You've done it
You've done it
Now you're free
Decades of poems
Full nights of films
The French ones
That we discussed
The one you pointed
To me
Doing efforts
In your accent
Loyal lieutenant
We shared
Poetry events
The same
I told you
My dull stories
You said yours
I gave you some lifts
You offered me tips
Then something happened
By this world
We lost the plot
You mowed the lawn
I got estranged
You unloaded luggage
I vanished
As for rimes
It went distorted
Like the time
We couldn't hold
There's a music
That plays
In a sombre corner
Of my soul
But also
There is
Your laugh
Over the absurd.
Illustration : Giaco, Two tarts and the vicar
Music: Patrick Ytting, Voyage en Eau Douce
I hope all will be well, so many scars, so much pain, but everybody will die.
· Ago 10 months ·To think that one must wait for the death of a friend before understanding what is lost forever.
Christophe Hulé
Thanks for your contribution. Perhaps someone should do the same for HL.
· Ago 10 months ·enzogrimaldi7
Qu'il repose en paix. Bel hommage à votre ami. De tout cœur avec vous.
· Ago 10 months ·sophiea
Merci à vous. Nous connûmes de grands moments. Et puis, les temps devinrent impitoyables avec les poètes. R.I.P.
· Ago 10 months ·enzogrimaldi7