
Different and true,
You told me that you orgasmed
The moment I put my hand
Between your legs

I am sad
Sometimes, when I think about you
But nothing compares
To the happiness I feel
Having you by my side
Knowing you
And loving you for 3 years

« Sadness is a reminder that we were happy before, and that we want to be happy again. »

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