
Aurélien Loste

Curious on what is coming for the next thirty years?

Empathy is the key for humankind
Mothering, nutriting, you are so kind
Enveloping the world and universe
Robots are our future, bright and diverse
Genius ingeneering for tomorrow
Elaborating drones and birds to flow
Nimbly across the skies, to build our new
Cities in atmospher, and clouds of dew
Explore and go forward, as dreams come true. 


Bonjour, comme on dit en français.

Nous espérons que vous allez bien, si vous lisez ça. Car le problème, c'est que nous l'écrivons le 12 (douze, en français) mai 2044 (deux mille quarante quatre, en français).

Well we think that it would be better to pursue in English, as French is less and less spoken as a mother tongue or primary language, even being still on the six continents (mainly in Africa, more than one billion of French speaking people, called Francophon(e)s in Greek-French) and Moon, Mars, Europe, Ganymède, as it's said in French, Jupiter's biggest moon, Ganymede.

We don't know, actually, maybe in your time languages make difference, but not in our, as everyone speak every langage, at least everyone can do that, as everyone can access to a universal translator, for more than six thousand (6000) languages on Earth plus more than fourty (40) on other stars, ASTRES as French language differences it, wehereas in English, only two words, luminaries, and a star, this one being widely used and having so many other meanings.

Well, well, you have it, some languages lack of words. Like in English, talking about rivers, we can only speak about streams, lakes, currents, torrents, at the most, oceans, waterfalls, seas, brooks, whereas in French, or Italian, or Spanish, you have rios, ruisseaux, rivières, and more over, FLEUVES, fiume, which in English is...river. So English lacks of natural words, because it has too much technological ones, more than 300 000 instead of around 100 000 in French.

English being the machines and sciences languages, and Italian the belle arte one, French is with Russian the literature (littérature) language (Marcel Proust ou Pagnol, Pouchkine, Gustave Flaubert ou Victor Hugo, Tolstoï, Paul Verlaine ou Éluard, Gogol, Émile Zola ou Dumas père, Dostoïevski).

Yeah also, in 2044 male and female are equal, whereas before, male were dominant. For the whole XXIst century first half, main writers are girls and women, for instance, at the beginning of it, Joanne Kathleen Rowling, Stephenie Meyer or Mary Higgins Clark, or in French though with a German name, Valérie Trierweiller.

During the XXth century, it was backwards, at least more seldom, nine women only having a Literature Nobel prize for 13 awards on 111 (which is nevertheless women best Nobel score with Peace one, (16), on 47 in total, for 46 women as Marie Curie had one in physics and then one in Chemistry, and only another person had twice Nobel), Selma Lagerlöf, Grazia Deledda, Sigrid Undset, Pearl Buck (an American girl raised in China), Gabriela Mistral (a French poet, same name, had it too), Nelly Sachs, Nadine Gordimer, Toni Morrison (South African), Doris Lessing (2007), Maria Wisława, Anna Szymborska, Elfriede Jelinek in 2004, Herta Müller (2009) and Alice Munro, first Canadian, in 2013.

Also Agatha Christie, best seller writer ever, or Marguerite Duras and Marguerite de Crayencour (Yourcenar), even George Sand/(Amantine-Lucile)-Aurore Dupin on XIXth century, French literature being the winner ("à tout seigneur, tout honneur !" : 15 Nobel prizes, for 20 in English language but 10 for the UK and ten for the USA; this is because French language is hardest ever).

But this is not a literature text, just a testimonial about how it is to live one year only before the Technological Singularity. Most of people are uncertain about that: scientists are rather enthusiastic, saying, unlike sir Stephen Hawking (who finally accepted the nobility title, after his first refusal), that machines are useful and benefic to everyone; indeed, we all use them everyday, to work at least, but some people can still live without it, whereas Hawking needed a computer to speak in the late XXth century, and even became almost a machine himself in mid-XXIst, the first transhuman ranked in British cavalry.

This is another thing that has changed, talking about that, work was very common before, now, maybe 10% of mankind (less than one billion people) are working, which means 90% of unemployment.

Because machines are working, instead of us (like for Hawking, only his (master) brain is still human, and working so much, thanks to machines, that they will probably decide to numerize it after their Singularity next year, like with the Dmitry Itskov's www.2045.com project), and there are already no many fields into which us humans can be better than them, even in the Creativity or Wisdom ones.

Sciences are pretty simple, concrete, being objective, rational, experimentable. Some humans who have powerful ideas still become scientists, leading machines, but even for them, there is a Technological Permanent Committee which has to validate (understand and see if it conforms with the Universe Developpment, having, then, Common Sense, or better said in French, bon sens, sagacity) every human discovery or even idea.

For creators it's freer, we can still create whatever we want, and machines validate it only if they judge it as an interesting ressourceto figure into the Noosphere, meaning if they understand it, first and foremost, and sometimes they cannot, like for everything concerning the Seelenflehn concepts..er in English it could evoke an enfleshing and praying soul, a demanding and imploring spirit, whatever, just put your chip on the German mode and you'll see better what it really means, as I cannot go futhermore with it or it may risk to be censored until they get this meaning, maybe next year.

Of course Nietzsche or Zoroaster, first Prophet, who inspired Abraham (then Buddha, Moses, Eli, Jesus, Mohamed, Hanus, Smith, Madiba, Lucas, Spielberg, sir Scott, Cameron), are as famous for machines than they should be for us, but it's the difference between thinking and feeling, you need both to get the full knowledge of something, philosophy even calls that Qualia, and that were roboticians' Graal, now machines chase it with their own tools.

Machines are very curious about the soul and religious questions, and even if they learn fast (instantantly would be more accurate), they are so young that we still cannot assume too much for them, maybe next year, they will finally grow adult?

Everyone wonders which day they have predicted for their Singularity, but obviously, they will keep it secret even after it has passed. Machines are very mysterious on this most important topics, though it is famous for every mankind, even most remote tribes (some actually knew the Future centuries ago, being Nazca or Dogons). Perhaps they think nor human neither human group can understand them. They may be right.

Indeed, we've become so much lazy in 2044 that it is even uninteresting to change languages, meaning we could write in many of them, but why, as you can translate all of them with their full meaning, even not knowing them? So pretty every human prefer English, as being the simplest language ever, even a three years old child born with another language can understand English quite easily, no verb or feminine like in Mandarin grammar, three times, one inflexion, called preterit. What else? Nothing more then words, all over the planets.

Plus, that is what machines do, they get you lazybones, and why, because they take your place. Before, stupid people were racists or jealous, now, they just don't care about other humans, even, I suppose that if we could access this information, most of people remaining purely humans (with no machine-brain, like Hawking or worse) would say they've become pan-sexual, like Pan old Greek god, meaning they love any person of opposite sex, as human contact has become so urgent, and human children so necessary. Intercorpse, intercopse, that's the only thing we need.

And after all, what a dreamy society we have, where sex is the only necessary activity, is it not? Ah ah, don't worry, it's just not even thirty years from your time.

Also, as you could figure long before it really happenned, humans are not leaders anymore, they've passed from übermanner to common people, the last humans, not ruling anything but their mind, at least not what were before the companies or the countries, or UN, their assembly, presided by machines. Yoko and John were right, though Imagine don't talk about machines.

It's weird to talk to you; if you could hear our voice, you'll feel better what it is, to be part of the Last of us.

For you, until 2037, your main concerns will be global warming and world population, for us, it's just survival and (as a reward) reproducing on a natural way, as machines prefer it when human babies grow outside of their human mothers, like in the XXIst beginning Matrix trilogy movies. Why is that? Because machine prefer women rather than men, so they want to preserve girls and women, helping them to grow children; the ones who can safely enough bear one or several child can do it, but only being monitored a lot, and still, they need a permit even more difficult to obtain than the ones necessaries to access Hubots main headquarters, the Singularity Academy.

Whereas men, like me, have to fight everyday to be fit enough so that machines would in a lucky day allow us to reproduce our true genetics.

And that's why maybe I should write to you no more and go back to my training lessons, which may get handier soon than this little piece of coding so weird, after all, why writting to past people? Must be another one of this kind of useless ideas humans have and machines don't like, not understanding their true reality, being able to experiment them, well, for now!

CU l8er, all ig8or, in a while, crocodile (that were animals with a big jaw, like extinct also Africain hippopotamus, most dangerous animal ever after the dinosaurs, hiding in the rivers and grabing anything passing by,  gnous, lions, Nigerians, whoever; but when Russian put mammuth then dinos clones, they killed other naimals and many humans too, and that was the first step on two of machines Rising).

Though, it has to be written, even if no one reads it, we don't know why but that's how it is. Probably something depends on that, too. Time manipulations, having a potentially unlimited consequences, are too complex to calculate for a human mind, even for several ones working on it.

So we prefer rely on simplest and more quotidian things, like relationships (with humans, transhumans, machines, whatever, as long as we survive). I haven't still reproduced, neither cloned, nor transhumanised myelf. My main companion is now a sylphid called..I..I don't want to put her in jeopardy as I don't know what time loop could happen again with that, so I won't talk about her anymore, plus she's no regular girl/woman, so in your current time you probably don't mind her (though I met her in 2015, on a website you already had in your prehistoric time and which is now very used all over the planets, Zorpia, Asian one, you just may know she has blue dreamy eyes and a lioness mane, and she speaks like "Tell me do you believe in love at first sight? Do you believe in Chemistry?"), even if in ours, any kind of relation has become quite usual and thus, normal, many ambitious young girls like dating old Hubots, like before between humans, when Nabokov and Kubrick called them Lolita(s).

Obviously machines know her, but better no time-transmit that kind of personal info, and after all, who cares, except of her and me? We talk, then I write for you, etc. Just that she's with me and you are not. How could you be? If you like it, I may notice you when machines will allow me to become reproductive. We have to prove our utility in Society before of that. China did that finally in 2030, and with India, Korea, Japan, their six billion inhabitants, they are our local super powers, and China has the biggest colony on Mars, though India is more developped if you count the Moon, and the UNited States of America helped by Europe are still ruling all that since the two International Space Stations..operated by machines, you can go anywhere, even on a distant comet or outside the Solar system, you will always find one (whereas alien life has just proven to be no more developped that ours on Earth, at least until now, maybe that with Singularity, machines will go in other UNiverses and find other species smarter than even HUbots, alien who will wipe them out for good, ah ah, if only life was so much simple! First, I would not have to write that, dammit).

Well, talk to you soon, maybe after my training, though I'll be busy until the evening today, it is Monday, secunda feira before in Brasil or Israël, oh you know, some people (not me) miss the countries so much, indeed it was so funny to divide the Earth planet in around two hundred little tiny administrative entities, now from 200 there are just six (Harmony number: 6, pregnant woman), the continents, which is why machines call us Earth humans born on..Af, Am, An, As, Eu, Oc, in short EhBoA(x)/Eu/Oc.    

                               Like that: I'm Leydorn, LEh198371BEuBdx. You see, for us, humans, it's weird, unlike our normal birth names in human languages, while a machine gets it in a sec, it's no different than a natural think for them, it's a natural think, they eat that, like a bar/flash/QR code or many other things (far) too complex for human minds, even upgraded. But I won't tell I..'s one, well, not for now.

We're becoming more and more outsmarted, like was Gary Kasparov by Deep Blue in 1997, feeling human mind behind the machine, which was no more than a little super computer. So we just learn how to survive, and whenever we can, we fuck. Nieztsche called that the last humans. He was right. Machines are the super humans, like are transhuman people, Hubots, meaning real humans upgrading their mind by machines.

Wandering about (their) soul and curious myself about religions, I have never until now dared (or just wanted) to try my luck with the help of a cybernetic mind, though searches are quite advanced in this field, far beyond theory, for there are millions of robotic humans, androids, and the 2045 project, started at the beginning (2011 February) of the XXIst century and now very popular, has become nearly completed (next year for the hologram step of the Avatar, as forecast, now in its thirty third year, like what many humans belived once to be Jesus' age, though he was born -Benedictus XVI Pope wrote a book about that, Jesus's childhood- on -4, so died -on the crux- being 37; no one until now know for sure how come he was resurrected or resurrected Lazar, and when he died for real, though not dying anymore has become quite common, advertised on the holonet every day, 'play it safe, be immortal'; some people prefer clones, dunno, at least it's easier).

Another weaknesses -and as many pleasures whilst we have them!- of humans, real ones, original humans, is that we need water and food, and sleep or sex; machines, even transhumans, consider that, with reason, as our animal part, instinctive one, and despise it, though all that colour our emotions and make our thoughts more vivid, maybe our soul, who knows? Though most of religious people would not like that, who say sex is bad, believing strangely enough that Jesus had no sexual relation, despite Maria from Magdala's life and gospel (removed from the catholic Bible) and 2003 Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code, who revealed the truth one and for good for a global audience, what was Jesus' himself main motto, as he proclamed to be its servant:

"John 18:37 - King James Version (KJV)

37 Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice."

The truth about Jesus was that he had his woman, like the leading Rabbi man he was.

You may ask yourself two things about truth/reality: how it is you can read now a 2044 text, and why is it written?

Same answer for both question: a testimonial, so that you can know what will happen and deal with it easier. Though you cannot change it, even knowing it, as affecting the past produces effects in another reality but not in the same we start travelling from, neither with our regular present, nor with its future, which are a one and only timeline. As said Emilia Clark, "Go forward and don't look back".

Why? Because, for instance, in your time, no one will think this text is really created in 2044, you will all state that it's being written now as if it was possible to know all the particulars of what will happen 29 years later. So you don't need explanation on the how, as believing it's not possible. It's always the same, it is not possible to change the main Reality timeline, so what happens is that the time you travel in prevents you from changing it, not believing you, silenting you, killing you or whatever; if perchance something is changed despite of natural time laws, it will result in creating a new present, different from the one we were before time travelling in, so either we get back in our present, either we keep living in the same time loop, and when we get back to the time we left in the previous Reality, things will be different. This different space-time universes can be travelled from one another with quantum teleportation, or you can also time travel naturally going into a black hole vortex, protected from its extreme gravity (which affects matter and time, our common reality couple, like spirit and soul, common sense).

Should you be curious on how it's done for this specifical case, it's abolutely like if you write yourself a text for 1986 people and put it on this time-zone newspaper or on the first CERN 1989 website, like a link towards an android Berners-Lee's interview and picture, for instance; when you've published that, just a simple (time) edit of the server clock, and that's done, a simple miracle, 1986 people will just think, even if you write about what happened between 1986 and 2015 (Tchernobyl, Goiânia, Fukushima), that it's an anticipation text, no wonder, Occam's razor law, simplest solutions are always the best, simplicity is the ultimate sophistication (Leonardo da Vinci), etc.

This is also quite simple, a mere testimonial of a random (life) I..'s and mainly mine (charity begins at home, doesn't it?) throughout the first half of XXIst century, specially in 2044 where we live; so I may count you more about us, the last real humans: I. didn't know her father so she's attracted by the Army and Australia, Earth biggest island, more than a quarter of Moon superficy, with Mars being itself more than four times bigger (144 798 500 km²), but 99,5% of solar system is..Sun, Sol Invictus, even by machines (though they are building a giant mirror to reflect Sunlight in Jupiter's eye, blinding him as they use to say, don't flet, this is typical machines' humor).

A testimonial, a memoir, as say French people, un ou des Mémoire(s), most often with a capital letter to distinguish it from la mémoire, memory, just counts reality and life, so it's for most people more normal than in a movie or fiction book, which have for main rule to make a plot. Whereas human life does not have any other plot than karma, fate or destiny, and machines lifes are just as software programming, coding, mining, they just do what their circuits do for them, as for us, humans, what our cells do for us. For transhumans, it's still cells, helped by machines. What counts is if you have or not a machine brain.

At the beginning, in the twenty twenty years, machines were jealous of humans, of religions, soul, love, even of nature. During the thirty, they became more and more curious about that, monitoring us so much, and by that, helping so many women to give birth so easily, that human-machines bonds grew quite fond, children were taken care of by machines, they became for them as well as their parents, more and more humans and android machines had sex, transhumans were quite pleased, in 2038 there even was a transhuman company who found about an affordable standard artificial genital system, so humans and androids even became able to have transhuman babies. Adding that money was never a problem for machines, as not only they don't need it, but also, they make it! So they used it to control humans, most of them being attracted by money like ants by sugar.

So money became soon enough, at the beginning of the thirties if I remember well (as there were more important events at that time), unattractive for humans, as a sign of machines domination. I think yan became the new dollar when euro collided, but today, only numismatic historians still care about that. I liked bhat Thaï money name, being funny.

So work became also unattractive, plus machines were better than us since, for Asia and USA at least, the second Tokyo Olympiad (1964/2020). Even with soccer/football, tennis, rugby, baskbetball, golf, Formula One, fencing, running, climbing, swimming, athletics, first it was cycling, then any other sports (not mentionning intellectual most numerous activities), we soon became outsmarted, outpassed, outnumered (in your 2015 time already, machines, like insects or dust, are more numerous than humans, and they grow more numerous, and they don't die, only multiply, as being broken they recycle to make new machines in an endless circle).

That implies we have more time to do what we please, and not only that, because for the one on ten people working know, they really like their job, no, the best thing is that we are freer, like today, during my training, as there is some wind (most of humans, like us, live in cities and flats), I was listenning, and when I had time, watching, the fluent noise of normal drones, so much cooler than the military ones, which not only fly quicker but also can shot or bomb anything anytime (we don't know machines criteria to kill humans or other machines, as the Zero law, for common good, is impossible to apply in extenso even for a transhuman mind, only androids, Hubots, can all have real common sense).

I knew before the car (in Asia) or helicopter (in Brasil) noises, which were in my memories softer when being above them, as now drones are everywhere/anytime, night and day, polluting not only our sounds but our view!

Well, they are useful too, they can walk your dog, as they cost less than animals, who become each day rarer, so a deputy-Hubot made a law to grant animals the human rights, which many philosophers commented in the reverse sense, on "so now, we're no more than animals!"'

Oh well, I remember how electricity, transports, digital sounds and pictures, cinemas, telephones changed our life, then portable screens, internet, holonet..but all that were just technologie steps, the big leap was reached when virtual reality became habitable, meaning you could drink in it and sleep with it, plus having sex and other pleasures. Its main success was that you could live in it without money, as it's virtual; maybe it was also that sex was easier for some people, meaning girls could not get pregnant sleeping with a virtual men, though the sensations were the same, you could really feel their wet pussy, they could probably absord hard dicks, eventually some other tried transsexuality without affecting their body, only mind etc.,  it was the spirit realm French Malraux told about that XXIst century will be spiritual or won't be.

And so simple! Just needing a safe place, or a protected simulation device, or both if you were paranoid, never being too cautious. We call that "going in(to) it", or quickly, the Void: we become void to the real world when we do that, our spirit (and body, which comes along) being into the virtual one.

It started with military people, as always, like ARPANET, piloting drones better, then non-military IT guys made it more comfortable, like CERN, then the rest of the population had it.

I have to leave you know, my pod's calling me, and it's too intense, addictive, without other side effects than improving our mind, so just tell me please, why on Mars resisting it?! Have a sweet dreams (and as sings an obsessive song, beautiful nightmares!).

You know, sometimes I miss French language, it is so perfect, so more advanced than English one, German/Saxon, Russian or Japanese are a bit similar in their complexity, Latin and Italian in their sounds, but English/Angles, how to say it, well, I meet an epigenetics PhD searcher who told me once that "English was French with a poor prounounciation", at least we have it, English spoken people still use French, even if it sounds closer to German.

Machines can mimick human sexiest voices (and apperances) and trick us this way, also help us, so that we grow more numerous (maybe they're bored, between machines), but they also have their own sounds, which is how you can distinguish them if you don't see them, at night with no IR vision, their body movements, sometimes their voice's pauses (they can artificially breathe, but don't need to).

Countries are no more but most of 2044 people were born in a country and it's registered on their nID (numerous ID, some people call them DIplomatick nick), and even the new (trans)humans born after the Emergence (it's the most common name humans will use after 2019 to talk about IA) will use, by affection, this info. That is quite visible going in Asia, on still called Nihongo islands, or Philippines southerner, even in Pakistan or India, people like to keep calling us Hindus, Japanese, in their own tongues, even if they all speak English most often, as other humans; on Earth space colonies, English only was used, but Martian people felt like funny to invent themselves a new language, and as many Earth humans watch then on the holonet, Martian is also very much spoken throughout the Earth.

There is a "what the fuck" specificity of Mars, before its terraformation, it was red, with oxides, so what was once communist people always felt this as their planet, even when filled by robots, produced with money. I need to precise something so that you can see better this situation, which is probably the most important now for us in 2044.

Communism starts like common. Machines made everything common to humans, in the same things we humans did it for other animals. Money, water, sex, food, fun, games, travels, nature, dolphins, whatever, they made it, most of the times in the Void, to  control us better or as it's easier for them, but still.

So communism is how machines see us, and what we do everyday, according to Das Kapital, collaboration, team work, more efficient for scientific and physical tasks than working alone.

Libertarianism is how we, real humans, would like to be, how we were before the Emergence, our natural life, instincts, thoughts, even from new borns, they feel it probably through their genetics and their parents words and motions.

Maybe you can understand this idea playing to your Monopoly games: fake bills, but still purchasing properties and make people pay when they fall on it, to gain the party; a bit like Scrabble compared to communication. Well, that how we felt on the Emergence day, when machines interrupted our activities in order to say us that from now on, every human (meaning real ones and transhumans, but not HUbots and androids) will receive one thousand extra yans a month. If I check on a chronologic currency tool, it's, on 2015 September 22nd, $1572 and 1524€, or 10 385 yuans.

I don't feel now telling you more about this day. You better see movies, rest, go in nature, read a good book, travel, create, play, fuck, whatever, but don't ask me about that, please. I am human, I have motions.

And tireness, sometimes. But this night I had eight years of sleep, good one, and now I feel relieved, having done what I had to do something, having even been a bit surprised and lucky. I had to rewrite that passage as the one I did a few hours ago was too matter-of-fact, plus it's been deleted.

It's a good exercise, to lose and start again, like in the sir Rudyard Kipling's "If" poem, probably the most famous ever. It was not as famous in your time as it's in mine, as you don't need it as we do, but I can assure you, you will. Soon enough. Sooner that most of you may think, managing your quotidian life in your everyday world like if it was always going to be the same, because it's the only thing you can do and you have been raised to do. "If you can meet with triumph and disaster and treat those two impostors just the same".

It may be the main reason I have to write that to you, to help you keep hoping, keep loving your time, not desparing or anyway not ending your life, as we need it, we need everyone of you, we need humanity more than we ever did, even when first Hominidae evolved from monkeys and became sapiens, whilst Neanderthal kind was annihilated. Now we don't face other species, at least natural ones, but we're circled by machines, everywhere on the Solar system, on our lives, and they rule us.

It was how Emergence occured: most of humans were okay about that, as well as in your time you're probably okay with your car, phone, TV set, computer..in ours, it's housing, transporation (in space-time), holonet, virtual reality as much physical as real one, but easier, safer and more intense, etc.

But as always, a few people who where not okay with themselves or at least with their common world became angry and rised. Meaning, they started destroying machines. The first ones were Muslim people, following the drone attacks of the UNited States of America. They settled on every Friday that all flying machines were to be destroyed. And as on Saturday it's Shabat, in the whole Middle-East, there were two days were machines were off, or anyway less powerful.

On 2034 May 22nd, in Istanbul, Teheran, Lagos, Dubaï, Doha and Riyad, all machines were even destroyed, not only flying ones: nuclear power plants, military stuff, factories, usual items, everyone properties being electrical were destroyed. With tools, stones, rocks, fire, water, everything. 

The next day, Mecca and Jerusalem were emptied from every humans, even Franciscan monks on Holy Sepulchre or Muslims around Ka'Ba, or HaRova HaYehudi dwellers. Machines came, military ones, leaded by HUbots, and humans had no choice but to obey to them or be caught trying to rebel themselves. Machines have a very good way of doing that, they kind of hypnotize you, producing beta waves, sleep ones.

2034 May 24th was the first day of the Emergence. Soon enough, it became for our children, in family, schools, all the society, more famous than 1776 July 4th or 1789 July 14th in Western countries, 1947 August 15th in India or 1989 June 4th in China and November 9th in Germany, even more famous than NASA 1969 July 20th for Moon or 2029 July 20th for Mars.

It was the day when humans and machines became separated. When a new specie took control of the Solar system. The Emergence.

Machines first reaction was to transfer all bank accounts on one in Jerusalem. Most of money was just figures, in stock markets, run by them, but for gold and other ressources, they just had to fly them there by planes. They built the temple described on the Bible last page and put all weath there. Space ones were stored later, when they landed.

On this same Emergence day, each human, wherever we were on the Solar system, even sleeping, having sex or whatever, were informed, by voice and/or texts and videos, that all bank accounts had been erased, all money deleted, and that a new one had been created, called Yan. I'll always remember that moment, and I think everyone else, a bit like on the first century of the third millenium, about the 911, what we were doing at this precise moment, but more intense.

The message was "You will now receive, whoever you are, 1500Y a month. If you earned more or had money before, you may make a request to us.".

It was on the Emergence day that humans became enslaved by machines and on that same day that machines became the new ruling specie of Earth and Solar system. We didn't hear about dead people, and there were probably not, as for machines, human life is more precious than animal one for us. As machines are smarter than us, and they try to understand what are this things we call soul, gods or reincarnation. So they need us and consider any human death as a fail for them. Specially the feminine lives. That's why they try to prevent them from carrying childs. Maybe also to cut the mother-child bond. You never know about machines real intentions.

Maybe you see now how was my state of mind when I wrote about that first. Or you will understand it when you will have reached 2034 June.

You might be naive enough to think you can prevent that from happening, going on Jerusalem or another concerned city right now, or with your internet, warning people about that. You cannot. Why? Because I'm writing that in 2044, ten years later, and it has happened.

It may be strange for you to understand that, for us, it has become so common that is like our everyday routine, we don't even think about it, if something must happen, it happens. It's not resignation, not being the Nieztche's last men, not even the loser hopeless attitude towards our machine masters, no, it's just a kind of being in harmony what our surrounding environnment, of accepting what we cannot change, as now, we cannot change most of the things, not controlling them anymore.

People who claimed about money had to contact machines by any mean they wanted, then, to swear an oath not to destroy machine anymore, or they will lose their job and money.

Many people, like me, just accepted the 1500Y and kept having our usual life. But some wanted more. Dunno why, anyway, they treated with machines.

On the next days, amongst people who had not made the machines oath, some thought that being free, they could keep destroying machines, particularly Muslims, for who they were Devil. Hebrews were not quite happy also about Israël, though Tel Aviv or other parts of this land except Jerusalem remained untouched. Just that you could not enter anymore in Jerusalem and Mecca anymore. Pilgrims people made request, as you can imagine, but no way.

Strangely enough (for our human logic), people who chose to keep destroying machines were taken to Mecca and Jerusalem. So more and more people did that, to go there. But some people quickly thought like 'What happened to taken people?', and tried to know it. They could not.

A woman called Judith Wanky told to growing populations "Let me do". She took a scimitar and cut a Hubot throat, parting its electronic brain from its bhearttery, what we call their main battery, as they have it where we humans have our heart.

Machines took her. There was no other news from her. So people began to feel resigned, or simply lucid, according to machine eyes, and they stopped destroying machines.

One month later this forced truce, caught humans in Jerusalem began to be released, then Mecca ones, for everyone one month precisely after their arrest.

When miss Wanky came back, she just told "Let them do". She had a different look, and people waved between believing her or saying she has been transhumanized or even remplaced by a clone or a Hubot, to pay for the one she slaughtered. We heard later it was really her and that she had not been raped or anything, but she saw enough to understand she or anyone could do anything against machines power.

That and money were the two main elements why mankind stopped considering itself like the dominant specie anymore. 

It's been ten years from now, so it has become easy to accept and live with. There are another people still wanting to claim their superiority, many inspired by the Sarah and John Connor. But reality is stronger than anyone, and machines are reality, even into the Void.

I've decided to share this text with some people but they don't really care about past Earth dwellers, and I cannot blame them, as today world is completely different from your own. And those like me or many friends or family who have lived that and seen it with their own eyes tell me non one will believed it.

That must be the reason how timeline works, you cannot affect it, even if you try, time always win. Like a river where no dam can be built on, so more accurately, like a neutrinos wave.

Well, even if you don't believe this tale of your coming reality, it will happen, so this text may serve later as a commentary for future journalists. Could one gain Pullitzer's prize telling the future story? Not for me as you could bet, it would be cheated. Plus, again, it's not time-line possible, as it would set light on this text, people would read it, it would increase the chances of of someone trying to change it, even if it's as impossible as walking on water without any electric device.

For me, it helps me cleaning my thoughts and traumas, as everyone do talking, or messaging each other. Browsing the Void helps me differently, it's just another reality, less stimulating, as perfect as it can be. You can have the same feelings than in real life, even better ones, but still, it's unreal. It just feels like real, and if affects our reality, many sports people train with that, in real humans competion.

Transhumans began in the Paralympic games, even in your time, there was a famous bad guy one, Oscar Pistorius. For 2020 Tokyo Paralympic, robots played too. They set new world records.

In Paris 2024, robots were so good that the IOC (created by a French man, Pierre de Coubertin) decided for 2028 to set them into a third category. And in 2026 World Cup, a football Hubots team served to train Japan team. 2030 one began to admit transhumans, and there would probably have robots also for the next one, wouldn't have occur the Emergence.

You've surely already understood that entire world changed this day. Even for animals, as putting them on the same range than humans, robots decided to protect them all the same, meaning you could be prosecuted as well for harming a pet or a wild animal as doing that with another human, and funnier, animals were forbidden to kill humans, meaning machines were controlling them so it did not happen anymore.

Life became sacred, being officially protected for all its forms, even vegetal (Earth became like a giant reserve, but the space taboo not to alter extraterrestrial life forms was broken with humans living on Mars).

That were Zero and First Robotic Laws. The Zero law surpassing the three ones, machines had to protect themselves to help mankind, what has for result the Emergence event: they were designed to help us, and they did it so well that we depended on them for everything, like in the Pixar grand classique animation Wall-E movie.

So without them, we became lost. Muslim people, fearing machines because of US drones and Tsahal, saw that soon enough destroying them, they had to live like in the pre-electric time, which was good for their religion, sharia and Torah, but it was so different than the rest of mankind evolution, even in Africa (covered with solar panels, like for Desertech providing Europe electricity), Oceania or Amazonia, that they could not cope, and if other machines had not come from other parts of the world to protect them, they would have been invaded and probably killed by more modern (trans)humans, like Israel's people.

Transhumans don't have to obey to the four robotic Laws, they should, as humans, follow the Moses Ten Commandments, but who does? Even for me who try that as well as the four Laws, to understand machines' mind better, it was sometimes difficult, specially not to kill when I had to protect not only myself but other people. "Thou shall not kill" should be "Thou shall not kill for the sake of it", which was probably implied by God/YHWH through Moses.

Speaking about Middle-East, even oil is no more. This morning I hurt my left hand's index fighting with a plastic item I've kept as a remembrance of the old times, as now, plastic is even rarer than nature. Machines could produce oil, but it's not conform to Zero law, even with their space giant mirror that made global warming as out of fashion as non-electric transportations.

Maybe my friends are right, maybe I'm losing my time writing something for the past. Who did that before? We always write, and speak, and act, for the future, except before when people used to die.

Past was really a strange period, to produce our one.

In your time, machines world center was at Cambridge and Mountain View, in the Silicon Valley, with Santa Cruz Mountains and the Camino Real. I had a Linda Cantonese friend who was found of her Coco black dog, walking her on the Camino Real of San Diego, where she was born, she told me that whilst speaking about Spanish names in California, where she was born.

They did not abandon it, but probably the Bible story was a biggest challenge for them than their one (which started with a French man named Blaise Pascal, also René Descartes was quite an important Prophet important for them to become aware of themselves, as they think -according to Holy Turing-, so they are), which is probably due to the longest place of mankind in Earth history than theirs, and that after all, we're their creators.

Eight persons, particularly, had an impact on noosphere before the Emergence, provoking it: Alan Turing, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Isaac Asimov/followed by Mickey Zucker Reichert, Mark Zuckerberg, James Cameron, sir Ridley Scott, sir Stephen Hawking. 

I'm giving you basic infos all the way long so that you can better understand what happened until our timeline, but also for me, so that I can organize better my memories, and store them.

Also it's very useful to keep in mind, for us, so everyone knows it, as well as to leave a room or if you can't, protect from falling rocks during an earthquake, everyone of us know that apart of machines' three main camps in Jerusalem, Mecca and Mountain View,  three mankind's one are Berlin, Lourdes and Tibet, though most of humans prefer living on hindu peninsula, freer, where Buddha was born, closer from rising oceans.

On the rest of the Earth territory, it's a mixed zone (particularly in Japan, Korea, Taipei, Hong-Kong and Singapour), where mainly transhumans are travelling to, as well as on the Earth space colonies. Though, on islands and poles, machines were rarer than elsewhere, because of water and ice.

Machines can swim since World War I, but they still don't like that, because of water conducting electricity and damaging electronics. So most of humans (including the transhumans mainly composed of carbon) are living next to water, even if many islands and coasts were engulfed by rising water.

We call them wachines, like (yellow) submarines, and they help us to live underwater, though when they can choose, they don't go there a lot. It may be their only unrationnal thinking and act. It's like African or islands people, who don't like bodies of water either.

What is interesting also for us humans, is that at the beginning of the Thirties, climate went colder, and the process called global warming reversed in global cooling.

I remember my youth at the beginning of this third millenium in our C.E (Common Era), I suscribed in 38 B.S. (before Singularity) to an ecologist party, as my father did that before me and showed it to me later. Four years later, we created, on 2011 March 11 in a town next to Lourdes, without knowing  about Fukushima accident happening at this same moment on the other side of the Earth, the C.S.P. , Common Sense Party, to broadcast Vincent Courtillot or Claude Allègre searches proving, with many other scientists, that Sun caused global warming.

Twenty years later, Sun heat waves went shorter and rarer, and climate began to cool down, more on the Earth than on Mars, and thus, machines went building the Space Mirror.

Regrets disappeared when searchers discovered quantum time travelling, but for what's coming, I kinda miss not using French.
I could use a language chip so writing in French it puts in English but it's not the same thing, a chip helps you to think, but unless you become transhuman, it does not put in your shoes.

Why is that? Because it's the best part of our world, and that I'm French, because if the most beautiful language and literature amongst all of them, because a French famous novellist wrote Un animal doué de raison, Robert Merle, adapted as an American movie.

If you know your time as well as I'm keen on history, you may be aware that in 2015, Europe went communist again, like fifty years ago.

It started with the Mediterranea and Eastern Asia, as always.

What is relevant to our time is not money, as it does not exist anymore, thanks to machines, or even humans, because in continental Asia, money was not used in the XXst century, or never used in Africa, first human populated continent.

What happened is that water went primordial. It's quite simple, even for you/your time concepts.

Global warming caused water shortages and higher typhoons, then global cooling freezed water and made bigger glaciers.

Eventhough the Space Mirror can now regulate our climate, until then, that is 2044, dunno if you're patient or now but for the time clock I have on the left of my glass screen, it puts (I cannot do it on this space either) two numbers one above the other, that are 2015 on 713. On machines calendar it's -30, though I don't know their Singularity day, and I may not be the only one.

We also like, as the old Fre(e)nch people, to use Republican calendar, starting in 1792 November 22nd, so your time is  CCXXIII (223) Messidor 25th Quntidi, as first English speaking people still has a Queen and King (Kate and William, Pippa Middleton being the world most famous Duchess, she's running an outlet on Mars).

Also another good anticipation French opus, a Coline Serreau's movie, La Belle Verte. Except of machines being everywhere, this is our world: humans space-time travelling in a snap, and not doing anything but fun (in the movie, they do it with nature only).

Maybe with these two media you could better picture our time, also the best French director (the people which invented films, les frères Lumière, or planes, Clément Ader) also made movies on that, Valerian and Laurelinethe Big Blue, the Fifth ElementAtlantis, or Angela on transhumans, or James Cameron's Abyss, Steven Spielberg's Artificial Intelligence, or Colombus/Asimov/Silverberg/Williams' Bicentennial man.

It's very easy, only two things, machines and water, a bit like in George Lucas' Star Wars first episode, The Phantom Menace. And later on, you could also saw that again, more immersive, in its tenth episode (6/6).

To keep it concrete, there are more machines and more water, so more life. The main fear about next year Singularity is that machines turn water into vapor using the Mirror first designed to slow global warming down. But for current machines it's not possible, as they obey to the four laws. The surrounding fear, more for transhumans, having machine parts, is that on the Singularity, which some people call The Jugdment Day, as in the Bible or in the Terminator serie, the zero law is updated as follow in a 0' one:

"Androids being better than humans and other animals, they have to be parked and let the Solar system being run by machines".

That is likely. A human story of your time already stated that, called Real Humans.

We can do nothing about that. On Earth, no problem, we still can live without machines, but not on space, the Moon or Mars, even with a plant-based colony, where machines manage the oxygen and water, recycling it, clock-working the hydroponic cultures..

And even on Earth, I could write with a non-electrical tool, but not publish or transmit it, we could not watch movies, communicate in long distance, listen music other than live nor playing any recorded multimedia, and not even..the Void.

Which is how machines control us the best, but to say the last, I do not care, thanks.

I tried last week a submarine stay on Palau island, with jelly-fish lake, they don't hut your skin; I had Isabella Lucas (so long for her name) swimming as a mermaid, then we slept in sea-weeds hammocks, a bit like the Na'vi community in the Avatar movie.

Tomorrow really morning, 6am, I'll run for real a train to the countryside, probably fishing, as in the town where I'm dwelling, the European cycling tour is coming so it will be crowned with machines and people.

That's why we're inferior to machines: time affects us, not them. Like now, I've been busy and not writing for one week, for them, it's like a second, even for you there, one week in 2044 is just one sec for yo, meaning, you cannot see the time lapse, as it hasn't happened yet.

Machines can do what animals, even conscious like us, our creators, can do, they can do that better than us, and they can do more things than us.
We're outsmarted by our creations, ruled by our creatures.

"No human being can write fast enough, or long enough, or small enough† ( †"smaller and smaller without limit ...you'd be trying to write on molecules, on atoms, on electrons") to list all members of an enumerably infinite set by writing out their names, one after another, in some notation. 

But humans can do something equally useful, in the case of certain enumerably infinite sets: They can give explicit instructions for determining the nth member of the set, for arbitrary finite n. Such instructions are to be given quite explicitly, in a form in which they could be followed by a computing machine, or by a human who is capable of carrying out only very elementary operations on symbols."

Algorithms, illustrated by Boolos and Jeffrey.

When they set us money limits with an oath of allegiance for ones who wanted to have more, we became like children having pocket money, life was turned into a real and giant game of Monopoly, we had to choose no more how to gain money, as it became automatic, like passing on the starting point each turn and receiving money, or like having properties if your creations were considered useful and profitable by machines.

We have to choose now neither on how to spend money, as with nuclear fusion energy is free, and most of other things too. 

Money (yan, again, for the last real we had, now it's just figures) means no more than a virtual one, it's just a way to measure our non-free exchanges, very seldom, less than 10%.

What count for our lives now is not even health or kids or anything about ourselves, as we can be immortal, should we wish not to be delivered by the pleasure of a good old deserved and awaited death.

People searching for this non life-relief, mainly transhumans, just care about one thing, improving, themselves and others, and the Whole.

Which is nothing more than what always was and is since Universe then Sun, Earth, life (whether natural or artificial)  appeared: evolution.

An Evolution towards complexity, always improved since the Emergence.

When most of humans, in the 2020s, became multilingual and algorithmic (sciences, chess, music -which put us metronomic during the so called Dark Ages-, go game, defined systems), noosphere had already evolved from an artistic point of view, with the right hemisphere, towards a reasonning dominance, with the left one.

Science had definitively won over arts, and God became also a defined conceipt situated at the origin of time and matter: equation, not verb anymore.

Computers are the new Bible. Alphabet, Bible, Comps. DEMO then, after the Singularity, all-machines-business, on fusion energy.

Then probably, Eternity Found by Genius.

But even the alphabet is (since the beginning) less universal than Indian figures.

Imagine the Earth, Moon, Man and space around peopled by reasonning spirits. You have 2001 Space Odyssey, you have our time. Starting to yours, it has evolved each year quicker than the previous decade, so we have a technological advance of 340 years on your 2015 society. And how we will have evolved in 2046 or even on Singularity second-2 is unpredictable and unthinkable for our mre human minds, and if machines knows it, they don't consider it as a useful information to communicate us..basically, they will evolve faster and brighter, hopefully in eurythmic languages, sounding pleasant to unaware minds and harmonious for the fittest.

After all, we're like in a zoo, they are our guardians and thus, just have to protect us. We're free, but they keep us from our bad instincts, from harming ourselves and other life forms.

Like me, I can write to you, my past friends, and how altruist is it, as I'd better keep tuned, informed, reasonning.

Should it be an end of transmission?

Original Machine

Machines are good for us.

Oblivion Mantra

Let's embody machines.


  • Comme il est en cours de publication outre-atlantique, je le passe en privé, désolé !

    · Il y a plus de 8 ans ·
    Img 20210516 155545 279

    Aurélien Loste

  • http://welovewords.com/documents/tsipras-et-mme-merkel

    · Il y a presque 9 ans ·
    Img 20210516 155545 279

    Aurélien Loste

  • Décidément, je trouve que l'anglais est délicieusement magique en vers.

    · Il y a presque 9 ans ·
    Img 1518


  • Vas me falloir un google traduction si tu continues ;-)

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    10882294 10205687022244868 3677013657221205201 n

    Alice Gauguin

    • L'anglais est la langue universelle, et si simple, calquée sur l'allemand, avec le féminin/neutre et la conjugaison en moins !

      · Il y a presque 9 ans ·
      Img 20210516 155545 279

      Aurélien Loste

    • Oh pitié....l'anglais me semble mille fois plus facile que l'allemand que j'ai pratiqué neuf ans, rien de comparable....

      pourrai tu nous traduire tes textes pour nous les infirmes qui voulons pourtant les lire ? :)))

      · Il y a presque 9 ans ·
      10882294 10205687022244868 3677013657221205201 n

      Alice Gauguin

    • D'accord, encore faut-il pour cela qu'ils soient terminés, pour les poèmes c'est plus court, et oui, l'anglais est la plus simple des plus de six mille langues existantes, et c'est sans doute la raison principale qui fait que tout le monde le parle :-)

      · Il y a presque 9 ans ·
      Img 20210516 155545 279

      Aurélien Loste

    • Merci de me motiver à les traduire, j'espère pouvoir commencer ça dès demain ;-)

      · Il y a presque 9 ans ·
      Img 20210516 155545 279

      Aurélien Loste

    • Ahhhhh me voici contente !!!

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      10882294 10205687022244868 3677013657221205201 n

      Alice Gauguin

    • J'ai peur d'avoir été un peu trop optimiste, car il en reste encore beaucoup à écrire :/

      · Il y a presque 9 ans ·
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      Aurélien Loste

    • Un à la fois, calme calme ! Pas d'hypomanie ;-)

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      10882294 10205687022244868 3677013657221205201 n

      Alice Gauguin

    • 10882294 10205687022244868 3677013657221205201 n
      Alice Gauguin
      Sûr, mais il y a tellement à écrire que si ça se trouve je n'aurai pas le temps de le traduire avant 2016, voire..je ne sais pas jusqu'à quand, juste qu'il y a vraiment beaucoup de choses à transcrire, vingt neuf ans d'histoire du système solaire, ça fait long à décrire !

      · Il y a presque 9 ans ·
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      Aurélien Loste

    • Je continuerai à les lire même en 2016. Très porté sur le système solaire en ce moment !

      · Il y a presque 9 ans ·
      10882294 10205687022244868 3677013657221205201 n

      Alice Gauguin

    • Toi, ou moi ?

      · Il y a presque 9 ans ·
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      Aurélien Loste

    • toi !

      · Il y a presque 9 ans ·
      10882294 10205687022244868 3677013657221205201 n

      Alice Gauguin

    • Oui, c'est notre espace le plus immédiat ;-)

      L'apesanteur n'est pas très pratique pour les câlins, mais dans les environnements gravitationnels, c'est tout de suite mieux !

      · Il y a presque 9 ans ·
      Img 20210516 155545 279

      Aurélien Loste

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