HMB0200@2 : Ljubopitni Manifesti (Politistika) : CHast Vtora : : 2000 : Mirski-Bis
Chris Myrski
You just copy (acc. to the lang.) what you see and give to your friends. And then search me in the Internet. And give me some other sites for free ...
÷÷÷ To tell you the truth I represent two persons, one real and one pseudonymous. The real one was born in the middle of the last century in one country called Bulgaria (which now turned to be European poorest area), in an ancestrally intellectual family. As a result of this I have received two and a half tertiary educations in the exact sciences and in three different countries, and at the moment know three and a half foreign languages. In view of this I have worked in various scientific institutes as research assistant in the end, and /because/ of my higher education I ... have remained unemployed from the beginning of our democracy and for more than a quarter of a century until now I at last am pensioner with — you will never imagine this — a pension of a bit less than ... /three bus tickets daily/ for /all/ expenses! Did you get it?
÷÷÷ So, and by this circumstances it is not surprising that I have become democratic dissident, or intelligent laic, or research unemployed assistant, or (the biggest in the world) /demo-critical/ realist, or the like. Yet because of my scientific education, natural inclination to moderate judgements, as well as my then middle age, I have been (and am) sophisticated enough for to deny nothing /totally/ (how the ordinary people usually do) and have begun to ponder about the pluses of the minuses and vice versa, about the democracy and life in general, finding an interesting for me occupation. In this way I have naturally come to expressing myself in publicistic materials, popular-scientific researches, all kinds of untraditional thoughts, etymological guesses and parallels between (in principle) /all/ languages, and also finding consolation and pleasure in writing of (usually) funny (but also philosophical and other) verses with sound “nursery” rhymes, and this in /three/ languages (Bulgarian, Russian, and English), because otherwise I got often bored. And this was my second “face”, the creative or literary, though chiefly as /non/-fiction writer (although I have some SF stories and poetry, as said). I have published things on several Russian sites, also in three languages, but as far as in 2017 I finished the translation of all my (translatable, i.e. prosaic) things in English I have decided to begin to ... conquer the Western world, so to say. And, come to think about, why not?
÷÷÷ As I see I am mostly read in Bul., then in Rus., and then in Eng. So that I ask you: do you, really, so much ... hate the Englishmen?
You just copy (acc. to the lang.) what you see and give to your friends. And then search me in the Internet. And give me some other sites for free ...
Now I load the Manifests in 5 langs, in this special universal format with only basic Latin, which is good for copying of my works. So that copy al...
You just copy (acc. to the lang.) what you see and give to your friends. And then search me in the Internet. And give me some other sites for free ...
Now I load the Manifests in 5 langs, in this special universal format with only basic Latin, which is good for copying of my works. So that copy al...
You just copy (acc. to the lang.) what you see and give to your friends. And then search me in the Internet. And give me some other sites for free ...
Now I load the Manifests in 5 langs, in this special universal format with only basic Latin, which is good for copying of my works. So that copy al...
You just copy (acc. to the lang.) what you see and give to your friends. And then search me in the Internet. And give me some other sites for free ...
Now I load the Manifests in 5 langs, in this special universal format with only basic Latin, which is good for copying of my works. So that copy al...
You just copy (acc. to the lang.) what you see and give to your friends. And then search me in the Internet. And give me some other sites for free ...
Now I load the Manifests in 5 langs, in this special universal format with only basic Latin, which is good for copying of my works. So that copy al...
You just copy (acc. to the lang.) what you see and give to your friends. And then search me in the Internet. And give me some other sites for free ...
You just copy (acc. to the lang.) what you see and give to your friends. And then search me in the Internet. And give me some other sites for free ...
You just copy (acc. to the lang.) what you see and give to your friends. And then search me in the Internet. And give me some other sites for free ...
You just copy (acc. to the lang.) what you see and give to your friends. And then search me in the Internet. And give me some other sites for free ...
You just copy (acc. to the lang.) what you see and give to your friends. And then search me in the Internet. And give me some other sites for free ...
This is intro to a special universal format for all langs and transliterated with basic Latin, which is good for copying of my works. So that copy ...
This is intro to a special universal format for all langs and transliterated with basic Latin, which is good for copying of my works. So that copy ...
This is intro to a special universal format for all langs and transliterated with basic Latin, which is good for copying of my works. So that copy ...
This is intro to a special universal format for all langs and transliterated with basic Latin, which is good for copying of my works. So that copy ...
This is intro to a special universal format for all langs and transliterated with basic Latin, which is good for copying of my works. So that copy ...
In Bulgarian. Това е пак сборен материал, за редица важни идеи на бъдещето, като: лошия капит-зъм, бъдещия соц-зъм, нова свободна експлоат-ия, необ...
In Russian. Это сборный материал, о ряде идей будущего, как: плохой капитализм, будущий социализм, новую свободную эксплуатацию, экспроприацию посл...
This is again motley material about several important ideas of the future, like: the bad capitalism, the future socialism, a new and better free ex...
In Russian. Это как бы утопическое эссе о самом лучшем будущем Болгарии, оно написано популярно и с учётом ряда новых моментов после прихода демокр...
This is my last book with publicistics, or philosophical judgments about everything, which are chiefly cynical (i.e. realistic), also with some ety...
This is mixed collection of funny, philosoph., sexy, and other verses, divided by languages, where only the poetry (with explans) as %s as full giv...
In Bulgarian. Това са НФ (или соц-ни, утоп-ни) разкази, от 1979 и до 2023. Те са съвсем различни, в някои има етимологии, или те са платон. диалози...
In Russian. Это НФ (или соц-ные, утоп-ие) рассказы, с 1979-го и до 2023-го. Они очень разные, в них даже этимологии, или это платоновские диалоги, ...
These are SF (or social, utopian) stories, from 1979 till 2023. They are quite different, some deal with etymologies, or are Platonic dialogues, ye...
In Bulgarian. Това са НФ (или соц-ни, утоп-ни) разкази, от 1979 и до 2023. Те са съвсем различни, в някои има етимологии, или те са платон. диалози...